• I woke up drowsy, dazed,and confused. Where was I and why was it so dark and cold. Not to mention the smell, that horrible and stale smell! All of those questions and thoughts seemed to disappear when I realized that I wasn't at the library anymore and why couldn't I remember where I was and how I got here then, I heard him, his voice was husky and rough. His tone was happy, almost to happy. His steps were heavy and quick, the last thing I saw was the door open and his face, then it went black again. His face was large, happy and he had a sly smile stretched across it and he was holding something that looked like a huge stick, but then it was black again

    When I could see again I was in a room that at least had a light on but I couldn't move. I looked up and my hands were tied up above my head and I was sitting in a chair bolted to the wall and my feet were tied to legs of the chair I felt like screaming but all I could do was cry. When I saw the blood on the wall behind me I suddenly knew what I was in for. Death, there wasn't a second option and I couldn't even see my family for one last time, I couldn't even say I'm sorry for all the trouble I'd given them and tell them I loved them dearly. Suddenly he was there in front of me, but he wasn't smiling he was concerned and I wondered why if all he was going to do is kill me, why would he care if I was sad and was starting to hate him. Then, he actually said something to me, "Honey, now why are you crying?". I looked at him puzzled couldn't he see I was sad I was going to die? Or was he really as crazy as they say killers are? That didn't matter I needed to focus on how to talk and answer his question.

    Without even thinking I just blurted out," Because I'm going to die and I can't even say good bye to my family and tell them I love them and say I'm sorry for causing them so much trouble." He just looked at me like I was crazy, but at the same time he was confused, then I just stared into his eyes and scowled at him like there was no tomorrow, because obviously there wasn't if I was to die. Finally he spoke, but his tone was soft and gentle like he was actually trying to comfort me," Honey, now why would I want to kill let alone hurt a beautiful young girl like you?" he looked at me like he was waiting for me to answer but again I forgot how to speak. He then chuckled and said, "Well, see even you can't answer that question!" he chuckled again and then walked away, in my head I was screaming talk you idiot talk! But all that came out as a scream and he quickly whipped around and shoved his hand over my mouth, the scream soon died and he sighed in relief. " Darling I know you're terrified, but please don't scream the police are her due to noise complaints! So if you don't scream or be bad nothing will happen to you, okay?" I nodded, obeyed, and closed my mouth just now noticing that it was open. He smiled and walked away calmly, up the stairs and out the door. All I could do now that was reasonable was to obey and hope that he decided to let me live, and maybe let me go for good behavior. Then all of a sudden it got warm in the room and I began to sweat and breath faster when I heard them quickly running through the whatever it was and then finally they kicked down the door and hurried down the stairs, then they saw me I must have looked scared because they just said," It's okay! We are the good guys, we're officers of the Washington Police Department. We are going to get you out of her and take you home." I was thinking good Washington police, wait Washington? I was in the library in Florida how did I get to Washington?

    Just then the bad man came up behind the unexpecting officers and shot them both in the head and their blood splattered everywhere, even on me. I looked and instantly he was more aggravated than I thought anyone could ever get, then he yelled," You little witch! You had to get them down here to save you didn't you? Well go ahead explain before I get too mad to handle myself!" I looked at him stunned and couldn't even breathe or blink. Just as I thought I could explain he hauled off and slapped me across the face, it felt like he had set my face on fire afterward but I didn't say anything about how much that hurt because I could get myself killed if I even moved right now, but I started to cry. His face soon returned to an apologetic expression, he looked at me and said," I'm very sorry honey, I got too mad and I should not have slapped you or killed them in front of you. I shouldn't of taken out my vendetta with my neighbor out on you like that, please forgive me, okay?" All I could do was nod, and that seemed to be enough, he then got a towel and took it up the stairs when he came back it was wet he cleaned up my face and the top of my head and then said," You look like you could use a shower so he untied my legs and removed the nail keeping my hands to the wall and led me up the stairs.

    As he led me up the stairs I realized that this mysterious house was in a nice happy looking town. If I was in a neighborhood that would explain the neighbor getting killed. Now to get some help would only be the matter of one, getting an address and two, getting a phone. Now that shouldn't be to hard if I use making two calls as a death wish now surely a guy who feels sorry about the things he just did would let me have my wish if, after all I was going to die. After going up the stairs I was led to a very elegant looking room that must be the master bedroom because it was practically the size of an hotel penthouse suite, but then after seeing the room I saw the bathroom. The bathroom was even larger then the bedroom and there wasn't a shower only a huge tub, I soon realized that he would not leave me alone if he watched me, and of course he would watch me just so I couldn't escape. Now all I could think of was well this day was going to be the worst but now he spoke something weird," Now I know you"ll be much more comfortable if I leave, but while your in the tub it gives you time to think, and I want you to think about this, I am your dad." I watched him leave and close the door behind him and I was just stuck their with my mouth wide open. I couldn't believe two things, first he was trying to convince me he was my dad. Second, that he left me alone to myself. As a survival instinct I tried to climb out the windows, but there weren't any, now I knew why he left me alone. I quickly went to turn on the water so if he came back to check on me he would at least be a little less suspicious. Just then I heard soft piano music float through the room and I knew it was him playing because he missed a few notes at first but then it went into a symphony. As the music played I felt as if I was in a musical forest. A few minutes later I decided to get in the tub after all it was almost full, and the last thing I needed was another mess, the water was warm and if felt good as it touched my cold and dirty skin. I soon found the soap and started to scrub to first get the dirt off my face. After I rinsed my hair twice I started to relax and enjoy the peace while I had it, it may be the only peace I have for the rest of my life. I let my mind wonder untill the thought of that man really being my father puzzled me and I tried to make it fit. Yes, I had been lacking in a dad, but my mom said it was because my biological dad went to jail and died there. Well if this was true than apparently he was alive and out of jail, but why did he have to kidnap me? Does he hate my mother that much? Suddenly the music stopped and I heard him get up and start coming up the stairs so I decided to finish up, and quick. When I had a gold silk robe on I heard a faint knock at the door and I let him in noticing the door had been locked. When I opened the door his face scared me.

    His expression was one that you see on a serial killers face, it was a smile with glazed over eyes all on the overall creepy face. Then he came at me with a huge pipe and luckily I closed the door at just the right time. He kept hitting the door with the pipe, and I'm thinking what is up with this guy and his moods? I mean one minute he's all caring, and the next he wants to knock the living crap outta you.When he stoped hitting the door I hear him load and c**k a gun. He then starts shooting the lock on the door, luckily I was far enough away that he didn't shoot me. He comes boasting through the door and points the gun and tells me I have three seconds to apologize and get back in the basement, so I apologize the best I can manage with a gun pointed at me and head back down to my personal prison.