• The first day showed darkness everywhere, as if it is already midnight. A flash of purple light was showing miles away from me. I was walking, realizing I was inside the dark sorounding subway. I hear my own footsteps and somehow an anonymous person was behind me, counting my every step from beyond. I fear to see the face of the anonymous. I continued to walk and follow the light. Then when I was getting closer and closer, a voice suddenly whispered to my ear and said, "Why are you afraid? Where are you going? The way you are going leads to chaos..."

    I was frightened because of his voice. I looked at my back, wondering how his face looks like and why he keeps on following me. When I looked up, I shook my head and saw that the day was shown by a solar eclipse. It was a very eerie day for me.

    I ran to the purple light so fast, my heart pounds so hard that it was really intense. I was crying while running because I really dont know where Iam in the first place. My heart was pounding so hard, its impossible that my skin will shred and my heart will bleed. When I was frustrated, I knelt down, saying, "Why are you following me? Who are you and what do you want?!" He answered me and said,"I am your destiny. I am the one who holds your soul in my own bare hands."

    I opened my eyes, looked up then I saw his face. He was like a devil wearing a black robe with blood all over it. At his back was a mighty sword covered with blood. He showed me his big and long axe. His axe has a snake eye on the middle of its blade. Then he showed me a time compass with its arms turning backwards and its numbers are like egyptian scriptures that says about life.

    "Your time has come. I will throw you through my kingdom and you will become my slave." He said with a very loud voice. He raised his axe, he sacrificed his blood and he showed me hand signals that makes him summon a demon from hell. While blood drips, I whimpered softly. From that moment, he summoned fire. At that point, I saw the vision of hell.

    That time when he was about to kill me, he raised his axe, and he laughed. Then, a light from heaven showed from above. An angel with a sword driven the demon out infront of me. Then a man appeared to me in a loud voice saying, "Iam your father, your God. I will never let you go, because you are my loving child." I looked up, and darkness was separated from light. The eclipse collapsed and was turned to a sparkling sun. I cried so much of how my God protected me. Then I realized that he was the one who whispered to me when I was all alone. I thanked God for protecting me. And I thank God for loving me that much.

    The story tells us that when we are all alone left with evil, God is always there to protect us away from sin because he shows LOVE to us.