Chapter 2 - Code of Iron

    (Music playing- Boom town blues/ Guilty Gear XX)Download

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    *Inside the Pillar of Autumn, Phil was piloting his ship while listening to some guilty gear style blues music sipping on his cup of coffee and was having a conversation with someone from another location in the world, he was talking with Kay on the computer monitor*

    Phil= Any luck finding John in your location?

    Kay (radio)= Unfourtanately no. We haven't even looked for him.

    Phil= Why not!?

    Kay (radio)= Phil, that was suppoed to be your job if im not mistaken. You were the one who was with John last on both 104 years ago in time durring Rangarock 2 when you found Kaolla and saved the 4 guardians AND fought along side him when facing Omega Zero.

    Phil= Oh, right. I just hope that b*****d Dr. Wily havent done anything with my good friend or he'll have hell to pay.

    Kay (radio)= My scouts just dropped off a few newcomers who want to join us for the search for the model W's and help you find John. There names are Ciel and Mer, 2 young reploid kids and your new aprentices. Im sure they will get allong with you Kos-Mos, Kaolla, and Shinobu. Even Shinobu needs to be trained to be a megaman. Your gonna have your hands full for aq good long while so prepair yourself ok?

    Phil= You can count on me Kay!

    Kay (radio)= Good. I have some apprentices of my own so I will also have my hands full. And if any of my scouts pick up any traces of John, I'll make sure they radio me ASAP. I better go now so be sure to head to the old desert town of Kabiar, and pick up the 2 reploids. I will send you the map and location data now.

    *The computer instantly downloaded and the map data appeared on Phil's navigation computer on his right*

    Phil= Got it. Kabiar town, the old pub. Got it!

    Kay (radio)= Good. This is Kay sighning off.

    *transmission ends*

    Kaolla= Yo Philly! Was that Kay on the radio?

    Phil= Yep, sure was.

    Shinobu= What were you 2 talking about Phil-san?

    Phil= Kay told us to go to a desert town called Kabiar and she told me were gonna have 2 new crewmembers. By the way Kaolla, how is the Tardis?

    Kaolla= Still have some bugs to work out since we got caught in that asteroid belt back in that time era with Ciel and Roll, but it's gonna take awhile to fix that pipe on the flux compasator and the emergency temperal shift device also needs to be fixed.

    Phil= I still can't imagine how you got ahold of that Dalek technology?

    Kaolla= We been traveling and collecting old junk and alien tech parts. It's my hobby.

    Shinobu= Im sorry I couldnt be there with you and John Kaolla-chan. Im so useless.

    Phil= Shinobu, you are never useless. Remember that. What would John say if he heard that?

    Kos-Mos= Phil, we should be going to Kabiar, may I take the controls?

    Phil= Oh shoot! That's right. Yep, sure thing Kos. We can't keep the tykes waiting.

    *The Pillar of Autumn took flight torwards the desert of Kabiar*

    (Music ends)

    *Meanwhile.....in Kay's Restance force mothership......*

    *Phenox, a reploid man approached Kay while she was sitting on her captain seat holding a clipboard*

    Phenox= Miss Kay. Did you send Mr. McDonald the quardenants to Kabiar?

    Kay= Yes I sure did.

    Phenox= Can I ask you something Miss Kay, is it..... safe to keep Phil accompanied by Serpant? He was responsible for Vent and Aile's parrents deaths.

    Kay= Model W, was responsible for that! Serpant was brainwashed by that thing, it wasn't his fault, his mind was warped.

    Phenox= Ok. And about Zero. What will become of him?

    Kay= I dunno Phenox, He may stay or he may leave on his own. Who knows what he thinks. Besides, we got some new crewmembers who will be joining us soon.

    Phenox= You mean those 2 hedgehogs Halek and Moria? We already have Brock & Maggie do we?

    Kay= Yes, them too.

    Phenox= And just one more thing, have you heard from Jon Woods?

    Kay= I havent heard from him yet. He's been doing some expeditions of his own. He's been searching in old ruins of cities and locations from the Sigma wars looking for old relics and chances of finding Model W's. He also been looking for Ciel's relics as well.

    Phenox= You mean Ciel from the Neo Arcadia wars?

    Kay= Yes her.

    Phenox= Guess that's enough from me. I shal continue my work.

