• Survivor:
    We all live in Teldrasila. Its like the renassance times, but, there is modern warfare in our once humble and gorgeous homeland. Elves are very in-tune with nature. Especially the elements and animals. We were all part of the Ranal tribe, and, when war rained down, our elders tried to harness and contain our peaceful nature.

    Well, that didnt work.

    Eventually, we were defeated.The most powerful elven tribe (there are three and ours was the smallest), bombed us. The once hunble and wonderful Teldrasilans, bombed our home, about 1/4 of Teldrasila (where we lived), and killed many of our people, but we survived. Our tribe had seet us hunting n the Unclaimed lands(the only unclaimed 1/4 of Teldrasila), and, when we heard explosions, we ran to the tallst mountain and sa everything. Our home was gone.

    We are the only elves left after the war. It ended the night after they blew our home up. How? They blew themselves up.

    It is or destiny to build back Teldrasila. To re-inhabit it and grow back the forests.

    Just...one small problem.

    THe woods are filled with unknown creatures that are savage and only a small amount are considered...freindly. We have to survive. for Teldrassila...for our sakes.

    Warroir Child:
    In this story, we r a grop of teens/tweens who have gotten sick of civilizaton or simply have nowhere else to go and are now exploring the fantasy country of Azeroth.

    Just one problem.

    The woods are filled with unknown dangers and many creatures that would rip your face off in a second. But, our hearty adventurers, or 'Warriors', are willing to risk their lives to keeping surviving out in the woods.

    Water Nymph:
    We are a grou of water elementals that have been banished for the overruing of the Fire elementals. Where have we been banished to? We have been banished a small island nation overruled with eil demonic creatures and evil natives. Ogres, and orcs to be exact.

    We must survive these harsh ndisions, and, evetually, find a wa to defeat the fire elementals and reclaim our homeland!

    So....you in? Or are to out????