Legends of Talis: Magic Surrounds Us
Prologue…. You find yourself in darkness. Nothing but darkness as you look around until a small light appears in front of you then slowly grows brighter and larger. Soon you see the light take form and soon it is no longer bright but somewhere in that the area around you became visible and standing in front of you is an elderly man.
The man looks very old and wise as he stands there in a tattered tan shirt and brown pants that had obviously been sewn up several times. He is hunched slightly and has a long grey beard though surprisingly long grey hair to match it.
The man looks at you and smiles. “Hello there. So you are the next to hear their story are you?” The man laughs and shakes his head. “Oh I’m sorry I must speak in riddles but you get used to these things in time.” He smiles tenderly and looks you over a bit. “Excuse my rudeness but my name is unimportant. I am simply tasked with telling you a story. Anyway let us begin with the basics shall we?” The man walks up closer to you and smiles widely.
“First my entrance here may surprise you but it is a typical mode of transport in this world I am going to tell you about. In this world magic is a common occurrence. Not common to have mind you but those who have such power they use it quite freely.” The man gently steps back and walks off into the darkness a bit.
“That said let us get more comfortable shall we?” He snaps his fingers with a harsh crack and suddenly you see you are in an old study with books all around you and a few lounge chairs as well as various decorations. The man looks over at you and nods a bit. “Don’t get any big ideas. This place isn’t real. There’s nothing here, so nothing to steal and for that matter nowhere to go.” He laughs and sits himself down in one of the chairs gingerly.
“Now Magic has unlimited uses and several forms but all of them can be put into categories. Since we don’t have time for that lest you get tired of me I will make it simple. There is Pure Magic, School Magic and Instinctual magic. Pure magic is Magic shaped by a user’s knowledge of the world in areas such as Anatomy, Physics, Chemistry and so on. This is the most commonly used magic because it’s direct, quick and to the point. Next is School magic. This magic is powerful because it uses refined techniques used for lengths of time unknown but it’s limiting because you can only learn so much of it before it consumes so much of your life and it can never be put into practice. Then there is Instinctual magic. This magic is easily the most powerful in the sense the raw energy behind it can make any spell cast into a devastating effect.” He coughs a little and shakes his head a bit. “Excuse me, as I was saying Instinct is quite literal. It is the power drawn up from a user who acts on his base instincts either out of desperation, anger or even a disconnection from the world. Any way you look at it this magic is unstable and should be used only as last resort.” He nods a bit. “Now that you know that it should make this story easier to understand.” He shook his head a little. “So we will start with Danny. He’s always a favorite. Here is his story…..”
Chapter one: The Wind calls….
In a wooden bunk bed slept a young raven haired teen. The sleeping teen was 16 years old, he had straight shoulder length black hair, Piercing green eyes that seemed to see straight into the soul even when shielded by his eyelids as he slept. He stood not quite six feet tall, a rather slender build with nice muscular undertones giving him a rather desirable body. His nice build with his slightly feminine frame he was quite popular with not only the girls but the boys as well. His name was Daniel Talrin and he had quite a past already. His parents were traders who ran the local general store in this small town named Talis. His parents were killed by bandits when Danny was roughly six or at least that’s how it appeared when locals came across the raided remains of the trade wagon with Danny’s parents nowhere to be found. Danny had been left in the care of close family friends the Rokar’s. He now lived with them and with the Rokar’s help he ran the local general store as well.
It was still early morning the sun barely starting to make light but Danny just woke up and sat up silently. “Three, two and one.” He counted on his fingers and sure enough the blonde sleeping on the upper bunk rolled over and fell onto the floor with a loud thud shaking the room.
The blonde was Zack Rokar self proclaimed Danny’s brother. Zack was 15 with a rather muscular build, deep blue eyes and a typically male frame. Zack was known all over town as thick skinned and for good reason. The guy had fallen from the top bunk and he was still sleeping like a rock. He was starting to snore even.
