• Tired. Bored. Lifeless.
    I stared at the back of someone's head trying to make it burst into flames, or melt, or at least something cool. I tapped my pencil and my foot moved up and down with a steady hyper rythmn just to get someone annoyed.
    The evil skinny banana teaching alegbra continued even though it (A.K.A The teacher) must have known we were all a million miles away.
    4 more minutes. Come on.
    I kept staring at the clock, begging for it to go faster. Of course everything seemed to last an eternity then. Now it was down to a minute. I smashed my pencil into the hard smooth surface of the desk so hard it snapped in two pieces.
    I took the two pieces and started drumming the desk like a drummer. The bell went off and I was gone. I dialed the combination on my locker and shoved all my binders in. The lock snapped and then I was gone out the prison school doors.
    I flew down the pavement, barely hitting it with my sneakers and sped right past a person biking. They managed to flick me off before crashing. I didn't care. The house with chipped paint and broken windows was coming closer. My home.
    I practically took out my face trying to open the door and then slammed it and locked it behind me. I locked all the windows as best I could then sat at the chipped table with a chair that only had 3 legs.
    Then I heard the one lone howl.
    Years of experience taught me what to do when Filbert came. The 20 pound pittbull was mean and merciless. Ever since I was 4 years old, I usually dreaded walking home, but now I had a system. The dog rammed into the door with a force enough to make me jump.
    I walked over to the curtain th hung over the sink and pulled it back to watch Filbert and the door war with each other. I stuck my tongue out at him and pulled the curtain back. One more thing to hate about Filbert. He never gave up.
    My name is Jamie, I'm a girl if you couldn't guess and I have one mom and one 3-year old sister named Alice. My dad packed up and left when I was 7. Now I was 15 and that was almost 8 years ago. It seemed like forever. Alice didn't even get to meet him. Maybe she's the lucky one.
    I heard a soft noise and my sister walked in and headed for the cookie jar. She opened the lid and took a cookie out. She smiled eerily and I frowned.
    "What have you done?"
    Alice just giggled.
    "I want to play with doggie so I unlock back door."
    She drawled out all these words with great care.
    I sped down the small hallway and skidded to a stop when I saw Filbert standing there, holding my only clean pair of underwear left it his slobbery jaws.
    "N-no F-filbert. Gimme it back now."
    And right then I swore that dog just smiled and sped out of the open back door. I stood there for a second.
    "I'll kill you Alice."
    Then I lept out the back door, slamming it shut behind me. The dog was fat but he was nimble. Good thing his masters spoiled him because he was panting by the time he reached the other side of the street. I roared the like a wild animal, screaming insults as I stalked across the street at the lard.
    I reached for the pair of underpants, ripping them out of his filthy maw.
    Only the part that was most imporant stayed in his mouth, and he ran away before I got the chance to hang him from the one scrawny tree on the whole street.
    I narrowed my eyes back at the house and sprinted back over to the door. Then around to the front. Alice had locked me out. I could have cried, but now she went to far and I saw red.