• Tears dripped out of my eyes as I walked to the nurse's office. I can't believe she did that to me... I though.
    "I wonder if I should tell Shino about what happened?" I mumbled to myself.
    "Tell Shino about what?" someone asked me.
    When I looked up, a tall, blond haired women was in front of me. That women was the nurse.
    " I brought Shino's stuff and his homework for the day," I told the Nurse.
    "Thank-you Fukai," she said back to me.
    "Nurse, can I talk to Shino?"
    "Why of course."
    As I walked toward to Shino, he looked a bit fine. Though he had an ice pack on his head.
    When my body moved closer to him, my heart started to thump faster. I was really nervous. I could barely speak.
    "Hi...there," I said real nervously.
    "Hey Fukai," Shino greeted me. "What is it that you wanted to tell me?"
    "Well, it's about Aki..." I started to explain.
    "What about Aki?" He asked.
    "Well, she tripped me in class when I was called to give you your stuff. Then she and her friends laughed at me," I explained in a soft tone.
    "I'm sorry what happened," Shino apologized, "I didn't know that this would have happened..." he mumbled very quietly.

    "I'd better go now."
    "Oh," he said in disappointment, "see you later."
    "Yeah, see ya',"
    * * *
    That was strange I though, why was he sad that I was leaving and what did he meant by "happened? It was really strange
    "Fukai," the teacher said, " please answer the math question on the board."
    "Yes Sensei!" I said very quickly and answered the question," the answer is 5.667%."
    "Correct," the teacher said in a flat tone.
    * * *
    During lunch, I was eating with my friends. I've met them since grade school.
    "So, what do you think?" I asked.
    I had told them what happened about Shino, what he mumbled and his disappointment.
    "I believe that he's your secret admire," Nana answered.
    " The most popular guy in the school? That's not possible," Bakura said in a negative tone.
    "It so can be!" Aria argued back. "Just because he's your rival, you don't ha-"
    "Save it!" Bakura interrupted her and stormed out of the room.
    "Nice job, Miss Smarty Pants," Nana said sarcastically and slapped Aria's head.
    "Ow!" Aria yelled while rubbing her head.
    "You don't think before you speak when Bakura is around, do you?" Nana said in an annoyed tone.
    "You don't have a crush on Bakura, do you Aria?" I asked.
    "Why are you asking?" she asked me back.
    "Well, you and Bakura are always, well, negative to each other," I answered.
    "And you look very nervous around him and you always look pink," Nana added.
    Nana's always a good observer. She's a spy in school sometimes. Well, she acts like one and she has a lot of informations of all the students and faculties in this school.
    "I do not!" Aria argued back, " and we only argue each other because he's getting on my nerves," she blushed.
    "Right," Nana and I spoke very slowly while eying at each other.
    "Well, I got to meet one of the teachers," Aria quickly spoke.
    "Why?" Nana asked.
    "I need to get some of the notes from last weeks class," she answered.
    "Oh yeah, well, see ya," Nana and I spoke to her.
    "See yah," she said while standing up and left.
    " Do you know what it actually is?" I asked Nana.
    "Yeah," she answered.
    "Are you going to tell me?" I asked her.
    "Maybe," she said with a baby fried squid in her mouth.
    "You mean maybe as in no."
    "Just tell me!" I demanded.
    "It is very easy to tell what it is," with her eyes closed.
    "I'll give you my tempura shrimp," I tried to trick her.
    "Oh, alright!" she gave up saying no," It's: T-R-A-C-K-A-N-D-F-I-E-L-D. And the shrimp?"
    "Here," I gave her the Tempura shrimp.
    "So, she's in the track and field? Big deal."
    "She's doing more flirting than running though," Nana said with a sigh.