• Chapter 12 Negotiated History

    "Just come with me and everyone will be okay, they're suffering from heat exhaustion because I'm here. I haven't learned to control my ability yet." spoke the figure covered by the cloak

    "So you're not here to fight?" Hero questioned the cloaked person.

    "Hoping not, that's if you co-operate with me. However if you choose to struggle or resist I will have to take you by unnecessary force." the figure quickly replied approaching Hero slowly.

    "Feh...Fine I'll go with you, only because my friend's are suffering." Hero concluded relaxing himself out of his defencive stance.

    "Wise manoeuvre, I mis-judged your stature Hero. It's been recorded that you're more rash, and careless in a fight or flight situation." The person within the cloak commented .

    'Wha~ 'Hero thought with a puzzled look
    "Before we go tell me, just who are you?" He asked leaving the classroom behind him.

    "Just a man doing his job and that's all I spill at the moment. Now lets go before any permanent damage is committed to your friends." the man spoke hastily.

    "As you wish..." Hero agreed as he followed the man out of the school campus.

    "Just remember I am neither a friend nor a your foe." He stated as he lead the way.

    'Fair enough, everyone I'll be back as soon as I figure out what the hell everyone wants with me.' Hero thought, following him behind closely.


    It was quite a ways before Hero spoke up with a load of questions.

    "So what exactly do you need me for and what are you working for that Seirgei, Chaos or whatever his name is, That Creep?" He spewed his first onslaught of questions.

    "The details will dis-closed later, all you need to concern yourself with is your co-operation with us. And no I will never take orders from someone so brainwashed." replied the male leading.

    Obviously this person has some resentment toward Seirgei, yet the tone came off as if he's known the true nature of my foe quite sometime.

    "Hmm...you know Seirgei personally then?" Hero stabbed him with another question.

    "Yes,we were partners for at one time...but my history with your enemy is none of your concern." He replied with a hint of anger.

    Hero stopped in his tracks. "I have a feeling that I'm now part of a bigger picture. There's more than you letting on."

    "I suppose there's no use hiding it from you much longer to provide a benefit. But yes you are part of a much larger puzzle. As you've possibly heard, a heir or key per-say. That's why I've brought you here..." He trailed off moving some shrubbery revealing a small wooden cabin. "Welcome to the O.N.E. organization. Also known as Oni Night Evaluation." the figure explained while approaching the door to the cabin.

    "...This?... Hut is your head quarters?" Hero gave a look of disbelief.

    "Just like you there's more to it than meets the eye" He stated as the door requested voice authorization and a retina scan.

    "Okay? Stand corrected" Hero stammered.


    "C'mon we've got things to discuss" Theodor explained as he took off his hood.

    Now Theodor had straight scruffy hair tied back to a long rat tail style, looking at his face he had a scar across his nose and a solid jaw line; one could label him as a ladies man.
    His eyes harboured not a single hint of ill will or malicious to wards others, they were oddly gentle given that they were light gold in colour.

    "So you going to stop starin' of what? The door doesn't like to stay open for long periods of time" Theodor explained once again.

    "Huh?" Oh yeah, sorry I"m right behind ya." Hero answered as he walked through the entrance.

    An alarm sounded and the door slammed shut behind him locking tightly.

    "INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT! FIGURE NOT RECOGNIZED! CODE RED! PROCEED TO ELIMINATE TARGET!" the computer repeated as several dozen firearms with targeting lasers pointed at Hero.

    "Override alert! Authorization code three hundred two thousand, seven hundred twenty-seven CE" Theodor announced as Hero cringed waiting to be obliterated.


    Theodor let out a howl "OH! man you looked like you were going to soil yourself. But what just happened was to be expected. TESTA is very careful as to who enters our HQ, she's a good security system." he explained while wiping a tear of too much laughter.

    "I see..." Hero trailed as he re-postured himself "So...Theodor, what's this business you have with me?" He asked as the two continued down several flights of stairs.

