"Research Kuro-poo. Research." Fai laughed, pretty confident in what he had learned. "You're so nice today!" Fai stuck out his tongue slightly and poked Kurogane's face. "Funny man!" he laughed.
"What was so important that you had to have done research? I could have killed him!" he growled with unapproval. Dropping his head he let out a deep sigh, "Come on, let's get out of here. I still don't like they keep staring at you."
"Stuff." he replied with a chuckle. Fai tipped his head side to side to the music as Kurogane finished speaking. "Okay because Kuro-chan said to leave." he said with a grin, "But I so called it." Fai gave a sly look before staring off toward the exit, not giving him time to reply.
"Huh?" Kurogane said to himself as Fai headed to the exit. Chasing after him a little ways away from the bar he grabbed Fai's wrist and stopped him. "What do you mean 'I so called it' ? Explain, I don't understand."
Fai looked at Kurogane with a grin. "Oh nothing." he replied with a small chuckle, "You'll understand later on." Fai took long strides and gazed about now. "So do you want to pick the place this time?" Fai asked, changing the subject quickly.
"Why won't you just tell me dammit? You can be such a annoyance." Kurogane huffed walking after him. Looking at all the different shops in the town-square market. Passing by a few stalls he saw various things. One of the stalls Fai and Kurogane past were selling erotic toys such as bondage leather, whips and things of that nature. Another had lingerie and negligé; a third, porn. "What is the hell is with this world!?" Kurogane yelled taking a 360* view of the entire market.
"Obviously Kuro-tan, this is a world of love! Something you lack!" Fai joked, "Come on, lets practice that missing emotion! Tell me you love me." Fai grinned and came face to face with Kurogane. He looked like he should have cat ears and a swishing tail. He did it mostly as a joke but also to see his reaction.
"Excuse me?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Could you repeat that? I don't think I heard you right. It almost sounded like you want me to say...ARE YOU INSANE!?" He half yelled taken a back when Fai said he should practice using that emotion. "Why would I EVER tell you that, or even want to?"
Quickly turn away from the blond he faced the lingerie stall. 'Why would he want me to practice saying, I love you? Does he know I like him? No, he can't possibly; he's too...I don't even know how to describe him. I would like to practice but actually mean what I say, but that would be too akward. What world are we in anyway that would have all this kind of crap?' He thought kinda ranting in his head. Pulling from his thoughts he walks up to the stall owner and asks, "Excuse me, By chance could you tell me the name of this town. Me and my ah, girlfriend are new in town." he said nodding in the direction of Fai.
"Why yes. It's called St. Valentines, but the town's people have given it the nickname 'Lovers Lane' "
Fai gazed around, his arms crossed with an annoyed sigh and only noticed Kurogane walk away after he was talking to someone else. Fai thought about taking off to scare Kurogane but decided it was a bad idea and came up be hind him. "Jeez Kuro-tan. You don't have to be mean about it! I was just trying to help!" Fai chuckled, trying to break the tension between them.
When Fai approached and said "Jeez Kuro-tan. You don't have to be mean about it! I was just trying to help!" the owner said to Kurogane, "I think you upset her; you should appologize. After all tomorrow is Valentine's day and if she upset you won't have a plesent night."
When he said this Kurogane blushed knowing what he was talking about and turned to Fai, "You're right, I'm sorry. I lo...I love you."
"Well go on, kiss her."
Quickly looking back at the owner with surprise he received a nod. Turning his head back to look at Fai his blush deeped to a bright red. Leaning down he cradled Fai's face with one hand and softly kissed his cheek.
Now it was Fai's turn to blush. "Kurogane?" he questioned, not caring his blush was spreading, "Kuro-tan?" He reached up a caressed his cheek slightly. "Hello?" he whispered.
"I-I'm here. Uh...Let's go, somewhere else." he said fumbling over his words. Taking Fai's hand he led him away from the market and somewhere less crowded. Sitting down under a tree he laid his forehead on his bent knees. "I'm sorry for, you know, Kissing your cheek. I couldn't just ignore the shop owners suggestion. It was my fault in the first place. I was asking him what the name of the town was and told him that me and my 'girlfriend' were new here. He told me the Town's name is St. Valentines, but it's nickname is Lovers Lane. Then you came over and you know the rest." He said drawing in a long breath having said all that in one. "I'm sorry."
Fai cocked his head slightly, weighing the odds in his head before crouching down. He lifted on Kurogane's chin so that he had no choice but to look at Fai. Without hesitation he leaned over and kissed Kurogane's cheek. "Now we're even." he said softly, pulling only inches away after doing so.
Chin lifted up by Fai, Kurogane's brown eyes met his blue ones with faint curiousity. Feeling Fai's lips touch his cheek with a kiss he stared wide-eyed into space with a crimson blush. After a few seconds of this he fainted from over-heating and fell over.
Fai laughed. "Called it..." he whispered, letting go of Kurogane's chin, "But that's okay... he's so cute when he's passed out." Fai nearly giggled and dropped to the ground next to him. He leaned his head on Kurogane's shoulder and closed his eyes. He continued to grin though.
