“Alexa, hurry up I’ll be at the river ten years before you at this rate.”
“ Kendra, I’m not near as experienced at running through the jungle as you. Don’t you remember my mum doesn’t like me out here? I practically had to get on my knees and beg her to let me go today.”
Alexa finally broke through the thick of trees to reveal the crystal clear river that flowed through the middle of the jungle. Kendra turned to look at Alexa.
“Good thing your mother made you change out of that hideous dress, you’d be a kite caught in the trees by now.”
“It wasn’t that bad, but I’m glad to be rid of it. So where are we going again?”
“ To the waterfall. Cole wants to play hide-and-go-seek. He says he knows some good hiding places. Come on.”
Kendra led the way, she always did. She was adventurous, mischievous, and a bit of a troublemaker. She’d start fights at school and join fights just for fun. She snuck out a lot and some times pulled pranks on the adults. She had short light brown she always pulled back and refused to where dresses unless they were long enough to put a pair of shorts on under them. She loved the outdoors and sometimes slept there instead of her house.
Alexa, on the other hand, was shy, timid, and obedient. She is a little younger than Kendra. She always listens to her mother, but she tries to be independent for the most part. Her mother is sister to a queen so she’s in and out of dresses all day. Kendra tries to get Alexa to break free and put her foot down, but she barely feels right ordering maids and servants around. She has long black hair that’s put up in too many ways to count, but when she’s out with Kendra it’s put into a long braid. Her eyes are a lighting blue, or that’s what her father had said. Cole says they were blue, but got sun-bleached. She loves the jungle, but is too weary to enter them alone.
“It’s about time the princess and the royal jester got here”, Cole called from a ledge jutting for the cliff the waterfall poured down from.
“Why, was the king getting grumpy? Did he miss his nap time?” Kendra was always picking at Cole.
“Did you come to play or to be beheaded? Come on your burning sun-light.” Cole grabbed a vine and slid down to the earth.
“So where are these ‘cool’ hiding places?” Kendra asked.
“All around, that’s where you’ll find us ‘cause Kendra’s it! Alexa come on she’s never gonna find you.”
Kendra growled, but counted all the some. Cole dragged Alexa to the waterfall and pushed her in the cave behind the falling water.
“Careful it’s wet so don’t fall. Remember don’t let her tag you,” he whispered even though the roar of the waterfall easily covered his voice. He was about to run to his hiding place, but Kendra had finished counting.
Kendra, not caring about getting wet, jumped into the river and swam under the fall. Alexa backed further into the cave. When Kendra came up she took another step and slipped. Her scream echoed throughout the cave.
“Alexa!” Kendra and Cole yelled together.
“I’m okay, I just fell,” she said getting up.
When she was standing she moved her foot and kicked the rock she fell on. It moved she kicked it again.
“It’s just loose,” Kendra said going over to kick it herself.
“Yeah, but look behind it. There’s light on the other side,” Alexa said pointing to the space behind the rock.
Indeed there was light pouring into the dark cave. Kendra got down on her knees and began tugging at the rock. Alexa and Cole automatically began helping her. It took all three of them to move the soccer ball-sized rock. When it was out of the way more light spilled into the cave.
“Come on we’ve got to move some more,” Kendra barked.
“We don’t know what’s on the other side.”
“Yeah, I’m with Alexa. What if it’s dangerous?” Cole added.
“Okay, how about we go and find out what’s over there and if it’s dangerous we’ll come back and cover the hole. How’s that sound?” Kendra asked trying to be nice.
“Ok, but if something happens then I’m making you were a dress for a whole day,” Alexa said firmly.
“Ok, agreed, but it can’t be pink. So weaklings put your back into it, this rock isn’t going to move itself. On three lift. One… two… three! Lift!” Kendra grunted.
The rock was lighter than expected. It was tossed out of the way and made a hole big enough to crawl through. Kendra looked at Cole and Alexa before she pulled herself through. When on the other side she called through to hole for them to follow. After all three children had crossed through they stared blinking into the light.
