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    Chapter 25

    tab "Hey, so Chad, first thing. How much do you know about this case already?" I thought about it for a second, and then replied,
    tab "Well, I know you were part of a gang that kidnapped Sarah and held her hostage, being, after all, the innocent gang members you were. She was used as a proxy on many of your other crimes. And I also know that she was a witness to the murder of my wi--"
    tab "She was a what?" There. Right there, I saw it. The look of surprise on his face. The look that showed me something wasn't going to plan.
    tab "She witnessed your 'friend' over there murder my wife." His eyes bulged, and he had to stumble a step back as he whispered,
    tab "It's that idiot Charles' fault. I knew I should've disposed of him earlier."
    tab "What? You were responsible for that death too?" Kyle nodded and regained his composure.
    tab "Untrustworthy. You could tell by the way he spoke he wasn't commited to his duties."
    tab "Not commited?!" I exclaimed. "And maybe you can explain why he threatened to shoot both Sarah and I a couple days ago?!" Kyle shook his head, and came back,
    tab "That is not what it means to be commited. And I'll explain that. You see, he was never supposed to do that. He thought he could do things himself. And look how that turned out.
    tab "And is that why you were going to kill John? Because he was uncommited?" Kyle shrugged, as if it were a casual conversation.
    tab "I'm a man who takes trust in high esteem. I could tell on the phone that he wasn't sure about his orders. And, as you yourself saw, he didn't struggle when you, well, when you killed him, which only served to comfirm my suspicsions."
    tab "You aren't even a person, Kyle. You're a--"
    tab "Yes, I'm a monster, Chad. I know. Will you please stop saying that?" He took a deep breath, and went on,
    tab "Anyway, I'll worry about that later. Right now, before we get too sidetracked, I guess I'll start explaining how things happened." He bit his lip, as if thinking really hard, and continued,
    tab "Now...where to start...How about the beginning? As you made sure of, I was stuck in jail for two years. Charles got me out a little over a week ago. I told him about my plan. The murder of your wife. With one hitch, though. I told him I'd do it."
    tab "Which, actually, was the original plan. Thinking through it, though, it would've been infinitely easier to hire someone else. And, as you know, I called in John to do it for me."
    tab "And so you came to this five star hotel, while waiting for everyone else to do your dirt work," I interjected.
    tab "Actually," he corrected, wagging his index finger. "This is a four star hotel. And may I ask, why not? After all, I was going to pay a large sum of money for John."
    tab "Was is a key word. You were going to kill him."
    tab "Going is also a key word. You see, you killed him, so what I was going to do really doesn't matter."
    tab "Your mind is so del--"
    tab "Nah-dah-dah-dah!" he exclaimed quickly, wagging his index finger once again. "What did I say about comments like that? Do you want me to finish this explanation, or would you rather be insulting me all the way? Because, I have a rather large ego, and I don't like it when it's put down." I paused, and then said,
    tab "I don't want to hear it. Just go on."
    tab "Now, as I was saying, I hired John. His first job was to drive me to the hotel, and judging on the state of things, I'd say that he did a pretty good job."
    tab "But, of course, I'm sure you don't want to hear about how I got to this little luxurious hotel of mine."
    tab "No, I don't."
    tab "And, so, after that, I just waited. Waited for my plan to succeed."
    tab "And that would be?"
    tab "That's what I'm explaining, Chad. So if you'd just let me for one minute, you'll know." I shut up.
    tab "Charles, as useless and untrustworthy as he was, did manage to do one thing right. He found the excuse and time to drug me."
    tab "I already deduced that..." Kyle gave me a hard stare, and said with a tilted head,
    tab "What did I saaaaaaaaaay?" And once again, I shut up.
    tab "Once you were out of the way, it was much easier to maneuver. John came in with Charle's pistol, and shot your wife. It's just too bad you were too asleep to do anything about that." He grinned, and then added,
    tab "Now I'll be taking questions. Which, knowing you, you'll be full of."