    "Please call me Theo, it's more comfortable for me." Theo intervened Hero's statement.

    "Alright Theo, my question still stands. What the hell is going on?"

    They passed through more security clearances as Theo explained how and why the O.N.E. organization came to exist and their purpose also with TESTA getting the better of Hero as they continued.

    They reached the final basement level as the last lock was released Hero reiterated a summary as to what was laid out for him.

    "Okay...So there's two opposing sides and siding with either one does me no benefit. Siding with you I'll be put into solitude never to be heard from again, and siding with Seirgei...I'll be the root of research and the last piece of the puzzle that solves all this legacy and heir crap?"

    "Basically yeah, O.N.E. was formed by Seirgei and myself. However we were known as the Demon Hunter Society; But Seirgei's thirst for power drove him completely Chaotic, hence his current name." Theo let out a heavy sigh, "So the D.H.S.team split and some quit going all vigilante. So I formed O.N.E. to keep tabs on those who have taken the law into their own hands. Another thing that drove Seirgei to a power thirst was the scroll we found three years ago." He trailed off into silence.

    Hero paused, his head filling with more questions that he wanted answers to. However his gut was saying that now was not the time to ask.

    "One question though? It's that very same scroll that put us at where we're at now correct?" Hero tilted his head to the side surging with curiosity.

    Theo changed his demeanour, displaying a more serious side of himself. "Yes, the scroll is a part of your family history. I remember it stating; A young one born into the Aiyami family through the love that passes the realms themselves will possess a great power to save the world. However nothing will be noticed until they are at the late adolescent age." Theo quoted from the top of his head.

    "So what Seirgei said about me being a half-something wasn't bull at all? That would also explain why I don't know who or what my dad is and the odd increase in my natural abilities." Hero sighed, going into a infinite spiral of questions within his mind.

    "But! That doesn't explain the uniqueness of my friend's." He came to a realization.

    "Yes, you aren't the only one with secrets or abilities." Theo stated now sitting down in a seat in front of several monitors.

    He pulled up each of Hero's friend's on a different screen, displaying stats and short bios.

    "Where shall I start? Acqua known to have a line of Water based abilities, original origin: unknown." Theo spewed while Hero gave him a smug look.

    "Not even your data base has everything on my friends." He retorted.

    "True enough... Still we know more than we should." Theo replied.

    Hero paused as he gazed up into the screens among the data of his friend's.

    "Tell ya what! You let me roam free and leave my friend's be. In return I'll do my best to get Seirgei back to his normal self." Hero proposed.

    "Sounds fair. However before I let you go I would like to conduct a few tests." Theo negotiated in return.

    "Tests? What kind of tests?" He questioned with intrigue.

    "Just things to gauge your abilities and strengths, you see even though we know you have dormant abilities. You have plenty of potential." Theo explained.

    Hero's grin spread from ear to ear. He was getting giddy at the thought of a physical test. Written work he never liked, but he did it anyways. However when it came to a physical test he'd never refuse.

    "So when do I start? I'll overload your computers with what I've got!" He spoke with confidence.

    "Alright, so where do I go from here? I'll have my men escort you to the testing facility. I will see you shortly. I have a few preparations to make for these tests." Theo grinned.

    "Okay, lead the way." Hero shouted as he turned around from the monitors. Two other people with cloaks approached him.

    "I guess these are my escorts?" He pointed out smugly.

    "Yes Hero, nothing gets by you huh?" Theo sarcastically suggested.

    "No kidding eh? I got some serious problems solving skills, well folks direct me please." He grinned.

    Both guides nodded and started to take Hero down a corridor.

    "I'll see you soon then." Theo spoke.

    "Roger that." He replied as he disappeared down the hall with his escorts.

    "I'll soon see what your made of Hero and if the research I put in is correct." Theo smirked as he to left the monitors and into a room.

    End Chapter 12
    Negotiated History