• He thinks hes a monster. That he can't be near anyone without hurting them. . . or killing them. ''I can't let anyone else get hurt. I'm sorry,'' Bryan says looking down, not wanting to meet my eyes. He grabbed his bag and walked out of his dorm. I stood there shocked, I couldn't move my body at all. I don't want him to suffer, but I don't want him to leave. I. . I. . ., I think. For about three minutes i stood there, wondering what I should do. I turned and ran. Ran after him, not knowing if he's gone or not.
    I finally caught up with him almost to the academy gates. The moon shining bring and the stars so beautiful in the sky. I ran to him and hugged him. His back was to me so I didn't see his face. ''I don't want you to go! I never want you to leave. You have been going threw this for seven years and you were all alone! I won't let you be alone for any longer,'' I told him starting to tear up.
    He loosened my arms and turned around. I looked into those blue eyes of his. He had the look of him suffering and care. He just looked at me, then hold me in his arms. My arms were around him and I buried my face in his chest. We were like that for what seemed like an hour. ''Emma,'' he said tilting my head up so our eyes meet, ''I'm so sorry. I just. . . I didn't want anyone to know about me. . . what i am.'' I took his face and my voice was stern ,''I don't care about what you are. The only thing i care about is who you are. No matter what you may be. Please don't go. . .don't go,''I whispered the last two words, finally crying.
    His eyes widden with shock then he wiped my tears. He held me once more the we pulled arpart. He turned and started to walk away, but I took his hand and made him turn around. I got on my toes and kissed him, still crying. He stood there frozen for a while then kissed me back and held me close. ''I don't care if your a vampire. . .I don't care about anything,'' I told him as our lips parted,'' I love you. . .'' He smiled and whispered,''As I love you.''
    Our lips met once more, his softly brushing against mine. He grabbed his back and walked me back to my dorm. The whole time his arm was around me. I will always be there for him. I will be the one he can count on. I will the the one who shall give anything for him, I thought as I looked up at the sky and smiled and layed my head on his arm. We walked to my dorm silently, but now has begun a dangerous beginning. For there will be people that shall try to kill Bryan, and try to start the next war. . . the war for everyone's life.