Danny sighed a little and shook his head stepping over Zack. “What a klutz. He wonders why I’m always awake so early.” He said to himself bitterly as he walked into the bathroom hopping in the shower.
Of course it was just the two boys and it was summer so both found it easier to not wear anything to bed making both rather comfortable with their bodies as well. It had been this way since Danny’s parents died. Though this also fostered a kind of comfort that allowed Danny to be open with the fact he was most decidedly homosexual. He wasn’t acting girlish about it but there was no denying he was into guys and if asked he’d answer without hesitation. Zack had accepted that without a problem and simply made a point that. Not only was he into girls but if Danny came onto him it would be like his brother doing it. Which would be ‘more wrong than words could explain.’.
Danny came out of the shower dripping wet as he walked over to the wardrobe and opened it looking over his clothes. He had several pieces dyed in patterns that he’d done himself but mostly graphic t-shirts and jeans. He grabbed a blue shirt with a Magic Circle drawn on the front. The circle was useless but it made a nice design that made his tight black jeans come together that much better. That with the blue dyed cloth belt made a simple but nice look as Danny shook his hair out purposely sprinkling Zack with it.
Zack bolted to his feet. “Gahhh!! That’s cold!” He said darting into the bathroom slamming the door. This had become routine as well really.
Danny smirked as he watched Zack retreat into the bathroom. “For someone as thick skinned as you a little water sure gets under your skin.” He laughed and gathered wind energy in his hands. He created a large ring of wind then moved it over himself and lowered it over himself drying his body instantly visibly drying as the ring passed over him until it dispersed on the ground. He walked over to the door and stepped into his sandals. “I’m going to make breakfast!” He said loud enough to make sure Zack heard him.
Zack growled a little at the skin comment since as much as he was known for being thick skinned he actually took great pride in keeping it smooth and touchable so the whole thing upset him a little. He sighed in relief as he heard Danny leaving. “What cha making?!” He shouted back as he started to get ready as well.
Danny smiled a bit at the comment. “The works!” He shouted back as he headed down to the kitchen to start. He walked into the kitchen and smiled looking around. “Time to get started. He’ll be waiting on me. He always gets there too early.” He focused his wind magic and the kitchen instantly came to life using wind pressure to animate the kitchen and sure enough he was cooking up most everything in the kitchen all at once not even waiting on the stove to heat up simply heating it with his own temperature control. Obviously this wouldn’t take long.
Zack sighed a little at the response. “He’s either training with that puddle thrower or he just wants an excuse the hit me with a frying pan.” He muttered to himself then looked thoughtful a moment. “Probably both.” He said with a sigh. He shook his head a bit and got into the shower starting to get ready just throwing on a plain red t-shirt and some camouflage shorts then headed down to the kitchen.
Danny was finished just as Zack came into the room and smiled at the younger. To most it would seem innocent enough but both boys knew better. Mornings were perfect for them to torture each other so they usually did. “Have a good shower?” He asked with a smirk picking up his plate and heading over to the table sitting down.
Zack glared at Danny as he sat at the table. “Yeah… it was fine.” He looked over the plate Danny had made for him then back at Danny. The plate was full of basically any breakfast food one could imagine really. Danny’s magic allowed him to cook anything with minimal tools so he could make food for an army all at once if he wanted. Zack knew that all too well really. One time Danny was helping cater one of his parent’s parties and he walked into a fog of hot pots and pans… face first. That was an interesting trip to the healer. “You’re not trying to poison me are you?” He asked half joking half resisting the urge to scan the plate for poison.
Danny laughed a bit and shook his head a little. “When you have a test today? Why would I do that? You suffer so much more in school.” He laughed a bit then grabbed a bacon strip and taking a bite out of it.
Zack’s expression sunk and he sighed. “Thanks for reminding me.” He plopped down and started to pick at the eggs since they were falling off the plate a bit.
