Christine ran as fast she could, dodging any weapon that came her way. She was protecting the only heir to her throne, a baby girl wrapped in a soft white blanket. A sword was throw in her direction and she dodged it, but just barely. She was sliced on the arm, the wound wasn't deep but it was enough to make her tear up. She continued running like the devil was chasing her, because he was. The devil is known as a demon when the truth is, he's an angel that was jealous over god ruling the angels and not him. He became power hungry and tried to take over but lost and was sent down to hell where he was forever chained- until now. When word got out that there was another angel born, but this one had incredible force that no other angel hed, Satain did everything he could to try to gain posession of her. Now Christine, the mother of the newest angel, was doing everything she could to keep her safe. A dagger was zipping straight for her. Her wings started tearing through her shirt and skin, though no pain was felt. She was begining to lift off the ground though she tried hard to stop it. The last thing she needed was for her stronger angel to take over and worry about herself more than the child.
"Christine! Look out!" Gabriel shouted. He watched as Christine's stronger side tried to show. This baby was too important to lose. Yes, Christine was scolded for falling in love with a mortal and then having a child with him but this was the first ever child to be part angel and mortal. Besides, they took care of the man and made sure he remembered nothing of her. Satain found the man and killed him when he wouldn't tell him about Christine but Gabriel thought it was worth it. At least the child is safe, Gabriel thought.
Christine finally caught control of herself and began running on two feet again. She gasped and skidded to a stop as the ground began to shake and rip open in front of her. Satain had finally gotten free after 100,000's of years. She stared at the gaping hole begining to form and so did the battle around her. A figure appeared from the ground. It was Satain the angel. His black wings unfurled around him. He was one of the most beautiful angels there were. Or demon, really.
"You can't fight it, hand me the child." he demanded stretching out a long slender hand. Christine clutched the baby tighter to her chest. Her heart was pounding in her ears, her breathing deep, and her legs daring to give out from under her.
"Give me the child!" he demanded. Christine looked down to her child and whispered in her ear.
"When danger comes your way,
may you find your wings.
So the heart of an angel,
can protect you from anything."
The baby opened her green eyes to look at her mother. She was different. Every angel known has had blonde hair and blue eyes. She had the hair of a raven with the eyes of a rose leaf. That was because of her father, of course. Christine looked up to her enemy and smiled. She single handedly took off her neckalace and put it around her baby's neck, to always have something to remember her by. "When the time is right, remember who you are." she wispered. The neckalace was a simple silver chain with a silver heart that had diamond wings; angel wings. The charm wasn't big and bulky, just simple and average sized.
"Take my child if you must, just remember, she will never fall into sin." Christine shouted loudly. She began to hand the baby to him but suddenly Gabriel swooped down and took the child from view. Satain looked startled at Christine's empty hands. He looked up to her face and glared. She was smiling.
"You have decieved me, now you shall pay." he growled. He took a sword from one of his soldiers and jabbed it straight into Christine's stomach. Her eyes widened and her smile disappeared as she reached for the sword. The pain was so bad she pulled it out. A giant glob of red oozed out after the blade. She looked over to the rest of the angels that were staring and gaping in horror.
"Protect her." she whispered. Following her words was blood, dripping from her mouth. She fell over holding her stomach.
"Let this be a lesson, you will pay with your life if you disobey me." Satain bellowed. He looked to the sky where the angel left with the baby.
"I will find her." he vowed. He flew up high and then dived down back into the crack in the earth. All his disciples followed.
"Christine." Christine said quietly through the red liquid. An angel knealt beside her.
"What is it?" the angel asked.
"Christine, name her Christine, to help her remember where she came from." she replied. She took in a shaky breath and closed her eyes, never to open them again.
Christine jolted up in her bed, her hand immediately reaching for her neckalace. Her breath was coming quickly, her hair pasted to her forehead with sweat.
"God damn dream." she growled as she turned on her lamp. She took the scrunchy from her hair, letting it fall around her face like a black curtain. She sat there for a minute trying to remember what day it was. She looked over to her digital clock. It read 8:34/Mon/9-12.
