• I walked outside, and found Garrett and his little lackeys sitting around the benches, I walked over to them, and took Garrett by his pitiful little throat and began to lift him off the ground, That little rat was doomed beyond expression, and his “bodyguard” decided to get tough and protect his little leader, but he was stopped dead, sent backwards as a matter of fact, by an uppercut delivered by D. I put The Almighty a** back down, god knows why, and glared at him, hoping to freeze his blood in it’s very veins. I had no such effect. The cretin sneered at me, “So, when is your mother due?” that tore it, I may not like my mom much, but I was sick and tired of this idiot’s opinions. I looked at him with a rage that would curl the hair on a gorilla’s back fueling me, and took a shot, hit the little ******** straight in his already crooked nose, maybe I could straighten it out for him. There was a loud crack upon impact, and he fell to the ground clutching his face in agony. I could bet his “buddies” would’ve crushed me if a D hadn’t already been beating the s**t out of them when I hit him. I simply stood back and watched him fight, although he was large, his fighting was almost like a dance, one turned to punch him, suspecting him to jump back into the other’s arms, but instead, he let it hit him square in the jaw, he then took the guy’s fist and hurled him headlong into his little friend. I wiped the blood off of my hand with a handkerchief I always kept in my coat pocket. D walked over and cracked his knuckles smiling. “The big lugs thought they had me” he said with a chuckle.