• Previously: Arrivals and Arguments

    tab Brown would be the best adjective to describe the scene. The once windy but flat road that curved off around route 35 had been roadblocked and upturned. The already browning trees had been frosted with tossed minerals. At a vantage point looking down, one could assume a meteor had struck the area. Four completely dusted figures stood on the ground by three others, all completely of their natural color and undirtied. Many yards in front of them stood, sat, and floated three other figures, also clean. Further yet, behind them, stood a giant, metallic-looking formation, apparently of rocks. Atop the formation posed apparently two others, with not a trace of dust about them. One didn't need to read their ripped shirts bearing magenta "R"s to identify this duo; their surroundings gave quite away. Yes, it was them, those who had bought countless super-power machines, yet couldn't seem to be able to buy new uniforms OR daily food. Exactly, it was Team Rocket; well, the Team Rocket that concerns the moment. Across a dusted field, the four figures incased in dust were only those who loathed them most, Ash, May, Dawn, and Pikachu, who all were trying to head down to Goldenrod City. However, as Jessie had seen it, they for some reason became distressed when their mechanical Rhyperior came falling from the sky and cloaked them with dust. Dawn, who rivaled Jessie's obsession with her hair, had taken this horribly worst than anyone.
    tab Now they had called out the six between them, their Pokemon on each side. On one side, Bayleaf easily trumped the sizes of Piplup and Skitty, the first looking as though she had everything in the world to be proud of and the latter going as hyper as ever, and suddenly deciding the plume atop Bayleaf's head was excitingly fascinating. The other side bore a Seviper, glaring like a playground bully victiming the next in line, and completely on opposite appearences and nature, an arguably cute and very playful Chimecho drifted up and down, seemingly waving to a good friend. To make yet a wierder group, a fat blue Wobbofet stood next to them, smiling stupidly.
    tab Team Rocket never was a trouble for the group; they always got rid of them. But still, problems seemed to constantly arise after they came along; last time, one of James' ingenious inventions went off and fused together Pikachu and Meowth and, much to Dawn and May's disgust, Buneary and Munchlax. Of course, after joining forces with Jessie and James, Ash and co. had unearthed an antidote. A similar situation it had been, starting with a stand-off and becoming a duel of cheats. Who can know what will result this time?


    Ever since their first meeting, May and Dawn had been rivals in contests. And ever since their second meeting, they had been rivals in love. As aforementioned previously, they both wanted Ash and were desperate to the greatest point to get him to their sides. Love wasn't unique to those two alone though. Another, walking down a path not too far away, was also in love, but, in such a different way... The comlexity of this person's love was almost enough made May's look simple, and therefore quite intense. Our new lover had been walking for what seemed ages, and now crossed into a field lined with trees, beautifully brown, in thought... There is always the worry, when one asks another on a date, that they don't like you back at all, or are even disgusted by you. In this person's love, the concept was so out of question it severed the heart. How did you know? Was this sought person understanding enough? Would it just make them angry? The exhausted Traveler sighed and lay back against a tall Oran. Maybe, just maybe, love could be coaxed out ... They were close enough friends... surely it wouldn't freak the other out too much... if they looked at it also only a friendship...?
    tab Our Traveler stood again, suddenly alert. A strange feeling had come about- it was as if it was time to go somewhere...
    So off went the Traveler, a pace quicker than the original.