Danny smiled and nodded. “Anytime!” He laughed then continued eating with a victorious smirk. Danny’s favorite part was the fact the school taught according to what the student had actually retained rather than a grade system. Danny had graduated almost three years ago now. Zack only had a few months left but Zack detested it so and Danny rubbing it in didn’t help anything.
Once they both finished eating the sun was starting to show itself and Zack’s parents had begun…. Umm….Their… morning rituals. On that note Zack’s parents had a very happy marriage. Though both boys would have to admit they would be much less disturbed if the Rokar’s had a slightly less ‘fulfilled’ relationship. ((For those a little more dense… Zack’s parents have loud sex every morning.))
Zack looks up the stairs and sighs a little. “Just think, some kids go their whole lives without knowing ‘if’ their parents do that.” He stood up and grabbed his bag from by the door. “I’m going to meet Nokra; you need any herbs from her?” He asked in a slightly annoyed tone trying to block out the sound of his parents in his head.
Danny nodded a bit. “Yeah, must be nice.” He shrugged a bit. “I don’t think so but I got some research for her so tell her to stop at the store later.” He got up and held his hands spread extending his arms over the table. “Vexus Norim Retura!” He shouted and the whole room filled with light and the kitchen was spotless. “I love that spell.” He laughed and grabbed his bag as well.
Zack shook his head a little. “You rely on that one too much. You’re lucky I didn’t get hung up with my backpack again. I’d have to injure that girly body of yours.” He said with a smirk. They both knew the spell’s purpose was to put everything back where it belonged. Thankfully Danny was rather well controlled so he didn’t have such issues with his magic anymore. Though to an apprentice user such mistakes would be understandable.
Danny rolled his eyes a bit. “Yeah yeah, it happened once you big baby.” He walked past Zack and smiled a bit holding the door open for Zack. By this point having that bag in his hands Danny was too busy thinking about meeting his friend to be bothered by Zack.
Zack shook his head a little. “I don’t know you so fixated on that boy toy of yours you can never be sure.” He smirked a bit. Zack knew very well what Danny was going to do after this though ‘boy toy’ was a mere taunt.
Danny glared at Zack. “Don’t test me Sparky.” He growled. Sparky was Zack’s main nickname really since Zack was mainly an electric magic user. He waited for Zack to get outside then created a gust under Zack’s feet sending the blonde right to the ground. “You should train with Nokra. She’s the only one who might be able to help you beat me.” He laughs a bit hopping up into the air creating an ‘Air Disk’ under himself then speeding off out of sight through the trees on it.
Air Disk is Danny’s specialty spell. He’s pretty sure he created it too but you never know. An Air Disk is a whirlwind contained in a tight disk with a wind shield. It’s a difficult skill to master but an easy one to use when the spell is cast. It allows any air user to stand on a solid surface and simply opening parts of the shield unleash a strong gale so a talented user could use it not only as a means of transport but a reflective shield. Danny was one of these users of course. Danny set an example not only as a student and spell user but simply as a working person. He wasn’t big into reading and he wasn’t the biggest strategist but he was good at both school and battle. Danny was simply a talented person. Some had to wonder where that talent came from since as far as anyone knew his parents were actually rather… well… less than spectacular.
It wasn’t long before Danny came to an opening in the woods and allowed his disk to shoot up and turn on its side causing him to slide off of it. He fell to the ground letting himself spin till he was completely upside down then created a gust actually propelling himself to the ground. He shot down like a rock and when he was about to hit the ground a slash of green wind energy hit Danny’s feet with such precision hit caused the entire flow of moment to change into a perfect sideways motion sending him spinning across the ground at amazing speed then he hit the trunk of a tree with his feet flat using the remaining momentum to send himself up grabbing a branch and swinging himself up onto it sitting there with a slight sigh. “I can’t believe I almost missed that.” He flipped himself back hanging by his hands on the branch then dropping down with ease.
