• Sitting in my comfy chair, by the fire I start noticing the light streaming through the window; As the full moon starts coming over the horizon. I slowly fall asleep reading Witches in Flight; an anthology. I wake up just moments before sunrise and with just enough time to feed the cats before full sunlight. I busily prep for the day. I lock the doors and pulled the shades and watered the plants. I returned to my room, and started daydreaming. I had to think of something special, Halloween was just a few days around the corner, and I hadn’t planned a thing. Needing something to do until it was dark again I decided to polish my broom, so it was fly ready on Halloween. I find the broom easily, but the polish I think has been misplaced. I decided to check the closet, hoping maybe it’s there. On my way however I trip on a pebble. I just laughed it off that I had tripped, not realizing that it was a magical wish granting pebble. In the very back of the closet I found the polish and broom polishing instructions. Once I’ve acquired everything I go back upstairs and sit down in my little rocking chair, and lay the broom out in front of me.

    I start thinking about how cool it would be to have a TV set so I could watch the spooky news. I’ve always been kinda cheap so I hadn’t ever bought myself one. Just as I wished for one, a TV set popped up right where I had imagined one.

    The morning spooky news was done by a pretty uninteresting ghoul. I switched channels and watched “ Who wants to be a ghost ; with host Regis Ghoulbin” The show ended just as I put the last coat of polish on my broom. I turned off the TV and went to put my broom in the downstairs closet. The hall clock said 20 minutes till Scurrying hour. I decided that I should make a potion. I went into the kitchen, grabbed everything that I could carry, and headed for the livingroom. I dragged my cauldron out and set it on the hearth while I lit a fire. I lifted it up and hooked it above the fire. I put in a pinch of this , and a sprinkle of that. In went a lizard tail and two fish heads. I made sure the eye of newt was boiled properly before I put it in. The instant potion mix directions said to add water and a little milk. I used the last of my milk, so I’d have to get more for breakfast. The clock read 10 till teatime so I decided I could easily fly to the Scare-o-mart and be back in time for the moon to rise.
    I went upstairs and flipped back on the TV so that I could see the nighttime forecast.