“Where is that light coming from? It can’t be the sun, we’re underground, right?” Alexa asked.
“I would think so, being there’s a river above this cave,” Kendra tried to answer.
“Not cave,” Cole stared, “this is another world. Don’t you see that is a sun, but not our sun.”
“What a bunch of eight-year-old nonsense. Hello, we’re still on planet Earth, this can’t be another world. Your just-”
“No! This is another world, see the trees, they’re not like ours. Just look around,” Cole said with a bit of a temper.
But he was right the trees were different. It was summer, but the leaves were colored for fall and they were constantly falling. When one leaf fell another leaf replaced it on the tree. The ground was covered in leaves.
A small trail led deeper into the forest. Kendra started to take a step, but Alexa grabbed her arm.
“It doesn’t seem dangerous. And if it is I’ll wear the pink dress okay?”
“No I just don’t know who might live here. Or what. They might be dangerous and I don’t want you to get hurt,” Alexa pouted.
Kendra ran down and picked up three sticks. She tossed one stick to Alexa and one to Cole. “We’ll be the dangerous ones. No longer are we kings, princesses, or royal jesters. We, now, are Knights and warriors. Onward we march! To victory!”
“Hur-rah!” yelled Cole.
“Hur-rah!” echoed Alexa.
“We take up our blades and slash any and all who crosses us. Now who will be the captain of this noble army by a fair vote?”
“I vote Kendra,” said Cole yelling again.
“Really? Well I vote Alexa. And now it’s up to her to decide captain. After all she is the one who found this place.”
“Me? But why? I have less courage than a bug. I can’t be captain,” she said in a small voice.
“The reason I want you to be captain is because I see something in you that reminds me a lot of myself. But you still have the final word on who will lead this convoy to victory. Or to just explore uncharted lands.”
“I like exploring. Okay, I vote in favor of myself. But you’ll help me right Kendra?” she asked.
“Of course, when you need it. So what be our heading cap’n?” Kendra asked standing at attention.
“Well as captain I will make you in charge of the ship’s direction,” Alexa said
“Aye-yi,” Kendra saluted.
“What can I be in charge of cap’n Alexa?” Cole asked.
“Hmm… you be the lookout and tell us if you spot something or someone. Okay?”
“Aye-yi,” Cole said copying Kendra’s salute. “Cap’n trail ahead, do we follow?”
“Yes we do. Headmaster ready when you are,” Alexa said to Kendra.
They began down the trail into the strange new world. On the path that saw a lot more trees. The further in the forest they walked the thicker the trees grew. They came to a fork in the trail and a small sign named the trails but the letters were strange.
“Which way cap’n?” Kendra asked.
“Uh…I guess the Market spot, that doesn’t sound to dangerous, but let’s get off the trail just in case.”
“Sounds good to me,” Kendra shrugged.
They all ran to the trees and crept along silently towards the market. What was in sight was wooden buildings, some bearing names like “Food Stop” or “Mud Bar”. There were strange creatures that came out of the “Mud Bar”. They looked like oversized pigs from the waist up, but below resembled the body of a goat. On the road pulling a large cart by a rope was a giant wolf with golden colored claws. A shimmering light quickly flew by them and Kendra stopped Cole from gasping. The Market was full of strange creatures.
“Ouch! Something hit me,” Kendra said.
“Oww! Me too,” wined Cole.
There was a rustling behind them and a few more things were thrown. Alexa raised her stick and hi a few rocks flying towards her. She picked up a rock and threw it nailing one of the attackers in the head. The other attackers disappeared after that. They all walked over to the attacker Alexa hit.
“Why, it’s just a child,” Kendra said.
“No, look at it’s face. It’s covered in freckles,” Cole pointed out.
“A lot of people have freckles,” she said back.
And at that moment the child’s eyes popped open to reveal bright purple orbs. Then it jumped up and scurried away.
“Now that wasn’t normal,” Kendra said wide-eyed.
“If that wasn’t human than what was it?” Alexa asked.
“It’s a felimp or to you a cross between an elf and an imp,” said a voice behind them.