    tab A good, warm feeling came over Dawn; this was what she lived for! They were battling, yes, and last Dawn remembered, she was quite angry, about... something... but now, now she felt alive! Battling alongside Ash, teaming up in strategy, oh it was a dream! She always knew they would make the best team together... And when they did work together, such a great feeling came over her... it was addicting! She had to continue this feeling!
    tab "Bubblebeam, Piplup!" She commanded, full of spirit.
    tab "Counter that with Poison Sting!" Jessie gave.
    tab "Bayleaf, keep back Seviper with Vine Whip!" And Bayleaf indeed smashed Seviper back before offending Piplup.
    tab "Now, Chimecho! Uproar!"
    tab Come proceeding was the most horrific sound the world can hear: The Uproar attack. Brutilized, all Pokemon on the stage suddenly started screaming and cluting their ears.
    tab "BAYLEAF, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT CHIMECHO!!!" Ash with his ears smashed into his head with his hands.
    tab "Bay!" Bayleaf performed an elagant twirl with her plume, which proceeded to produce an array a razor sharp leaves which soared through the air and whizzed right by Chimecho, who effectively stopped screaming and began looking around, almost dizzyly.
    tab "Way to go, Bayleaf!" Ash called out, as Bayleaf prowled proudly.
    tab "Seviper, get that overgrown half-plant, Bite!"
    tab "Dodge it!"
    And so she did, or almost did. Seviper got ahold of her plume.
    tab "Shake her off!" Ash called out usefully, as Bayleaf never would have thought to do so on her own.
    tab "Skitty," May intervered, "help us out, Assist!"
    tab "Erm, Assist?" Ash, unsure of Assist's consistency.
    tab "Yep. Assist." May confirmed confidently as Skitty began to glow a bright blue.
    tab "Now, Psychic!" May commanded. And that is exactly the move Skitty performed. As if the space itself tore, a blue ripple blasted through the air and sent Seviper blasting backwards.
    tab Suddenly, the battlefield was silent, at least, except for Jessie taking anger out on Seviper. May could very well have had predicted that attack. That would have been about the only valuable move at the moment; the rest could have quite injured Bayleaf. Yet, Skitty had chosen Beautifly's Pschic. How?
    tab Ash and James both gave shocked looks. Pleased, May explained, asking Skitty "been working, haven't we?"
    Skitty, who everyone had sudden admiration for(save Jessie) had now started to play with Bayleaf's plume again.
    tab "Enough of this crap!" Jessie, furious, "Get out there and do something, Wobbofet!"
    tab "Wobbofet! Complained the round-headed lame excuse for a Pokemon.
    tab "Why do I bother?" Jessie, miserable and frustrated.
    tab "Ready, Ash?" Dawn asked in preparation. There was only one active Pokemon of Team Rocket left on the field.
    tab "Yep, May?" Ash, smiling.
    tab "You give the call," she said.
    tab James clutched Chimecho lovingly, "I'm sorry, Chimecho, this is it!" He resigned. He knew it. The attacks were coming. There was no surviving this. But then, he saw it. "Wobbofet!" he called. "If you know I'm asking you for help I'm desperate! Please help us, I can't let Chimecho hurt!"
    tab Wobbofet looked around. Jessie was fuming mad, and didn't seem to want to be disturbed. But she was supposed to give it orders... !
    tab "Razor Leaf!"
    tab "Bubblebeam!"
    tab "Assist!"
    tab "Please, Wobbofet!"
    And so did the Wobbofet jump between James and the attacks, and perform its signature move: Mirror Coat, in excellent perfection.
    tab "Wobbo-" it screamed as it was throw back by the explosion of Razor Leaf, Bubbebeam, and Assist(SolarBeam).
    tab Duplicates of the attacks returned to their users, blasting with just as much force as the orginal. Skitty, Piplup, and Bayleaf were scattered and damaged, but not out of the match. Once again, the battlefield was in awe to perrformance: No one believed Wobbofet of any courageous action, it had proved to run away in most battles. But... did it have a heart after all?
    tab The silence was broken, not by any of the humans on the field. Nope. It was the one who had retired early: Meowth. "Ready guys!" he called, popping out of the top of the Rypherior's head.
    tab "Oh yeah, where did he go?" Ash, just realizing Meowth had an absence throughout the entire battle.
    tab Where you won't know," he replied, a remote in paw.
    tab "Oh no," Dawn commented, "Everytime we see a remote in your hand, something bad is about to happen..."
    tab "You's said it, Sista!" Meowth put his right paw down on the center button. As expected, bad things were to happen...

    But what???

    Next chater: Reign or Shine