"s**t!" she yelled jumping out of bed. Late, again, she thought miserabley. She threw on a black shirt and her purple and black DC jacket. She slipped on a pair of jeans and yanked a brush through her hair, searching for her other converse. She snatched her phone off of her nightstand and shoved it in her pocket slinging her bookbag over her shoulder. She ran down the stairs, into the kitchen, through the living room, and to her front door. She slung it open and rushed out clicking her silver Honda open. She climbed in the driver's side and put it in reverse, pulling out of the driveway. She zipped through the streets going a little passed the speed limit. She quickly pulled into the school parking lot and parked in the first spot she found. She jumped out the car and ran to the front door as soon as the bell rang. She yanked the door open and looked to the lady at the front desk.
"You're late." she scolded.
"But I was at the door." Christine argued.
"But you weren't inside."
"Does it matter?! I was here!"
"Yes, it does matter." the lady said filling out a tardy slip. She handed it to Christine. She snatched it and stomped into the hallway. She rushed to her homeroom and slung the door open. All eyes turned to her.
"Nice of you to join us Chris." Mrs. Dearheart nodded as she took the slip from Christine.
~Continuing in 1st person~
I walked to the back of the room, finally able to get away from all the stares.
"Anyway, there are 4 stages, can anyone name them?" Mrs. Dearheart continued.
"That's a stupid question, they're written on the board behind you." I mumbled. She's a tenth grade teacher, she should be smarter than this, I thought. Suddenly my leg vibrated and I slapped my leg so it would stop. Everyone turned around and looked at me.
"Sorry." I whispered. I pulled my phone from my pocket and looked at the screen. It was from my bestfriend, Katelyn.
'i miss u'
'miss u 2'
'howz sci.?'
'borin, howz HE?'
'at least u get 2 sew'
'ha, wish u were here'
'same, i luv u like a sister'
'luv ya 2'
'c ya after lunch'
'by <3'
I love my bestfriend, I really do but she always gets me in trouble for texting me during class. I sighed and looked to the clock. Four hours until lunch.
"Chris!" Mrs. Dearheart shouted. My eyes darted to her and then to some kid I'd never seen before next to her. He had brown eyes and black hair, and looked way too familiar for me not to be disturbed.
"I asked you if you would mind having Mike sit next to." she repeated.
"No, it's fine." I replied turning back to her. Mike walked back to the seat next to me and sat down. I ignored him even though I wanted to lean over and poke his face. I've seen him, I swear to god I have, I thought. After 45 minutes of nothing but boredom the bell rung. Of course I wasn't paying attention so it scared me half to death and I jumped and screamed, right in front of the new kid.
"Are you okay?" he asked. His voice caught me off gaurd. It was so soothing, smooth, like honey.
"Hey, earth to person, are you okay?" he asked waving a hand in my face.
"Uh, yeah, just thinking." I replied standing up. Everyone had already left, so it was just us. Where the ******** did I see him, I wondered.
"Hey, we've got to go." he reminded me. I finally realized that he was standing in front of me anymore, he was beside the door.
"Oh yeah, I comin'." I said picking up my bag and walking over to him. I stepped out into the hallway, the noise crashing into me.
"Do you mind if walk with you to our next class?" Mike asked.
"No. Just try to keep up." I replied glancing at him. I jumped in to a free spot in the current of people. I darted around slow walkers and dodging others. The flow carried me to my next class and I stopped outside the doorway, looking to see if Mike had got lost. I couldn't find him anywhere and I began to wonder if he walked in the wrong classroom.
"Waiting for someone?" someone asked behind me. I jumped and whirled around. Mike was standing there, his stuff already in the classroom.
"Uh, no." I said walking past him into the class. I walked over to my seat and paused. His stuff was in the seat next to mine.
"Someone sits there." I informed him, plopping down into my seat. He sat down next to me.
"She decided to switch seats with me." he said simply. I looked over a Clara, the girl who used to occupy the seat next to me.
"Doesn't suprise me, I think she's afraid of me." I said casually, still looking at her.
"Doesn't suprise me either." I looked at him.
"You just met me."
"Yeah, but you've got that tough girl feel to you. The kind of girl that doesn't give a damn about anything or anyone." he shrugged. I nodded. That sounded like me. Mr. Baker walked in, his beady eyes darting straight to me and then to Mike. His eyebrows raised as he noted that Clara wasn't in the right seat.
