• The bell rang as soon as we got back down the mountain. Riely was clinging to my arm and kept glancing at Jodi, guess he doesn’t like him much either. The teacher dismissed us and we set off to our next class history, yay I’m so excited, NOT! The history class was n the other end of the school so we got there late, but our teacher didn’t seem to care. I don’t think he would care if we didn’t show up at all. He was the laziest person I ever met! He just sat behind his desk and showed us a history reel, and the reel was a cartoon. Maybe history won’t be so bad.
    Our next class would be English class. I hate English so much, all this reading and more reading then writing then more reading, UGH! We gathered up our stuff and left for English. Riley quickly grabbed for my arm. “Y’know you’re gonna have to let go some time Riely. And have t’ start talking,” we started down the hallway, Kuro and Trinity at our backs. “So Kuro where are you from really?”
    He looked at me as if I were the crazy one, “I already told you, Eden.”
    “Ok Trinity what was Rome like?” I have never been outside of Japan so hearing about new places always excites me. Mama says I’m gonna travel the world and see everything it has to offer, and I think she’s right.
    “Well I grew up in the country away from the city, but our country was absolutely beautiful,” Trinity smiled and turned to Riely. “Well Riely what was your home like?”
    I wasn’t counting on Riely to start talking this early but, “Umm we lived in the country too. Uh our um mama she liked the country since she was a forest demon, and our Papa did too since it reminded him of home.” He turned bright red in the face.
    “Well it is certainly nice to hear your voice,” Trinity got Riley to smile; wow maybe I don’t have to worry about him so much around these guys.
    We were getting ready to turn the corner when I heard somebody rushing towards us. I turned around to see who it was but the hallway was to dark to see anyone. I stopped so Riely stopped and the other two followed. We all heard it now. “Who do you suppose it is?” Trinity asked.
    I had no clue but they sounded frantic, then we sort of saw who was making the noise. All I saw was this purple and red blur that ran Trinity right over. The blur shouted, “I’m sorry but I’m late!”
    “Who was that?” Kuro whispered into my ear.
    Trinity was flat on the floor with a shoe print right on his face. Riley walked over to help him up., “Ah thank you Riley,” Trinity told him rubbing his nose.
    “Well who ever that was they are going to pay for this,” I had my mind made up.
    “You know for being twelve you are really headstrong,” Trinity came up behind me putting his hand on my shoulder.
    “Yeah? What about you? You always talk so bloody formal,” I snapped back to him.
    “Well my family and I weren’t exactly commoners, if you know I mean,” Trinity answered me some what embarrassed. So the guy wasn’t one of us so what?
    We got into the English class and took four seats that were next to each other, Riely sat between me and Trinity and Kuro sat on my other side. I couldn’t quite see the teacher yet he was looking for something behind his desk. He was mumbling about not being able to find something. “Oh I swear I put it here somewhere,” he said still digging then he cursed for dropping a bunch of papers on the floor. Great looks like we have an air head for an English teacher.
    Jodi walked into the class and took a seat right behind Riely. I looked behind me to give him a dirty look, and the jerk just ignored me!
    “Ah hah! Found it!” the teacher stood up holding a piece of paper in his hand. He was a real young guy, he had bright purple eyes with a purple peasant shirt to match, brown pants, and flaming red hair. Wait a second ‘purple’ and ‘red’, ah it’s him! “Few it’d be difficult to teach the class if I didn’t know who was in it,” he gave a smile that was almost as goofy as Trinity’s.
    “HEY YOU!” I stood up pointing right at the teacher , didn’t want the guy to go anywhere.
    “Uh yes?” he asked as if he were completely innocent. Then he had the guts to try and hide behind his piece of paper! Oh I was gonna get this guy good!
    “What are you doing!?” Jodi hissed behind me.
    “This guy ran Trinity over in the hallway and owes him an apology!” I made sure the room next to us was able to hear what I had to say.
    “Oh! Heh so that was you guys, oh dear I am so sorry. Ok I’m really sorry. Please don’t tell the Principal,” he bowed his head slightly.
    “Ah it’s ok really, I mean it was no big deal,” oops, this made Trinity go so red I swear you could mistake him for Christmas light, oh well.
    “No, no, no it was my fault really,” the teacher insisted.
    “Ah Mr.- umm?” Trinity was being t o nice to this guy.
    “Mr. Sherman, Eric Sherman.”
    “I should have gotten out of the way,” Trinity said.
    This debate went on for the next twenty minutes. I mean to overly nice guys trying to apologize to each other isn’t as amusing as everybody makes it out to be, I mean by the time the argument is over they both look like complete idiots. Great looks like I made the English teacher’s first impression not so great, but the guy deserved it! Right?
    The teacher and Trinity finished with their argument by Jodi finally telling them both to “Shut the hell up! You both are idiots!” I’m surprised the teacher didn’t get mad at him, instead he smiled and continued to introduce himself to the class and go over what we were going to be doing for the rest of the school year. Then he assigned us to read a paragraph out of a story he passed around to the class. Riely nearly passed out when it came to be his turn, Mr. Sherman saw that he was and quickly cut him off and did it for him.
    The bell rang which meant it was time for lunch. Mr. Sherman held Trinity back to have a word with him, while the rest of us headed to the cafeteria, which was the large room we started out in.
    Kuro sat down with this weird looking thing to eat, it was round and white, that wasn’t an onion, and had this sweet smell to it. When he bit down juice came down. “What is that?” I asked.
    “It’s an Opi fruit. They grow wild in Eden, I eat these all of the time,” he answered taking another bite. Wait if I have never seen this thing before and he says that they grow in Eden does that mean Eden really exists? Naw, there are plenty of things I have never seen, and just because this fruit has shown up doesn’t mean a whole nother world exists, right?