    *Phenox walks away while Kay walks to her quarters next door to the bridge, enters the room and sits on her bed stairs at a large plaque board filled with plaques with seals engraving "Code of Iron" and there were 9 names for each including Kay, herself. Jon Jack Woods, Phil, Kaolla, Cedre, Kos-Mos, Kay, John, Violet, and one faded plaque with a split and cracked with rusted places saying "Tom McDonald".*

    (Music playing - The grudge/ Tales of Symphonia)Download

    Kay (to herself)= John please be ok. You too Phil and Nyamo, wherever you are too.

    *sudenly, a human resistance solger walked in to check on Kay*

    Solger= Miss Kay, are you alrigh.

    Kay= Oh, me? Im fine.

    Solger= I never imagined you stare at this wall sometimes, I see you... huh?

    *The solger noticed the 9 plaques on her fancy cedarwood plaque board and noticed the damaged cracked one.*

    Kay= These? It's called the "Code of Iron", every member has a wall like this. Even Phil has one.

    Solger= What's the Code of Iron Miss Kay?

    Kay= A specal order group, only select few get allowed in. John is also in the group. See.

    *Kay points to John's plaque on the wall*

    Solger= Woah, sweet. But... whats with this cracked one here? Aren't you gonna get it fixed or replaced?

    Kay= Code of Iron members NEVER clean off this plaque wall. That cracked and dulled one represents a traitor of the group. These are to remind all members who are still true to the group, and those who sever and disbond with us.

    Solger= And, .... who owned that plaque?

    Kay= There was .... a man we let in .... by accident. It was long ago. Tom McDonald, captain of the Hannibal. The brother of Phillip McDonald, tricked us and let in some shady characters and took off with some of our goods. It was a terrible time for Phil, especally when he lost his first crewmembers who were all persocoms.

    Solger= Where is HE now?

    Kay= I don't know. And I rather not talk about it anymore. It brings me terrible memories to just discuss it again. To see Phil..... feel so much anguish.... and that was just his first mission. Solger, your dismissed.

    Solger= Understood miss.... my apologies!

    (Music ends)

    *The solger leaves the quarters.*

    *Meanwhile..... Back with Phil and the others in the Pillar of Autumn.......*

    (Music playing - Relaxation/ Megaman Batgtle Network Transmission)Download

    Phil= Were here in Kabiar, were dead close to the pub. Kos, prepare to land. Were landing in that spot. It's been awhile since the pillar had a days rest.

    Kaolla= You can rest too Philly.

    Phil= Heh, you can rest if you want Kaolla but, ..... Im not gonna rest until I find those Model W's and John.

    Shinobu= Phil-sama, you must rest too. Please, just for one day.

    *A second later after that, Cedre followed by 3 muscle bound and war worn men followed behind her. Duke Nukem, a suprisingly big muscled man and war veteran, Turok, a man with battle scars and indian like pendants, and a man named Rad Spencer, with a metalic gauntlet with a claw like device on it.*

    Rad= Phil, I been hearing allot about this "John" character from Kaolla. She said he's in code of iron, is this true?

    Phil= He sure is mate. He's also quite a megaman not even I could imagine my whole life in C.O.I.

    Shinobu= Did Kaolla-chan tell you all about John-san?

    Rad= She sure did little lady.

    Turrok= I even heard John can use magic too, and good at it.

    Kaolla= Sure is. I helped him get started.

    Duke= Hehehe, I bet I could use John's help in one of our missions. After hearing Kaolla's stories, I'd bet he can help me blow away allot of baddies with the help of his magic.

    Rad= I really never seen magic before.

    Turok= Magic is everywhere my friend, even if you do not see it.

    Rad= By the way, Kaolla. What kind of biometal did you use?

    Kaolla= Oh, I use the same John uses. John also used these biometals.

    *Kaolla holds out Model C and Model FA*

    Shinobu= They look pretty.

    Kaolla= They were badly damaged by Dr. Weil. Model M and Model S were also recovered allong with the rest of John's biometals since the incident.

    Serpant= Phil. The Pillar is ready to land at anytime.

    Phil= Perhaps we should chat later. Let's land this bad boy.

