• Rea

    So be it.
    I cried.
    So what?
    I lost it.

    I had lost control over my emotion, and words. I would never of cried in front of anyone, but myself. My tear streaked cheeks, became cold though the weather was warm. I felt.. out of character. As though someone had taken over me. But I was just weakening. If I hadn't seen Riza, I might of recovered. But she had seen me, in the worst state possible. I felt someone approaching, and abruptly stopped. I turned to pretend to look at a cake display. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a little boy. I walked towards him, and I suddenly knew he was following me. I knelt and asked, "What are you doing?" He pointed at the cake display, and his eyes looked glassy. "Where are your parents?" He began to tear, but I made no suggestion I had done it. I patted him on the back, and he suddenly replied. "I don't have parents." In the back of my mind were two words. Me too. But the words coming out, were generous. "Do you want a cake?" He nodded, and wiped his tears away. I took his hand and walked him over to the cake display. They were all little cakes, and some big ones. I watched as the tears evaporated, and a serious look shadowed his face. I smiled at him, looking at how concentrated he was. "That one!" he finally cried. He pointed to a little cake, covered in light blue fondue, with a pink flower on it. The cake was medium sized, chocolate, and beautiful. His eyes were sparkling as I told the lady I would take it. It was only 7 dollars. "Um.. Older Sister, I don't have any where to go..." he mumbled as we walked away. "Stay with us then. We have a vacant room, and I'm sure Mrs. Madell wouldn't mind." My heart felt lighter, knowing that the boy would be in the guest room. "Really? Okay!" He grabbed my hand and he jumped, hopped, skipped, and ran, all the way back to the house and school.



    I watched as she took care of the little boy, bought him a cake, and offered him a place at the home school. I decided, to head to the library, just to think. But then again, it would be good to be acquainted with the boy. I stopped at the cake display. The lady at the counter looked startled. "Don't worry. I'm just her twin. Do you have any welcome cakes?" She nodded, and pointed to a blank, pink cake. "I can write 'Welcome' on it." "I'd love that, thank you." The lady handed me the small cake, and as I handed over three dollars, i noticed there was no blood or tears on the ground. The ground here was not tainted. I walked slowly, and walked inside the house eventually. "I'm home.." I called out. "Welcome back." A dull voice replied, sounding as cold as ice. "Rea, is anything wrong?" "No Juri, its fine." Rea was smiling now, and the little boy, Juri, was beside her, holding her hand. "Who is she?" "She's my sister, Rizaline. Call her Riza." "Pleasure to meet you, Juri." I smiled as best as I could, but he hid behind Rea, and said, "Older sister, help..!" Rea laughed, as though this was the best thing she had ever heard. "It's okay Juri. Shall we eat the cake?" He nodded happily and walked into the kitchen without looking at me. I stood there in the middle of the hall, wondering what just happened. "Here, sister! This is for you!" I watched from afar, as Juri handed Rea a flower, with icing on the bottom. He licked the icing, and handed it to Rea. "Thanks, Juri." She wiped off the spit, and put it in her hair. "I'll wear it everyday." In truth, Rea looked beautiful with the flower. I walked away, no tears in my eyes, but a cold feeling inside.
    Out shined
    Made a shadow
    Eclipse over
    My mind



    Juri was sweet, and before I knew it, I was turned inside out. I had become Riza, but.. upgraded kind of. I did better in everything. Before I knew it, I was top of the class, and Mrs. Madells favorite. I felt as though I pushed Riza into a dark corner. But she still had some light, just didn't know how to make it brighter. But the first day, has the most affect on me. "Lovely flower, Rea. Who gave it to you?" "Juri did, m'am." "It looks as though he picked it out for you!" It had never occurred to me that Juri could of picked it out just for me. But I worn it anyways. As I walked in, everyone was seated, playing games. Mark looked at me, and commented by saying,"Who gave it to you..?" I replied, "A little boy who lives in the house now, Juri. "Okay." He seemed more at ease this way, and I felt better. "Class, we have a new student." We all hushed at the moment she said this. A boy walked in the class, and every girls mouth fell agape. Every boys anger flared at the sight of this. "Everyone, this is Kizuma Otori. He is a model in Japan, and needs a school that isn't too public or private." Kizuma had bangs that went to the other side of his face, covering one eye, medium-short length hair, dark brown eyes, and glasses. He wasn't wearing the uniform, being his first day. His clothes were astonishing. He had a white shirt, a black vest, a red tie, a chain belt the hung over to one side, skinny jeans, and black high tops. He was beautiful and handsome, something no one could deny.



    I'm working too hard. I hadn't bothered to look up. I didn't care. He was a person. So what if he was a model? It doesn't mean he has the right to walk in here and outshine everybody. I continued through my homework, as he walked past me as though I didn't exist. I didn't mind. Everyone stared but Rea. I finally looked up and looked at Rea. She was reading a book I loaned her, "Memoirs of a Geisha." We were doing a play on it, and Rea was acting as Chiyo/Sayuri. I was Pumpkin. Maria was Hatsumomo, but we had not decided on whom Mahema would be. "Hello." The voice rung through my head. Kizuma spoke to my sister. I felt a pang of jealousy, and didn't want to say so. I held it back as my sister ignored him.