• Chapter 1: Shingai Yoru part 1
    As quickly and as quietly as he could, the Cloud nin snuck out into the night. So far, he has obtained the main goal of his mission: kidnapping the Hyuuga heiress. He now had her in a tow, bound and gagged so she wouldn't cause him any trouble. A young four-year-old Hinata squirmed again under her kidnapper's arm. Unfortunately, the terrified girl wasn't able to run away and her screams were too muffled for anyone to hear.

    Somewhere in Konoha, a young Naruto was wondering around and lost his way back to his apartment. While he tried to find a way back, he recounted the night's events. First, he had dinner at Ichiraku's and than he sat down at that swing outside the academy. But after that . . .
    Naruto decided to get off the swing and return home. He slowly walked down the street and heard the villagers' voices drop down to low whispers. He knew it. He knew that the villagers were talking about him, but he just never understood why. Though the jinchuriki kept moving, he still couldn't help but to slow his pace as he felt the cold, all-too-familiar glares boring into him. He slightly tilted his head in the voices' directions while the words became clear.
    "Hey, over there, isn't that the demon brat?", asked one.
    "Yeah, you're right, that is him.", answered another.
    More hushed whispers followed, until they errupted into loud mob-like shouts.
    "It's the demon! Let's get him before he destroys the village!", one villager ultimately announced before the mob charged at Naruto. He tried to run as fast as he could and hid at every place he could find, but the violent crowd eventually found him. After the mob was finished with him, Naruto was left bruised and beaten in an alley. From there, he cautiously tried to search for his apartment while his wounds quickly healed.
    End Flashback
    Tears streamed down the boy's face as he looked back on the memory. Then he remembered what he had to do. He needed to go back home. Who knows what would happen to him if he stayed out in the street? What if that mob of villagers, or even worse, some ANBU found him? The young jinchuriki turned at a corner and looked around at his surroundings. What he saw made his eyes widen in horror and his face twist in anger.
    End of Chapter 1