The shimmering light that passed them before had came back and landed on a tree branch. The light flickered out and what looked like a very small human with dragonfly wings stood on the branch.
“You’re a fairy right? My mum would read me stories about creatures like you,” Alexa said.
“Yes, I am young one. And you are a human child that should not be here.”
“Why is that?” Alexa asked the fairy.
“Ever since the war the creatures of this land have not liked humans. It is not safe because some creatures think the humans that lived here will attack again.”
“What about you, do you hate humans?” Kendra angrily.
“Have you not heard the storied? Fairies love humans. We help them when we can. That’s why I’m helping you or at least warring you.”
“Do you have a name?” Cole asked.
“Yes, and it’s Starspeck,” said Starspeck.
“What are the other creatures called, like the half pig and half goat, or the giant wolf?” Alexa asked.
“The pig-goat is a pog, they’re rather mean, and the wolves don’t really have a specific name except their own. So what may I call you three?” asked Starspeck.
“I’m Alexa, the captain of this loyal crew.”
“I’m Kendra, the headmaster and second in command.”
“And I’m Cole, the lookout.”
“And a excellent crew you three make.”
They all quickly got quite for the wolf pulling the cart was coming sown the trail beside them. The wolf stopped and left the cart. He was sniffing the air and walking towards the children. The fairy flew up towards the wolf and landed on it’s snout.
“Why you snoutin’ out my site flea bag?” she growled at the wolf
“I thought I smelled human scum but now I see why, besides I don’t have fleas,” he growled back.
“That’s what they all say,” she mumbled flying back.
The wolf went about his business, but to be safe they waited until he was out of sight before talking again.
“That was kind of mean,” Alexa said to Starspeck.
“Well, if there’s one thing those wolves don’t like it’s a hot tempered fairy. If they cross a mad fairy, the fairy might throw dust on them and wolves hate to fly,” she said. “So why are you here?”
“We’re exploring. Oh and where is here?” Alexa asked looking around.
“This is Dromez, it’s more of a world than a place. I don’t know how the human that put us at peace did it, but when you leave your world and cross over into this one yours is the exact same as you left it when you return. But weather you’re here or not this world still moves. I guess because this world can’t exist here where a cave should be.”
“Wait, a human put you at peace with what? And why do the creatures here hate humans?” Kendra asked confused.
“Oh boy this might take a while. Before I tell you I’m going to take you somewhere where we can talk with out the risk of being slaughtered. Ok so how do you all feel about flying? It’s only a short distance and I think I have enough dust,” Starspeck said flying up.
“Sure!” they all said at once.
Starspeck floated over them dropping glowing, golden flakes. Soon after all three children were floating in midair.
“All you have to do is think the way you want to go. And don’t look down if you don’t like heights. You might drop out of the sky,” she instructed. “Just follow me and do try to keep up, there are others who can fly that aren’t quite so fond of humans.”
Together they rose into the sky with the blue green light leading the way to Starspeck’s house. The children “oohed” and “awwed” at the vast layout of the land. Instead of going to a house like one in their world, they flew to a tree with massive branched. At the base of the tree laid a dog-looking creature with horns of an antelope, wings of a dragon, and the fangs of a snake.
Cole, driven by curiosity, flew closer to the creature. When it spotted him it jumped up and it’s mouth opened letting drop a long tong that almost touched the ground. Cole fell back in midair laughing. The creature turned it’s big head sideways and mooed at him causing Cole to laugh harder.
“That’s Cupid, my house guardian. He’s a runnerwing, he has no ties to the stories in you world. He looks vicious, and will be if you’re a robber, but he’s harmless if my dust is on a visitor,” Starspeck said petting the runnerwing.
“So, this huge tree is you home?” Kendra asked.
“Yes, but I have a few roommates. They live on the upper levels, but they’re away for a bit. So, if you kids want to hear the story of this land I suggest you follow me,” Starspeck spiraled into the tree.
