• "Lady Heather, Lady Heather!" A youngling squirrel named Beech ran into the old hare's cabin.
    "Yes, little one?" Lady Heather rasped. "I finished my chores, can you continue the story?" Beech begged. "Which story?" Lady Heather asked confused. "The Retreat to Shadow Island!" Beech said worriedly. "Oh yes, I almost forgot..."

    As the hare, Rain, the hedgehog, Cherry, and the mole, Shady, paddled with the rest of the fleet, a heavy fog came in. Rain was the look out, who stood on the bow. "Stay close and only go straight!" She shouted to the other boats. Tensions were lingering with the fog, this is a worry. Rain looked back at her crew. "Shady, paddle slower." She instructed. Then all of a sudden, they bumped into a sandy shore. "We made it!" Rain shouted. They began to make supper and made camp, everything went well.