• The dream fluttered into the little girl's head and her mind was illuminated into a thousand colors. Each one dancing and singing through her mind and carrying her through the night. Each one drifted into another creating an image and in a small color of light it was gone and the next began.
    The dream floated so wondrously no one would ever want to wake up. The dream spun through her head like the notes played on a violin. The little girl, her blond hair spun along with the colors of light in her dream, danced and the singing gracefully floated. Her little eyes were illuminated with happiness.
    The colors danced in groups and alone some even partnered. But every color was never the same. Every turn changed its pretty color even more amazing than before. The reds turned even brighter the blues grew softer and the pinks intense.
    The speed of the singing and dancing increased with every flowing movement. No painting could ever capture the beautiful images that danced along the little girl's head. No music could ever truly master the singing of the colors. And no color or quality could match anything about the dream. A diamond would hide its self in shame. And the sun would go away for the beautiful colors to dance through the cities. And remind them why we are here. Not to feel bad but to be wondrous.
    The colors reminded the little girl that she was who she was. Everything would be wonderful if these lights were true. Everyone would be happy and quiet for the little lights. A baby would stop screaming for food for the twinkling wonders. No one could understand the amazing colors but the simple minded people. The babies, the kids, and anyone who could take years with nothing but there family and friends would only understand these marvelous things. It was miraculous to see them but the dream had to end and the girl woke up to a small pink colored room. And the dream never to be forgotten unlike all the other dreams we've had. The dream would never fade but leave a reminder in her heart for longer than she lived when her soul had gone to heaven it would be unblemished. The dream floated on through other little kids that would remember the astounding colors.

    Thank you for reading hope you liked it. I worked hard on this. It took me longer than I've ever worked on something so short.