• My name is Violet and I have bottled up what happened to me for years. Now I want to share it, hope you enjoy a long story. The first of the screams echoed around me in that moment. I couldn't figure out who was screaming but then I realised it was coming out of my mouth. I was looking at my little brother, Zyad, who was looking at me with the exact same fear on his face. His eyes had changed, they were no longer the dark blue I had loved all my life but more of a clear colour, his eyes were exactly like a mirror, reflecting everything around him, the middle around his pupil was specked with white spots and they reminded me of ice. That was when I saw myself reflected in his eyes and the screams started again. My choclate brown eyes were gone, replaced by dark purple eyes with black lines and I could've sworn they were twisting around in circles, like a storm cloud swirling. Then I looked at my family, some of them screamed others mouths fell open in a silent scream. I was frightened and it took alot to frighten me. I didn't know what to do, but as usual I had to take charge...