• Twas many a year ago when he awoke. He was a great warrior and thirsted for blood of young curvaceous women with Large breast and big hips and short hair cuts too, Oh and every time they entered a room the song "Koop Island Blues" would Play (Look It Up!). Also they would talk in sexy Latin accents even though their skin was as pale as the driven snow. So as the vampire was leaving his den my character from Demons Souls was there and he was like "stop Demon" and i was all like "what are you doing here Jin" And he was like "He killed my family" and then i was like "Dude i had no idea if i known that i wonted have made you kill demons" and then he was like "its okay we had fun i didn't mind biggrin " and somewhere in all that the Vampire escaped.

    Then twas many years later once again when he appeared in the emerald lands of the holy city. He was in the emerald halls of holy high schools in the Holy city. There he looked upon the large breasted sex ladies that taught the children of the Holy City. It was said by many of the scholars in the Holy city that the teachers were the sexiest in all of the land. Many of the students were greatly distracted by the large boobs as they handed out textbooks and cheers of joy would be let out when pencils fell to the floor and the teacher would bend over showing the large and shapely bottoms to all the class. Of course our vampire friend saw such women and desired them more than anything.

    Twas a week time when he made his move upon the helpless teacher, as she graded papers. “Hello teacher” said he. “Why hello what brings you at this juncture” said she. “Just looking for some sexy lady” slyly he spoke to her. This charm made it hard for the teacher to resist him and so she was naked ready for the love making. Now I can’t tell you what happens but the teacher was so freaky and so perverted so hot and so down right depraved that if she were to travel to the old worlds of yore she would be the fertility goddess within a month. Needless to say the Vampire was so shocked by this amazing women he fled the room where in he was murdered by my character from Demon Soul, after he got though some emotional times. After that the sexy teacher went on to teach the students of the holy city and fulfill her depraved triple X rated life in private, the details of which we will never be able to go into ever. EVER