    *The Pillar of Autumn lands in the outskirts of the bar and when the main door opens, Phil, Kaolla, Shinobu, Kos-Mos, Turok, Rad, Duke, Serpant, Zero, Cedre, and Rush walked down the ramp. They headed towards the bar and as soon as all of them were out of sight, a secret cargo shaft opened up and a mysterious bulked figure with a large cloak and cowel crawled through and pulled out a portable speeder. He seemed to have been a stowaway in Phil's ship.*

    (Music slowly changes to - Suspicous events/ Megaman Batgtle Network Transmission)Download

    ???= My old nemesis Rad Spencer is with that dino hunter, musclehead, the swashbuckler and those 2 little girls. *cackles* I better find this guy who gave me the inventation to his little organization.

    *He unfolds his portable speeder from it's cargo box form to it's compactable speeder form*

    ???= I better get my a** out of here before those blasted git's find me. I was told not to be seen.

    *He hops on his speeder and takes off in a hurry*

    (Music changes to - Outskirts stand/ Pokemon Colluseum)Download

    *Meanwhile, in the bar, there was a small band of customers all sitting down having there drinks and snacks of shelled peanuts from a small tin galvanizing finish bucket each. The windows let in the gentle roars of the desert winds and the sounds sounds of people quietly talking to one another in each table.*

    Phil= Alright mates, time to get that reserved table.

    Bartender= Mr. McDonald, so good to see you. Miss Kay already informed me. Right this way please.

    *Phil and his large party followed the bartender to the private area of the pub. (WIP section)*

    Bartender= We normaly don't serve kids here but for these 2 little ladies, I think I can serve a glass of milk for you fine lasses. And for you Mr. McDonald sir?

    Phil= I'll just take some water. I quit drinking.

    Duke= Me and the rest of us blokes will have the usual, a pint an a half.

    Bartender= Will that be Budwiser, Miller, or Samuel Adams?

    Duke= We all agreed to take Budwiser.

    Bartender= Very well. What would the reploids care for?

    Cedre= Me and Kos-Mos will take the usual. The E-crystal infused Captain Morgan.

    Bartender= Fine choice lass. That will be 2 milks, 1 water, 3 budwiser 1 1/2 pints, & 4 E fused Captain Morgams comming right up. Here's your bucket of peanuts. Enjoy sirs and ma'ams.

    *The bartender man walks to the employees only area to serve the VIP table their refreshments.*

    Kaolla= So where are these new members were gonna have with us?

    Shinobu= I hope there nice.

    Phil= Im sure there cool. There names are Ciel and Mer. There 2 reploid kids.

    Cedre= More kids in the ship'eh?

    Serpant= *hmmmm* Im sure Miss Kay, father, and the others would like them too.

    Zero= ........,

    *The bartender returned to serve the ordered refreshments and handed out the menus to all of the people in the table.*

    Bartender= Just take a gander at this here menu and i'll come back to see what you like?

    Waitress= Excuse me sir, there's 2 more people here to see Mr. McDonald.

    Bartender= Do they have pass's. I can't let anyone enter the WIP without a pass.

    Waitress= He has a card called C.O.I. a man and a reploid child....

    Phil= A "C.O.I" card? Let'em in!

    Bartender= Admit them at once.

    Waitress= Yes sir. Ok you 2, your free to enter.

    *It was a couple with a man with a scruffy beard and long black hair and wearing a resistance uniform and a reploid girl with a purple dress and violet colored long hair and she seemed to be an old model reploid.

    ???= Phil, good to see ya' mate!

    Phil= Jon!? Jack ol' mate where' ya been!?

    Jack= Me and Violet here had been going solo looking for those model W's.

    Violet= We were searching all allone. Jack thinks it's best not to worry Kay.

    Shinobu= Is this Ciel and Mer?

    Kos-Mos= No miss. Shinobu, this is Jon Woods and Violet. Ciel and Mer seem to not have arrived yet.

    Kaolla= Another Johnny in the team!?

    *Zero chuckles quietly as he pleasently overlooked Kaolla and the others glee*

    Serpant= I wonder what ever happened to Miss Roll?

    Cedre= She decided to stay with Prairie, Vent and Aile.

    *The group sat down and talked for a bit while the humans were eating buffalo wings and burgers. The reploids were enjoying a bowl each of e-crystal infused chilli and they were all suprised to watch Kaolla Su eat 3 entire sailor sandwiches, a full rack of ribs and finish an entire place of an onion blossm.*

    Phil= Good GOD!! Kaolla, you can actually EAT all of that!?

    Shinobu= Kaolla-chan always been eating like this. She even cooks like a noble as well, but I warn you. Kaolla-chan cooks very spicy dishes.

