• The Beginning

    Long ago, in the Land of the Rising Sun Japan, there was a mountain thought to exsist just behind Mount Fiji. It was called Mt. Haori. Inside the mountain, there was a cave that no human could access or get near. Now, deep in the Underworld, the Hellhound King, Caaraas, proposed to his kingdom that a portal be opened in this cave. So that other hellhounds could rule the Earth above as well as the ground below. The Angelstar, dragon protector of the stars was not pleased with this uprising. Hellhounds were sent through the portal to destroy the humans and create a desolate wasteland for them to live on. The Angelstar tried to stop the hellhounds with no avail. Angelstar parished by the claws of Caaraas. With no one to protect them, humans fled to the nooks and crannies of the Earth, so that the hellhounds wouldn't find them. They live in fear for their lives in some of the most inhabitable places in the World. Now, Hellhounds have taken over, their surface base is Mt. Haori, the cave, and 200 acres of land around it. That land is barren, trees there are black sticks burned by the fire breathing hounds. Water is only pure enough to drink for some. Here, the Hellhound Circuit, a fight arena for the hounds to burn energy and pass time, is run by three chosen hounds, Tyruo, Gruff, and Steiner. However, deep in the Heavens, the Order of Angelstar is forming, an elite coucil of dragons, focused on giving the humans back their planet before it's too late. Whether they will succeed in resurrecting the Angelstar is on every hellhound's mind.