Due to fainting Kurogane was asleep for about half an hour. Concienceness taking back over him, he felt a light pressure on his shoulder. Looking to see what or who it was he saw Fai sound asleep. 'What happened?' he thought looking up at the leave on the tree above him, 'I guess I fainted but why? Oh wait, nevermind.' Sighing deeply he sat up stretching out his legs and laid Fai's head on his lap.
"After the way I reacted to the simple kiss on the cheek, he's sure to know that I do love him." He sighed stroking the blond's hair unaware that he was awake. "Ever since Outo, I've felt a little something for him in my heart. At the time I didn't know what I felt, but after today, I am sure."
Fai stretched slightly but not enough to make it seem like he was awake. He listened to Kurogane's words and felt his hand and almost wanted to purr like a cat, of course he didn't though. He thought about keeping his mouth shut and his fake sleep going but decided this was going to be his best opportunity.
"So that's what Kurogane is thinking?" Fai asked, staying still, "When he thinks he's alone, his true self shines through. That's what I like about him..." Fai shifted his legs out but kept his head in Kurogane's lap, not wishing to move now.
With a gasp Kurogane stopped stroking Fai's hair. "Sorry, didn't know you were awake." he mummbled embarrassed that he heard all that. "Yeah, it is. I normally don't say out loud how I feel unless I'm alone or, with someone I trust."
"You can trust me Kuro-poo!" Fai exclaimed, a small blush taking him. He reached out and grabbed Kurogane's hand again, pulling back to his head. "I like you too..." Fai whispered, his blush growing once again.
"I never said I didn't." He said gently, "I trust you enough that I would talk about my feelings asleep or otherwise." Stroking Fai's hair again, when he placed his hand on his head, he smiled hearing Fai say he like him back. "That's nice to hear."
"Really?" Fai questioned, looking up at Kurogane with a dumbfounded look, "I would have thought you'd never trust the likes of me." Fai gave a slight grin but otherwise did nothing more. He didn't know if he was serious or just messing around like usual. Now he was confusing himself.
"Yes, I do. Why else do you think I never said anything when you called me by my name with no honorifics? I feel comfortable enough with you that it doesn't matter." he said not stroking his hair but caressing his cheek instead.
"Speaking of that... I don't think you've even said my name since we've got here... or even for a while." Fai added, keeping his hand on Kurogane's, "It makes me feel lonely all of a sudden." Fai smiled slightly at the comment though it did kind of bother him.
"I guess you're right; I haven't. I'm sorry Fai-kun, I didn't know you felt that way." he said rubbing Fai's cheek with his thumb. "Are you hungry? We haven't eaten since we got here. You can choose anyplace except that bar."
"Ah! But I liked that bar!" Fai joked, "They were so friendly there!" Fai flipped to his back, rested his head on Kurogane's leg again and looked up at him. "They also served drinks, one of your favorite things if I'm not mistaken." Fai grinned and grabbed Kurogane's hand again.
"Friendly...A little too friendly if you ask me." He snorted, going back to that bar was the last place he wanted to go. "I don't care if the serve drinks or not. I don't want something like last time happening again. Besides, things get a little, out of hand when I'm drunk."
Fai grinned and stood. "That's the fun of it. Drunk Kuro-tan would be amazing!" he exclaimed. He gripped Kurogane's arm and yanked him to his feet. "Remember. You can't get away from me!" Fai laughed, almost evil, as he began to drag Kurogane toward the bar again.
"What? No, no it would not. No, no!" he repeated being dragged back to the bar. "Please anywhere but there." He nearly begged to no avail. Back in the gay bar the party boy music was still playing and everyone was all over each other. He thought that might be kinda fun for him and Fai to do, but he shook that thought from his mind. As they approached the bartender gave Fai a sexual look as if he was trying to undress him with his eyes. "What you like cutie?" he asked addressing Fai. "He'll have a Virgin Cocktail." Kurogane said not wanting to get him drunk in case someone tried hitting on him again. "I'll have Saki."
Finishing their drinks they went out on the dance floor, and it was apparent that the Saki had taken effect on him already. He wasn't as uptight as he normally would have been. Despite this fact Kurogane was too shy to ask to dance the way the others were so they just moved to the beat. A few minutes had past and the Saki had taken its full effect; Without asking he watched how the others dance and began to imitate their movements dancing quite close to Fai, enjoying himself. That is, untill the guy from before showed up close to where they were dancing.
Fai could only be saddened by Kurogane's drink choice for him, not that something alcoholic would bother him anyways, but when Kurogane decided it was time to dance, he couldn't help but rejoice in his mind. Even though this was only because Kurogane was intoxicated and saw it going on around him. Fai joined him slowly in his drunken and hazed dance, a grin crossing his expressions as he did.
Then the other guy decided to show his face again. Fai, unlike before, felt a shiver run his spine when he saw the guy and he stopped moving to the beat. He couldn't help but to do that. It was now just sinking into his brain what the guy was trying at before. Another shiver took him and he gazed at Kurogane, wondering if he noticed too.