    Jack= Man, I could never eat that much. I would either pop or gain too much weight.

    Cedre= She must be one of those botomless pit people. I envy her.

    *The bartender returned once again*

    Bartender= The 2 reploid kids just arrived from the bus. It's Miss Ciel and Mr. Mer, were letting them in right now.

    *There were 2 reploid children entering the VIP room and the both looked very identicle as twins. One boy and one girl. Having the same red eyes, dark blue hair and red clothing and black spandex bodysuits.*

    Ciel= Hello everyone. We just arrived.

    Mer= Woah, the party was much bigger than I thought.

    Phil= Great, here they are.

    Mer= Are you THE Phillip McDonald, captain of the Pillar of Autumn?

    Ciel= Is this really him!?

    Phil= Sure is. At your service!

    Bartender= You little tykes go and sit with these fine people, I will serve some e-crystal infused milks for these wee'tykes.

    Waitress= Alright, 2 more e-milks for the VIP table, man it's packed in here today.

    *After allot of eating, drinking, and talking, all of the members went back to the Pillar of Autumn to sleep. Although Phil had to end up paying a steap tab to the pub.*

    (Music edns slowly)

    *Meanwhile........John and Nyamo were in there quarters discusing about the biometal durring the night*

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    (Music Playing - Ending/ Shadow the hedgehog)Download

    Nyamo= How long do we have to hold up with the Bonnes?

    John= As long as it takes. Untill then, we just have to bear with it.

    Model SH= Man, talk about a lucky break. Those Bonnes seem strict, even for a gang of theves.

    John= There pirates, not thieves. Well, they do steal and I ened up helping them steal the treasure those hunters found first. What if the code of iron found out about it?

    Nyamo= It wasn't your fault. The Bonnes forced you into this. Look at me. Im stuck doing there dishes and cooking.

    John= I know. I just dont want the code of iron to think im a trator.

    Model SH= Dude, your no trator. Im sure this "code of iron" group can understand. Besides, this group is a team of friends right?

    John= I hate being stuck in a place all the time. I was always stuck in places since before Kaolla ever found me. I once lived half like a ball and chain to my home, work, school, goverment..... until Kaolla saved me from that old life I onced lived. I was a nobody until then.

    Nyamo= John....listen...I understand you may have hated your old life but your in a different world now, no... many different worlds. I too once lived a lonley life thinking I was never going to have a life I wanted.

    Model SH= I suppose my life in my past was always my way and living free helping out my friends. I was once an organic living beeing like you guys are. But now.... look at me,..... im a biometal now. I never thought I would become like this.

    John= Anyway, I hope one day Teasel will understand. I dont know how his life was and for his sister. Im tired and lets all get some sleep. We may end up working our butt's off or something.

    Nyamo= Good night John.

    (she kisses him and she snuggles with John in the old napsack)

    (music ends slowly)

    *The next morning*

    *Tron Bonne enters the quarters and stares at John and Nyamo sleeping in the napsack together peacefully with Model SH laying on top on the surface*

    Tron (mutters to herself)= Well isnt this cute.

    *Tron then takes a deap breath and then.....*

    Tron (shouts rudely)= What the hell do you think you two are doing in bed togeter!!!??

    *John, Nyamo, and Model SH jolt of surprise*

    John= Tron! Why do you keep coming in here waking us up like this!?

    Tron= Why are you two sharing this napsack like a married couple?

    Nyamo= Married couple?....

    John= Hey, were close friends, it's not like were sleeping naked under this or something.

    Tron= *laughs* You sure are strange John. Now you all get up and shake a leg. Teasel found some ancient ruins to explore. He will fill you in later John. As for you Naymo, you need to help manage the servebots and Bon. Now get off your asses and hop to it.

    *Tron leaves the room*

    John= Tron..... *shrugs* I wish she learn some manners!

    Nyamo= Some people are like that. She is the pirate type afterall.

    John= And I been feeling guilty ever since I help them steal the treasure from those hunters and that girl they call Ashe.

    Nyamo= I heard from one of the servebots that you saved her from a mechanloid. Is that true?

    John= Yep. It was one of those Giga Aspis things I fought on that continent where Vent and Aile were from. I better get dressed and prepaired. I cant keep Teasel waiting.

