She'd seen that face so many times before.
His perfect blue eyes hiding beneath the sandy brown hair, perfectly framing his radiant smile.
She could only stare, her shy distant stare, barley hiding her fluttering heart.
Their time together was always the same.
His personality would overwhelm, leaving her speechless, she was left only to nod and smile by his side.
But, lo, how content she was!
Never would she ask for anything more than his company; to hear the deep even tones of his voice.
As his friends would greet him they'd give him rough playful pat, even the girls threw in nudge here and there.
But she'd never touch that flawless body.
When he felt sad she would reach toward him, then steady her hand and pull away.
Staying only to listen to his romantic troubles with other girls.
There would of course come a day where he would approach her, he'd get on his knees to win her heart.
But her heart was decided from the day she met him, and her mind torn from the days she spent with him.
For in her mind he may have had a dark side.
The side of him that begged for attention, that needed love, that desperately wanted someone by his side.
At any means necessary.
She didn't want to become one of his toys, one taken up and then abandoned.
Her word pierced him, only after it was to late had she realized that his tears were true.
She wanted so bad to comfort him like she had done so many times before.
She could only pull her hand away.
He was just too nice.
He was just too nice.
Regal Offence
Something based of my own experience.
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