• I thought my intestines ripped up as Mathias Gallahanz shoved his malicious fist point blank into my gut. Another jock had me pinned up to a vomit green locker. My feet were dangling from the floor like balloons. I tried to escape from the rotten kids but they outnumbered me by far. With one everlasting kick to my groin, the jocks scrambled away like a flock of crows. I must have been in the fetil position for so long because when I finally built up the strength to stand up, the late night janitors came stumbling in from the High school doors. I guess you could say i'm not excactly the most popular kid in Kingtun High. The only person who really knows is myself. My name is Xerxes, im Fifteen and have no special talents. I guess some could say Singing and writing come into play but, that definetely doesn't get me a girlfriend. I flew through the pale blue doors of my school and started my trip home. My stomach felt as if hundreds of nails had been dumped into my digestive system. I had no freaking clue how I could hide my bruises this time. For all I knew I may not be able to make babies. As I limped toward my rusty old door I noticed a figure about 60 yards away. The pain that enveloped my frail body made me ignore the shadowy scene and brought me through the wretched dump that I had to call home. I already knew what my screw up of a father would ask me. The drunkard would almost taunt me by saying, "So Xerxes...what the hell did you learn today?". Of course I knew the answer. "I learned that my life is a shithole and that it couldn't get worse", I mumbled to myself. When I turned and walked into my kitchen a fell to my scarred knees. In front of me was my dead Father. My life had just gotten much MUCH worse.