    *later in Teasel's office*

    (Music playing - The Gesellscraft/ Megaman Legends)Download

    Teasel= John, good to see you again. We found some new ruins to explore, we dont have to steal from anyone this time.....yet.*snickers*

    John= New ruins?

    Tesel= This new place people call "Giga city" is where were going right after this one so I hope your in high spirits and that biometal you found in that other ruins is ready too.

    John= Ok.

    (music fades away)

    *John and a team od servebots landed to a dark clouded area with a large tower with constant rain. John megamerged with Model SH and the servebots patroling the area as they stepped out.*

    Tron (radio)= Remember, all servebots will patrol the area. John is to explore. See any trouble, report immediately! Understood?

    John= Looks like more places to explore. Havent I heard of this place before.

    Tron (radio)= That goes for you too John. Find anything, call us immediately.

    John= Ok.

    (Music playing - Place of oblivion/ Megaman X command mission)Download

    *John walked to the ruined tower and entered the complex, it appeared to be somewhat a very old abandoned area full of broken mechanloids and aged and out dated computers filled with grass vines and dirt.*

    John= I think this place is really old. I better find a computer that's not busted up.

    Model SH= Why do we need to find a computer for? Do the Bonnes already have those?

    John= I need to find one here that can give us a clue of this place.

    Model SH= And what are you gonna do when we find one? We might not even know the codes and all.

    John= With this.

    *John pulls out his sonic screwdriver*

    Model SH= This thing?

    John= Long story, I'll explain later. I dont want the Bonnes mad at me.

    *John ventured through the ruined tower and climbed many stairs. In the staircase, there were many broken walls where John had a view of the outside area and can see the servebots from where he stood. Back in the tower, he seen more of the place where it wasn't so soiled. Later he found some old computers, but there were not functional.*

    John= I wish I havent sent out Model S afterall, She could really help me find those active terminals.

    Model SH= Model S?

    John= Long story.... again. I'll explain later. I can't keep the Bonnes waiting.

    *John kept looking for the active computers and when he entered a room, it was a large chamber room that lead to another door. There was a broken large Hippo looking Mechanloid that looked like it was destroied by blasters and a saber.*

    John= This place may be from the era of Megaman and Zero. This place has got to be at least 300 years old.

    Model SH= Megaman and Zero? Your begining to sound like some archeologist.

    *John gave a sigh and continued on searching and yet, more staicases and then he found a room full of capsules big enough to fit large sized psuderoids inside.*

    John= These things are capsules for making pseudoroids. Let's see.....Jango...Silver Horn.....Psychie...... some of these are too worn out to read anymore...

    *After going up another level of the ruins, John later came across on that read ........Scarface.......Epsilon*

    John= Epsolon..... why is that name so familiar?

    *John turned arround and found a computer that may be functional*

    Model SH= My scanners are picking up a faint power feed through this one. This may be a functional computer.

    John= I think we hit the jackpot, but we cant claim our winnings just yet. Let's see what we can get.

    *John pulls out his sonic screwdriver and activates the computer and there was a video of reploids working on 8 psuderoids and 1 specal reploid called Epsolon. John continue to watch the old video, then he found in the video.... a clue.*

    John= THAT'S IT! Epsilon was built with a specal fragment that fell from the sky 300 years ago, this may be what the Bonnes might be looking for. This stuff was called "Force Metal". Let me bring up the file.

    *John uses the sonic screwdriver to access the files of force metal.*

    Model SH= Here it is! Good work John!

    Computer log.......********......year 22xx

    Force Metal- An unheard of mineral substance known as force metal was extracted from the derbis of the small planet of 2202XA8. Almost immediantly, force metal technology revolutionized the field of reploid engeneering. On the artifical island of Gigantis, a massive facility was constructed for the purpose of mining force metal. Everything seemed to be in working order.... until a band of renegade reploids equipped themselves with weapons instigated a revolt in one sector of the island. The goverment branded Epsilon, the mastermind of the revolt, as a maverick and dispatched a maverick hunter team to Gigantis.

    ......log end.....

    John= Did you get that Model SH?

    Model SH= Got it.

    John= Wait... there's another one. Let's read this one.

    Computer log.......****.......year 22xx

    FMG- Force Metal generator...project given to.......iruhgieuhffh4fhiufhciurir.....puseroid....Gualdile....fiugfi3ygfbi`24bfi4bf3i4ubf3i4b3i4fb43ibf3ifb....Specal reploid girl....94yry4433ifhbhi...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    John= Aw crap. This one's damaged, but it still might be of value. Let's keep this one to just incase.

