• He slammed open the small door to the camper. Everyone looked at him as he tracked his own blood on the floor to the back of the make-shift home. He opened the second door to his wife, tending to other soldiers wounds, but he was much more important to her than any other.
    She ran to him, with a cart of medicines, strings, and needles. "My baby, what did they do to you?"
    "It's war sweetie, this isn't the first time you've seen some one like this" He didnt mean to sound so rude as he said this, but he did.
    "Maybe not," she answered back "but it certainly is the first time I've seen you looking like this, and I am Certainly not going to handle my fiance looking like this at our wedding"
    "Calm down." he commanded her "I'm going to be fine, they're just flesh wounds, they'll just be scars" he had taken his own word and calmed down, too.
    "I am calm." she insisted "I just don't like seeing you this way, and you know that"
    "That's true, I do. Good thing you've hardly ever seen me this way." he coughed as he said this making a small amount of blood come out, too.
    "This is what I don't like seeing," she pulled up a chair for him to sit in "Sit," he did "You coughing up blood. Having even the tiniest scratch upsets me on you"
    "I know that," he giggled "that's why I chose you."
    "Why is that?"
    "You're over-protective, and beautiful." he laughed again in a hoarse tone "I'd love you even if you weren't. But it's nice to have you like this" he kissed her once on the fore-head and walked back to bed.