"Excuse me, but that's not your seat. What is your name young man?" he asked Mike, checking the roster for his name.
"Mike, and it's my seat now." Mike replied. I raised my eyebrows and looked at him, along with everybody else. Some of the girls gasped, finally realizing how good looking he was. I could've told them that, I thought sarcastically.
"Excuse me?" Mr. Baker asked, astonished that the new kid had talked back. Mike stared hard at him for a second. Mr. Baker took a step back.
"She said I could sit here." Mike said glancing pointedly at Clara.
"Okay. Very well then." Mr. Baker said, quickly glancing at Mike again before starting class. What was that about, I wondered.
"Chris, What famous General lead a war in the 1500's?" Mr. Baker asked. I lifted my head off the table looking at him sleepily.
"I don't know." I answered. Mike looked at me.
"Well, you need to learn. Anyone else?" he offered. I laid my head back on the table, facing Mike. I closed my eyes, falling asleep.
"Hey. Hey, person. Chris? Is that your name? Get up." someone whispered tapping on my forehead. I groggily raised my head and opened my eyes. Mike was staring at me, a little too close for comfort.
"What?" I with a yawn.
"Class is over and I don't know where to go." he replied backing up and making a face when he got a load of my morning breath.
"Oh. Okay." I said standing up. I grabbed my stuff and headed for the door, Mike right on my heels.
"I never really did get your name." Mike called from behind me, above the noise.
"It's Chris." I replied pushing and being pushed.
"Is that short for something?" he asked running into the back of me. I jolted forward and glared at him.
"Yeah, Christine." I replied. As soon as I said that I felt new pairs of eyes on me. I looked around for the akward feeling. I slowed down as I noticed a boy and girl staring at me. Both of them were blonde with blue eyes. The girl had an determined look, like she was going to get to me, no matter what. The boy was looking at me knowingly, like he aready knew me from somewhere. I shrugged it off. Brother and sister, maybe, I thought picking up my pace to keep up with the flow.
"Hi, I'm Amanda, but you're welcome to call me Mandy." a girl's voice chirped beside me. I looked over, already guessing who it was. I was right. It was the blonde girl with her brother right behind her.
"Uh, hi. I'm Chris or Christine. Which ever you prefer." I replied. When I said my real name something flashed across her features. Relief, like she lost me and then she was looking for me and now she was relieved she had found me. I looked to the boy behind her. He wasn't looking at me anymore, he was looking at Mike. Or glaring is a better word for it.
"Oh, that's Adrian, my brother." Amanda said glancing back at him. She noticed he was glaring at somethng and followed his gaze. When her eyes landed two things flashed through her eyes. Hate and fear. I looked back at Mike. He was glaring right back. What the ******** is going on, I wondered.
"Do ya'll know each other?" I asked. As if the sound of my voice brought them froom a weird trance, they all turned to me.
"Oh yeah, I think we live in the same neighborhood." Mike said glancing at Amanda and Adrian and then back to me.
"Yeah. Don't you live in Pine Court?" Amanda asked him. He nodded. Then something hit me.
"That's where I live." I blurted. They all turned back to me again.
"You don't say." Amanda said all excitedly.
"Yeah, that's great." Mike chimed in. Adrian glared at him and then looked at me. Our eyes met and something ran through me. It was like a string of memories. In my mind I suddenly saw a city soaring past under me, like I was flying. Well, not me, but someone holding me.
"Chris?" Adrian asked, bringing me back from my thoughts. I realized that was the first time he's poken.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"We should probably go." he replied putting a hand on Amanda's shoulder. I looked around and realized tha the hallway was almost empty. They walked past us and in the other direction of our next class.
"Bye." I called to them, smiling and waving. Amanda turned around, grinned and waved back. Adrian did the same, but his smile wasn't as goofy as her's. He's good looking too, I realized. Mike pulled on my arm and I turned around to walk to class with him.

- Title: Gaurdian angels
- Artist: lexi2197
The angels are watching us. . . but that doesn't mean they have good intentions.
I changed a lot of it because the ratings weren't that good as I hoped they would be. I hope it's better. :) - Date: 11/04/2009
- Tags: gaurdian angels
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