A little ways away there was a guy dressed in a black t-shirt with a silver dragon on it and blue jean. He had straight shoulder length dark blue hair(strangely yet it’s natural), blue eyes that seemed almost disconnected from the world, he stood about six and a half feet tall and he had a healthy well built frame. He was built well enough to look strong but not enough where you’re afraid he’ll break you on accident. He was only 17 but the aura he gave off made him seem older really. The boy looked over at Danny and smiled a bit clapping lightly. “Good, though I think you could have given your knees a little less when adjusting up the trunk of the tree. It looks like they took a little much.” He smirked a bit.
Danny sighed a bit walking over to the older boy. “You’re never happy are you? I keep trying to impress you and all you do is criticize. Can’t you say something positive Lance? I mean would it kill you?” He blows some of his hair out of his face.
Lance smirked and shrugged a bit. “I said good didn’t I? Do something perfect and I’ll tell you so? Alright Shorty?” He reached over and messed with Danny’s hair a bit.
Danny growled a little at the other then just flattened out his hair a bit. “Don’t mess with my hair. You know it ticks me off.” He said reaching into his pocket and grabbing a hair tie pulling his hair back and tying it. Really Danny loved it when Lance messed with him but he wasn’t going to say that.
Lance smiled and leaned in kissing Danny’s cheek gently. “Okay.” He smirked. Lance knew Danny loved it of course. Otherwise he wouldn’t do it all the time.
Danny blushed deeply and shook his head. “What was that for?” He said in a slight growl really not sure which was more appropriate, the growl or the blush.
Lance laughed a bit. “Well I gotta mess with you ya know. If I can’t muss up your hair I’m gonna make you blush.” He grinned a bit. Really he just wanted an excuse to flirt with Danny. Danny always got mad at him when he flirted.
When the boys were little Danny had come to Lance one night. Then he told Lance that he was in love with him. Lance wasn’t sure how to react and froze. Danny couldn’t really see Lance in the dark room but he could tell Lance was awake. He thought that Lance had rejected him and now refused to talk to him. He got upset then he used an astral projection spell to run away. He was gone for nearly a month as a spirit before he finally came back. When he did he was weak and sitting in a healer’s clinic. His muscles had weakened so much he couldn’t even stand on his own. He was in recovery for about 2 weeks and Lance never visited him. They eventually started talking again and here they were today but they never really resolved what happened that night. Now whenever Lance tries to flirt Danny gets mad and he gets mad when people suggest something. Everyone knows they love each other but the way Danny sees it Lance really hurt him that night. So now when Lance flirts Danny thinks that Lance is messing with him. More so when Lance gives up and flirts with other people.
Danny glared at Lance now. “Well it’s time to start training so just get your Sais and let’s start training. I don’t suggest going easy on me today either.” He said with a growl.
Lance nodded a bit then reached down into the bag at his feet pulling out a pair of sai. Sai are dual weapons with 2 prongs, one handle and a dull blade. Some are fashioned to be piercing weapons others are sharpened slightly. However their main function is as a ‘Sword Breaker’. The prongs are to catch and turn so it creates a lever within the enemy’s weapon to break it since most blades are meant to be sharp not thick so this is a rather effective weapon for warriors who specialize in skillful or fast movement. Sais are widely known as defending weapons so they aren’t a typical style. “Get your ribbon out.” He said with a smirk. Really he was disappointed with Danny’s response but he expected it.
Danny nodded a bit using some pressure to open his bag and eject his ribbon weapon. It is a special weapon just for Danny really. It is made out of normal cloth and it is as wide as his hand but it’s about one and a half times as long as himself. He whips his weapon out so it lays on the ground and smiles a bit. “Come on.” He walks out into the clearing then whips his weapon out in front of himself again. Danny’s style is one of a kind and he’s mastered three different stances with it as well. Considering his style is only a few years old he’s quite good with it. This is what the two boys do to relax these days.