    *Radio activates*

    Tron (radio)= John, our new search computer indicates that you found data to a place called Giga City. Analize that data and get your butt back here pronto. Were expecting company soon.

    John= Company?

    Tron (radio)= Bad company, it's not legal hunters and reploid signatures but they read extra terestrial and they seem hostile.....

    (Music changes to - Stronghold void Oublette/Metroid prime hunters)Download

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    John= Space pirates. They must be after whatever they can grab. Model SH, you got all of that data?

    Model SH= Got it all John.

    John= im gonna make a spare copy and destroy this terminal so the space pirates cant analize it.

    Tron (radio)= Sounds like a good plan, DO IT!

    *John created his copy of the files he found of the force metal and Giga City data and took his Colonel saber and sliced the computer many times to destroy it.*

    Servebot (radio)= John... We have a problem.... MISS TRON!!! KHEEEHHH!!!! *static*

    (Music stios)

    Tron (radio)= Servebot party come in!

    John= Servebots! Do you read...

    *Sudently there was an explosion and John ran to the nearest staircase and peered through the open walls and saw the sevebot ship destroyed and a space pirate ship unleashing space pirates and they began to run to the enterance of the tower.*

    (Music playing - Samus vs Space Pirates/Metroid Prime 2 Echoes)Download

    John= Oh s**t! Space pirates again.

    Model SH= This is not cool!

    Tron (radio)= There after your data, I'll send a ship to pick you up. Hang in there John!

    John= Meet me at the roof!

    *John ran towards the upper levels of the tower to get to the rooftop as soon as he could but the rooftop once he got there, there was another space pirate ship that beat the bonne ship to it.*

    John= Space pirates just dont cut any slack!

    Servebot (radio)= Pull back! pull back!

    *The servebot ship pulled away from the rooftop away from the space pirate ship that was after John.

    Space Pirate 1= It's the John human!

    Space Pirate 2= Capture or destroy! That's the order.

    Model SH= Woah these guys are ugly!

    John= Were gonna have to take another route.

    *John jumped from the rooftop and grinded on the rail shaped siding of the tower and slid down to the outside of the broken starcasing.*

    John= Hurry up servebots! Now's your chance!

    Servebot (radio)= Yes sir!

    *The servebot ship swooped down and John jumped on the top of the ship and took off. The space pirate ship took off from the rooftop and flew after the servebot ship firing some missles. John casted (Thunder 1) and struck the missles and casted (Thunder 2) on the space pirate ship, it didnt destroy it but it took enough damage to be slowed.*

    Tron (radio)= Hang in there John!!

    Teasel (radio)= Alright, Marlwolf gunners ready! This is a red allert! Shoot those space pirates!

    *The Marlwolf flew downward and opened fire upon the space pirate ships. And one was taken out. The servebot ship made it inside in time*

    Teasel= Get us out of here now!

    *The marlwolf fired the engines and took off and escaped from them in time.

    (Music ends)

    John= Oh god....That was close.

    *Tron and Teasel ran to John in a panic*

    Tron= JOHN! Are you ok?

    Teasel= John!

    John= Im ok, ... startled but im fine. Scared me half to death! I saved the data and got it before those fiends could get it.

    (Music playing - Training and focusing/ Dragonball Z legacy of Goku)Download

    *Sudenly Nyamo ran to John in a pannic*

    Nyamo= JOHN!!

    John= We lost some fine servebots today. First those mavericks, now space pirates. But... why did space pirates come there?

    *Nyamo grabbed and hugs John and he was still in Model SH*

    Nyamo= Im so glad your not hurt.

    John= Im fine ok.

    Model SH= Dang that was a close one.

    Tron= Those other servebots of mine......I can never forgive those space pirates for what they done!

    Teasel= We at least gave those space pirates a quick beating too.

    John= Im sure they will try again. Im also concerned about Dr. Wily and Dalton too. I just hope none of them start collecting the Model W's.

    *And so ....... Phillip McDonald reunited with some old and new friends, John had his hands with the space pirates and the clues to force metal and othr treasures and also the awareness of Model W's. Will John ever see his friends again or will he be stuck with the Bonne family? Find out next time on Megaman Heroes 3.*