• ] When I awoke i heard voices downstairs. Which i admit was kinda strange considering that I have pretty bad hearing.
    Here is what the voices said:
    "It won't be long before Longtooth comes, I can feel it..." said my mom.
    "I think I'll throw a party when that waste of air leaves."> grumbled my father.
    "But I don't want him to go!He's too young, and I love him, even if you don't." said my mom worriedly and slightly commandingly.

    The confusion and fear was rising up in my throat. Were they talking about me? Who was Longtooth? Did I have to leave my parents?
    Then finally it became too much and I fell asleep yet again.

    "Time to get ready for school Mikey" said mom "I made put some yogurt out for you, eat it on your way to school."
    When she left I threw on a T-shirt and jeans, went into the kitchen to grab my yogurt and ate part of it with a spoon.
    "Blech!" I said in disgust.
    It tasted HORRIBLE! It smelled bad too. So I tossed it in the trash and headed out the door.
    I was still wondering about the whole fiasco of last night and decided that I was either delirious or dreaming and left it at that.

    By the time I got to my locker 1st period bell was about to ring. Then I heard heavy breath on the back of my neck. I could already tell that it was Bruce, the school biggest bully that picked me as a punching bag for this year.
    "Hi Markeee." growled Bruce.
    "It's Mikey you retard" I said a little too confident.
    Oh no...I realized in horror. I just talked back to the human pitbull! "What did you just say to me? Bruce growled threateningly.
    "You are a retard" I heard myself say "Or am I saying i too fast for you?"
    I saw him raise his fist readying to punch out my lights and then I saw in horror, my fist go up too!
    I hit him right in the face.
    The giant was surprised I guess because he actually fell on the ground!
    He put his hand up to is nose with tears in his eyes, brought his hand back down, and I swear, almost fainted, when he found that it was covered in blood.
    My stomach grumbled as I stared at his hand...
    "Eww" I thought.
    Of course when a non-athletic geek brings the nastiest bully in the school down on his knees crying, it causes a crowd, and where there is a crowd forming, there is sure to be a principle or teacher roaming around.
    And that's when Principle Dr. Stone showed up.
    "What is going on?!" yelled Dr. Stone.
    "He broke my nose" said Bruce through tears.
    "He couldn't have" said Dr. Stone in disbelief "You know he has no athletic ability whatsoever."
    "Yes he did!" said everybody in the crowd.
    And that's when he pulled me behind him towards the office and told some kid to take the bawling beast to the nurse's office.
    When we got to the office Dr. Stone said "Since you have never done anything violent on school grounds previously, I won't give you a detention, but i WILL call your parents.

    To be continued in chapter 3...