Lance smirks a bit and follows. He grips his Sai in his hands taking a side stance holding his fingers over the spaces where the catch is supposed to be. Lance specialized in unpredictability. It was his greatest weapon. Which of course means Danny was his strongest opponent since Danny had seen the most of his styles.
Danny smiled and nodded a bit. “Count!” He said whipping up the weapon with a small flash of wind energy a five appeared in the air then started to count down.
Lance’s expression and stance suddenly relaxed as he waited. Lance was a user who simply disconnected himself from everything else as he fought. That’s why it helped him relax so much.
Danny growled a bit as he saw Lance relax. “b*****d.” He said to himself then when the number vanished in a small blast he struck his weapon in a large movement forward and the solid weapon actually pulled him up over it in an arc then once Danny was over the top point the enchanted weapon flew up over Danny and came down on lance like a harsh overhead swing.
Lance had seen this technique before so he knew better than to try block it. He simply dashed forward right under the strike and Danny in the process. He turned and threw both Sai at Danny’s back. As he did this they were glowing with water energy.
Danny’s weapon simply vaulted Danny over his weapon again letting the Sai to pass on either side of it and hit the ground somewhere behind him as he faced Lance now. “now you..” He looked and Lance was still holding the Sais in his hands. “Water Weapons. Should have known.”
Lance smirked and shrugged. “Never discard your weapon unless you are either going to win or you are out of enemy range.” He laughed a bit.
Danny’s eyes widened. “Of course!” He back-flipped and sure enough Lance’s Sai came shooting back under him to Lance’s hands. “b*****d.” He said simply then he spun himself into a whirlwind suddenly vanishing from sight.
Lance smirked a bit grabbing his weapons as they flew back to him. Lance was known for water illusions and as he grabbed the ones flying at himself the ones in his hands just collapsed into water and fell through his fingers to the ground. He shook his head a little taking a relaxed stance. “Danny you know better. I can feel your presence and see your body’s water content. Even if you knew the exact composition of your own body you couldn’t mimic it with your wind magic alone.” He looked up into a nearby tree and sure enough danny was behind it pressed against the trunk of it on a high branch.
“Think I don’t know that!” He laughed a bit. “Shards of Wind!” He snapped his fingers. When Lance looked around he’d notice that Danny had used the whirlwind to create a large hex out of wind daggers all around Lance.
Lance sighed a little. “Well s**t.” He said simply knowing the hex was too large to escape at this point. That said a torrent of wind blades appeared slashing at Lance from all directions not only damaging him greatly but actually controlling his movement with the strength of the attacks. This lasted for quite a while before the wind daggers shattered releasing Lance dropping the bloody battered body to the ground. He coughed up a bit of blood collapsing into a pool of his own blood on the ground.
Danny shook his head a little. “Stop with the dramatics. You’re fine.” He said simply though his voice echoed all over now. Also now that the focus was off of Lance’s body it was plain to see there was a wall of water all around Lance’s location.
Lance smirked a bit melting into a pool of water then reforming himself perfectly fine now. “You’re no fun Danny.” He looked at the wall and smirked a bit. “You learned that spell? Very nice, I actually can’t see you behind it. Thing is that you have to make it big so I don’t escape it before you can stop me and if I stay in the middle I get plenty of warning.” He laughed a bit.
Danny sighed a little his voice echoing all over again. “You underestimate me again I might just have to kill you.” He shot out from the wall and sent his weapon flying right at Lance in a piercing strike.
Lance looked right at Danny and used the water from the wall to send a deflecting blow sending the weapon flying into the wall. “Restrain!” He shouted using the water to enchant Danny’s weapon with his own energy and in a flash Danny is pinned up against his own water wall by his own weapon. “Don’t use my element kid. I’m the master and you’d be unworthy of being called a neophyte.” He growled snapping his fingers dispelling the water allowing Danny to fall to the ground lightly.
