• Is it wrong to be different? : Lynsi Story
    Lynsi is the "popular girl's friend" or "the third girl on the right" and she is proud of that too. Even thought the popularity come with a price; Lynsi wouldn't have it either way. From dating a lot of boys to heavy and hardcore partying, she did them all to become one of the popular girls. Until she began to have a huge crush on a really cute goth kid who is an well know artist in her high school (a.k.a the gothic boy with the sketch pad). But in order to date him and not lose her title that she worked on so long in school, Lynsi decides to transfer into her alter ego/her version of a "midnite rose".

    Is it wrong to be different? : Prue Story
    Prue was the type of girl who is not only on the geeky side, but also a loner; the one that no one would really miss. But when Prue only source of happiness dies, Prue is about to give up on life all together, until a strange and gothic type boy came and saved her from her worst enemy of all....,"herself".

    Is it wrong to be different? : Amber Story
    Amber is a Popular girl ; but was'nt a mean one, and she is not the type to have enemies; not face to face though. "She is the perfect girl" what her neighbors would say to each other. But things began to change for her, when the new kid comes to town. Amber is happy to make new friends and willing to study the ways of their cultures in doing so. But when her parents finds out the culture her new friend/the new kid, Amber's mother (a.k.a Queen of the P.T.A's) espically, grown conscern to the point where she is ready to make a mountain out of a mole hill to get rid of the new kid. Amber is now stuck with the choice of befriending the new kid (who so happens to be goth) and risk getting bad reps and losing her popularity title to another girl at school or ditch the new kid and go on with her life as is.