• Hugged Aila good bye. She was the closest thing to a mother i had. Aside from blood the only difference she had from some woman from the states i didn't know long enough to remember was that she actually wanted me. So you can understand why it hit a nerve to see the unfamiliar face drooling on her sheets. Third one in just as many visits. Why i don't come around a often as i should. What it takes not to break the paying costumer's face. Bad for busyness I'm sure.
    "You gonna nick his wallet?"

    "A bit louder, love. I don't think he heard you?" I held my tongue. I was doing that alot lately. I wasn't one to judge. Its not like i was above it. It was only until just a few months ago that i quit the family biz. Speaking of which i was gonna be late. Must have been making a face. "So when you gonna tell me whats going on with you, kid?" I simply shook my head. I refused to lie to her and clamming up was the best i could do. "Right. Then when I'll see you next?"

    "I don't know, mum" A truth i could tell.

    "Thought as much. Alright, i guess." She said with a sigh and kissed me on the far head. The was she usually does. And with the i was out the door. "I love you." The only woman ever to tell me that.

    "You too!!" I would have gone for the lift but it would have taken for ever and this was gonna be so much more fun.
    I turned and started down the hall. Okay, just like he showed me. I focused and as suddenly as before a small fire was lit inside me. At first it was just a strode. Then a light jog that turned into a dash and before i knew it i was in an all out sprint. The warmth was stronger the faster i ran and this feeling was addicting. Runners high didn't cut it. This was insane. The hall was pretty long and at the end off it was nothing but a small window. Smashed out from the first time I'd done this. It was coming up and i was getting so hot i would burn alive and smile the whole time. Here it comes Just like he showed me. I dove. Literally dove, launching myself into the air like spear.
    The moonlight was so nice. Bright and so thick you could practically touch it. I bathed in the liquid silver for what seemed like for ever. The wind whistling in my jet black hair. I closed my eyes and let my body move on its on. I arched, tucked my knees close to my chest and somehow landed on my feet immediately rolled and broke out on all fours running. Nothing existed but me, the wind, and the ground my feet didn't seem to touch very often. I was getting dizzy with the pure joy of running.
    "Get a hold of yourself." The weren't actually words, nor was there an actual voice to them. It didn't actually come from inside me. It made very little logical sense, but i knew exactly who it was. I trusted tall almost as much as i did his other self, and him almost as much as i did Aila. Tal was right. I had somewhere to be right now and i would not be late. With that thought i ran even faster still. i hadn't thought that passable. My heart and my legs burned at the effort. My lungs were on fire and that coppery taste crept up the back of my throat and stained the corner of my mouth. It was all worth it. He was waiting for me and nothing would keep me from him. Not even the hounds of hell themselves. Though i should be a bit careful what i wish for. As of late that sounds less and less unlikely.