Danny sighed collapsing to the ground. “How was your energy so strong?” He asked gently.
Lance pointed to the pool under where his feet were. “You left me standing in a pool of water and didn’t make me move. I made a river to your wall and because you can’t sense water you didn’t notice me inhabit your spell so as soon as you entered the wall you were done for.” He laughed a bit.
Danny shook his head a little and nodded. “Noted.” He stood up looking Lance over a bit. “Too bad.” He shot forward with a burst of energy hitting Lance’s chest with a burst of spiritual energy literally ejecting Lance’s spirit from his body. “You never said we stopped.” He called up wind energy to bind Lance’s body to the grond with solid wind restraints. “Desert wind!” He called up a large blast of heated air evaporating the water in the air and on the ground around Lance.
Lance was shocked as he was ejected from his own body like that. He didn’t even know Danny had the power to do that. He took a minute to regain his wits then he sighed a little watching Danny restrain his body before shooting back into it. The main point of that spell being that once a user is ejected from his body it always takes him a few minutes to regain complete control of his magic. Even against a master user such a tactic is almost sure to disarm his spells for a time. “Cheap trick.” He growled. He called up energy from his body repelling the binds and flipping back into a crouched position then shooting forward calling his Sai to his hands and striking at Danny.
Danny shook his head a little. “It worked.” He said simply as he spun out of Lance’s strike using his enchanted weapon to grab both of Lance’s wrists pulling them out and back then kicked right in the center of Lance’s back pushing back off of him releasing his wrists and back flipping twice landing on his feet expertly.
Lance was surprised Danny moved that quickly and when bound he screamed from the pain grunting as he hit the ground. “You are a dirty fighter Danny.” He growled and got to his feet slowly obviously in pain.
Danny shrugged a bit. “I told you to stop holding back.” He shot forward jumping up spinning himself into a whirlwind with his weapon extended smacking it right across Lance’s face and between the enchantment and the speed Danny might as well have hit the guy with a steel bat. The pure force sent Lance flying and skidding across the ground until he hit a tree causing the tree to shake a little. “So stop holding back.” He growled.
Lance groaned and got up again. “Fine you want my full power then I’ll give it to you.” He called up all of his energy and soon the whole area started to flood with water. “Retura Zon Maoura! Return To Mother!” He shouted and soon the whole clearing filled with water shooting up into a contained space putting both boys underwater. Lance smiled walking along the bottom obviously his body was able to move in water as if it were simply on the ground. He walked up to Danny who was obviously holding his breath. “You normally have your element all around you. Now it’s my turn.” He said obviously able to breathe the water around them.
Danny glared at the other not sure if he should be happy or angry really. He called up a pocket of air expecting to float straight up when he encased himself in it but instead he went flying to the side of the area then hit one of the walls then the direction changed again and Danny was being bounced around like a rag doll. He soon dispelled it and looked at Lance strangely.
Lance laughed a bit. “The forces at work here are not the normal gravity and physics you know.” He suddenly shot up and landed on the ceiling of the area. “Everything moves how I want it to.” He said with a smirk.
Danny bit back a growl and used his wind magic to create a pocket again and shot up to where Lance was.
Lance simply changed the center of gravity sending himself to one of the sides and letting Danny hit the wall then fall down to the side a ways away from himself. “You glad I’m showing you my power?” He laughed. He knew it was only a matter of time before Danny got it together but he wasn’t going to make it easy.
Danny growled as he stood up again. “It’s about time you started taking me seriously.” He clapped his hands like a crack of thunder and suddenly there was a system of pressurized air all over the water arena. Danny couldn’t break the water orb too easily but crating air within it was easy enough. He didn’t wait for Lance to react before using the pressurized paths to shoot in different directions before landing a solid kick right across Lance’s face sending him flying into one of the walls.