When Fai stopped dancing so did he. He couldn't help but notice the slight look of fear in his eyes. Turning around to see why that was he came face-to-face with the man from before. "So, you didn't get it through your think skull the first time that he's mine?" He snorted with a drunken smile plastered to his face. "What do you want this time?"
The man had his arms crossed, a smirk spreading across his face. He straightened from the table he leaned against and took long strides toward them. "You know. I should be the one asking the questions. You-" he started, poking Kurogane roughly on the chest, "are the one who nearly killed me. You were the one who ran off after words." The man closed the gap between them with ease, coming face-to-face with Kurogane. "I believe you're the one who owes me."
Fai only crossed his arms, a smile taking him. "Really. You think Kuro-tan would give into something like a threat?" he asked, "Even I can't get through to him most of the time." Fai laughed lightly, trusting that Kurogane wouldn't take it as something worth a fight, but then again, he was intoxicated, drunk. Fai dropped his arms, wondering if he should get involved before Kurogane killed himself.
The man looked back to Fai, his eyes silted. "Shut up for now. I'll deal with you in a moment, after I take care of this idiot. Yes... in a moment you'll be mine. Oh and my name is Ronnie; you'll have no problems and all you deserve. This b*****d has taken advantage of you for too long!" the man exclaimed. "What?" Fai asked, completely dumb founded. "You heard me. I'm going to free you!" Ronnie yelled. He then refocuses on Kurogane, a grin playing his expressions. "Right?" he asked smoothly, running his finger up Kurogane's chest and off the tip of his chin. "All mine..." he whispered.
"Ha! Fat chance. I owe you s**t." Kurogane said not slurring his word's, despite being drunk. "Besides it's your fault that you got beat. If you hadn't tried to violate him it wouldn't have happened." he said then turning his attention to what Fai was saying and then the other man. "You won't lay hand on him again. I won't let you." He replied forcefully swatting the hand away. "If you do you will most certainly die, and I will see to that." Pushing Ronnie away from him Kurogane stood in front of Fai blocking access to him from Ronnie.
Fai groaned and shoved between them. "Okay guys!" he said as if he were drunk, "Let's settle this like men! With a kissing contest!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air as if to cheer.
"WHAT!? You want us to, kiss you?" He gulped nervously, "But, But why?" Figitting where he stood next to Fai the man looked at him with a taunting grin. "What afraid that you will lose and your boyfriend will be mine?"
"He's, not my boyfriend. We are just traveling together with three others." he admitted knowing this will just end up getting this guy more pumped to take him away. "But I'd like to be." He added looking down with a scarlet blush covering his face.
Fai grinned. "That's exactly what I mean." he replied while pointing with his index finger, "Who ever can kiss me better wins!" Fai stuck his tongue with excitement and almost wanted to prance about but he knew better then to. Kurogane would get pissed and Fai wouldn't be able to ever live it down. "What do you guys think of that? It's fair and fun!" Fai patted them both on the back and continued to smile like always. "Well?" he asked giving a sly look.
"I'm all up for it." Ronnie said with a smirk, "First let me freshen my breath. " He said pulling out a bottle of mouthwash. Opening the bottle he poured half the bottle into his mouth and began swishing and gargling.
"I. Don't. Know." He said making each individual word a seperate sentence of it's own. "I really don't like the idea of kissing you then this jerk getting a chance to. I want to be the only one to kiss you..."He said voice trailing off into a whisper only loud enough for Fai to hear. "Please Fai, don't do this." He plead calling him by his name only, thinking that would express just how much he cared for the wizard.
"Come on Kurogane!" Fai patted Kurogane on the back hard as he whispered back with a grin, "You'll win for sure and besides, it'll get that b*****d off our backs. If you don't do it, this guy wins by default AND he gets my first real kiss. Tell me you love me enough that you'd want to take that from me." If Fai were to have a tail it would swish side to side with excitement.
Hearing Fai call him by his name took his breath away; it made his so happy that he could die right there and it wouldn't matter. Eye's widening at 'First Real Kiss' he looked at Fai with surprise. "You've never...?" he stopped not saying it knowing Ronnie would want to go first then. "Alright, I'll play, and I WILL win." he growled glaring at Ronnie.
"I'll go first. "Ronnie said pulling Fai to him. Leaning in quickly, prepared to go all out and leave Fai breathless, his lips brushed past Fai's like the first time.
- by luvzdeidara |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/09/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Feathers of Love pt 3
- Artist: luvzdeidara
This roleplay me and TheShould are do is a yaoi consisting of the characters Kurogane and Fai D Flowright, from Tsubasa. We do not own any of the characters used in here. Also if you do not like Yaoi (boyxboy) do not read!
It is soft yaoi and will contain only mildly - moderately implied content.
Also sorry for the language. Just kinda went with the context at the time.
- Date: 12/09/2009
- Tags: feathers love
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Puppy Arin - 12/11/2009
- That was funny. I actually just rolled on the floor laughing when Fai suggested a kissing contest. Good writing^^
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