She set out tea and some strange cookies that looked covered in glitter. She fluttered around the house and finally returned with a thick book that she dropped in the middle of the circle the children had made. A cloud of dust erupted form the old pages. Starspeck landed in front of it and opened the cover. The first page had a small couplet.
Humans are in a never-ending war,
Always having land and always wanting more.
“Your questions are answered in this book. It is the history of our land and lives. In the back in an index of most of the animals and creatures in this place.” She opened to the middle of the book and began reading. “…And in the wake of war the shaman called Saqura appeared between the lines of both races. The humans wanted the land and to be rid of their self-made enemies. The creatures just wanted to keep their land and be left alone. Before any blood could be shed the shaman thought up a plan that could solve the problems. He changed the landscape of the world. The humans lost the land but all the creatures, from peaceful elves and fairies to terrorizing dragons and imps, were placed in another world within the world. But since that day the creatures have been afraid the humans would find the world and try to dominate it. So to help this the shaman hid the world deep below fast flowing water which is hoped to never be found.” The book was shut.
“So, any more questions?” Starspeck asked.
“What will they do if they find us? The human haters?” Alexa asked.
“It depends if they are prone to violence. But there are many ways of hiding your kind, you know? Dressing you up like pixies or elves or even felimps.”
“Oh, I have a question, elves are told to be nice, and imps are mean. Why would they ever get together?” Cole asked.
“Well, there’s a story about that. After the shaman put us here a few creatures were very angry and wanted to be prepared for another attack. A female elf was angry because a human killed her son. So she got with an imp and told him that if the bred together the imp would look like a human child who would be more easily trusted. Once the humans invaded they’d send a few of their children over to cause havoc. And she’d finally have her revenge. Thus the felimp was born, which looks mare like a child covered in freckles,” Starspeck finished.
Cole’s stomach growled and everyone looked at him.
“What do you have as far as food goes?” he asked.
“Not much, that’s why I was heading to the store in the market. I have a few mushroom cracker sandwiches, but I doubt you’ll like that,” she said honestly. “I can go now, but I’m afraid to leave you alone out here. So, all of you in a line, I need to see which creature to dress each of you up as,” she buzzed around the room.
All of the children lined up from shortest to tallest. Starspeck investigated each of them closely.
“Kendra, with your green eyes and few freckles you’d be a pixie, but we’ve got to fix you’re hair. Alexa hmm…elf. I don’t have to change you much except for your clothes and find you a hat to hide your ears, but your black hair and brown eyes are perfect. Cole, I’d say felimp, but a young pixie would be more fitting for going to the market. Felimps tend to draw attention to themselves and cause a lot of trouble.”
“Wait I thought pixies were tiny like fairy size,” Alexa said confused.
“Well in your stories, they are another type of fairy, but here they are actually the size of a short human. They love to wear bright colors like purple, green, and orange,” she said quickly.
The little ball of light flew throughout the house and dropped several items on the table in front of them. Among the items were a long violet gown, a smaller darker violet cloak, red and orange food coloring, a green shirt and skort, and three hats, two purple and one green.
“This is the most appropriate attire I have for you to wear. Maybe at the market we can find some more things for you all,” Starspeck said happily. “How old are you all?” she asked.
“Eight,” said Cole.
“Ten,” Alexa answered.
“Twelve,” said Kendra.
“Kendra is the oldest, but Alexa is the captain, strange, but fascinating. I wish more humans had you way of thinking. So, to the market shall we?” She grabbed a handful of dust and threw it on the children.
- by Fireicestorm |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/11/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Dromez
- Artist: Fireicestorm
- Description: Three children stummble upon a new world of other beings
- Date: 02/11/2010
- Tags: dromez
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Comments (2 Comments)
- x_Graveling_x - 02/18/2010
- Oh, and also the children talk way too grown up, especially for the one that's 8. You should try to make them sound younger.
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- x_Graveling_x - 02/18/2010
- Interesting, except there a few spelling and grammar mistakes (you w-e-a-r clothing, not were or where). And the paragraphs describing the girls are really awkward, you should integrate that into the story instead of just stating it right up front.
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