Lance was shocked that Danny creates systems of air tunnels rather than just breaking the shield. He was stunned as the next thing he knew he was flying through the orb going from water to air and back a few times before settling on the floor of the water again. Danny made enough spaces to move but Lance still controlled most of it. “Getting better.” He said with a smirk.
This was when things started to get interesting. Lance and Danny went on for nearly an hour back and forth each one showing their skills and maneuverability as well as their complete mastery of their elements. In the end Lance still came out on top as he slammed Danny so hard he broke his own orb.
Danny grunted as he hit the tree hard. He sighed a little looking over at his bag hearing the ringing of his watch alarm. “Dammit.” He said shaking his head and standing. “That’s it I gotta open shop.” He said despite wanting to continue. He was pretty bruised up from the long battling but he blew it off.
Lance sighed and nodded walking over to Danny. “Well I gotta admit you did a lot better than normal. Training with Zack?” He asked gently.
Danny looked up at that and raised an eyebrow. “Zack? Why would I train with him? He’s fast but that’s about it.” He said sounding annoyed as he grabbed his bag.
Lance shook his head a little. “I don’t know I was just wondering where all that aggression came from. It just didn’t feel like you.” He said softly as he picked up his bag as well. “Unless there’s something wrong.” He added.
Danny glared at Lance. “Nothing is wrong.” He spat obviously just didn’t want to talk about it. “I just finally got serious on you that’s all.” He said with a pointed nod.
Lance shook his head a little. “Whatever you say Danny.” He walked over and gently wrapped himself around Danny hugging him lightly. “Let me heal up those bruises. Don’t want to scare off your customers.” He said gently into Danny’s ear as he gently moved his hands over Danny’s body using his water magic to heal the wounds. Really Lance did need to touch the person to heal them but Lance was taking his time letting his hands move over Danny’s body.
Danny tensed as Lance hugged him not expecting it. He relaxed into Lance’s grip as the boy healed him. He always enjoyed this but Lance didn’t usually pay so much attention to his body. Normally Lance would touch his forehead and heal his whole body from that point. He couldn’t help but get lost in the other boy’s touch. “Lance…” He said mostly to himself.
Lance smiled at that and kissed Danny’s cheek. “All better. Take care of yourself Danny. I enjoy getting you amped but I don’t enjoy hurting you.” He said gently as he moved his hands gently around Danny’s waist. When he actually got the nerve to hold Danny like this he always waited for the other to tell him to let go.
Danny blushed a bit at the kiss. He wanted to stand here all day like this just relaxing in the boy’s arms. However something kept telling him that this wasn’t real and then the watch went off again. “Alright I’m all better now let go of me already.” He growled. It was a quick change but a predictable one waiting for Lance to let go then creating a wind disk for himself hopping on it. “See you later.” He said before shooting off into town.
Lance reluctantly let go of the smaller boy and sighed as he shot off. “…Danny.” He said to himself before walking back into town himself. After all it was time for him to start his shift at his family’s inn. He mostly did cleaning jobs but in the mornings he covered the gap between his parent’s shifts.
- by talrinrenge |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 10/13/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Legends Of Talis
- Artist: talrinrenge
- Description: Yaoi theme(Pg13), unfinished, Magic overtones, roughtly 10 pages..... I really just want honest opinions. Rating is great and all but please comment I want feedback. I know i still have some errors but this is more about my style than anything. That said please be brutal.
- Date: 10/13/2009
- Tags: legends talis magic yaoi
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Nightmayer19 - 10/13/2009
- i must say that the whole concept was a creative idea; the explanations of magic for us dumb folk was much appreciated wink but i find fault with the whole gay thing. im sorry, but personally, i would find it a little more relatable if danny or lance was a female. it would make it easer to use pronouns when in battle *i have problems when it comes to fights; it gets repetitive when you use their names over and over* and that's about the only issue in writing style i found: repetitiveness smile
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