• zOMG 3000 Ep. 11
    Trouble at the Ranch!

    “So if you were a cool leader, you’d make Kiri...” theparkman123 continued blurting out things that were on his mind, but this one hit the mark. If it weren’t a game, he’d be... mutilated. You get the idea.
    101KiriUchiha was holding her fist out in front of her in punching position. “No. There is no ‘Kiri this and Kiri that’, you big bag of sh...”
    Prince Kazuhiko quickly swiped his hand over her mouth. “Look, I’m not getting banned because of your differences. If you can’t stand each other, then one of you should log off.”
    Wrong choice of words. theparkman123 logged off as soon as his finger could click the button on his mouse.
    “Frickin’.” Prince Kazuhiko wore a disappointed look over his digital face. “I didn’t think he’d do it.”

    Prince Kazuhiko and 101KiriUchiha casually strolled over into Bill’s Ranch and met Bill standing at the gate. “Hey, chief!” Prince Kazuhiko said calmly. “What do we need to do?”
    “Well,” Bill started off. “For starters, I need some Garlic cleared off the paths near my fence. After that, we’ll talk.”
    101KiriUchiha didn’t think well of the name. “So what, we have to fight little garlic bulbs or something?”
    “Go see for yourself, little lady.” Bill sneered.
    The two walked over to the first patch of Garlic. 101KiriUchiha came to the idea of them being monsters just from looking at them. “Those are some BIG garlic bulbs.”
    “Duh.” Prince Kazuhiko replied. “Let’s just get this over with.”
    Prince Kazuhiko and 101KiriUchiha started getting to work. They finally cleared off the last patch and headed back to the ranch gate. They noticed someone easily killing off Garlic next to the path. 101KiriUchiha didn’t want to say anything.
    “Yo!” Prince Kazuhiko greeted with a wave. “Are you also doing this Garlic mission?”
    “What...?” the stranger mocked. “Seriously. I’m way too high for you gamers who still use training wheels.”
    “What’d you say?!” 101KiriUchiha burst out.
    “Sorry.” The rude stranger apologized. “I meant to say, ‘you are weak.’ Oh, and the names Chrystal archangel.” He walked away cockily.
    “What the hell! What right do you have to comment like that?” 101KiriUchiha almost ran straight at him, but Prince Kazuhiko held her back.
    “Let him go,” he muttered. “I think he’s a bit too strong for us.”

    When the two got back to the ranch, Bill gave them they’re reward and told them to talk to Curtis. 101KiriUchiha was still angered by the mean criticizer.
    “Drop it.” Prince Kazuhiko commanded. “I don’t even think we’ll see him again.”
    He spoke too soon. Chrystal archangel was sitting over next to a lamp post by a small garlic field. “Well, look who decided to come. Do you still think you can beat me?”
    101KiriUchiha was about to let rip on him, but Prince Kazuhiko opened his mouth first. “Look, man, we don’t want any trouble.”
    “Looks like your girlfriend begs to differ.” Chrystal archangel just loved to push it.
    “You... have taken it... TOO FAR!” 101KiriUchiha zipped past him and materialized a sword in her right hand.
    Chrystal archangel dodged to the side with ease. 101KiriUchiha started dazing, and soon enough, a frightened look took over her avatar’s face. She fell to her knees and stared forward. What she saw was DarcBl00d.
    “What’d you do?!?” Prince Kazuhiko ran over to 101KiriUchiha to check what happened.
    “My very special ring. Song of the Fallen.” Chrystal archangel looked over towards Prince Kazuhiko with a cool and calm look in his eyes.
    “Darn it! V-Wolverine!” Three blades appeared on each of Prince Kazuhiko’s hands and he jumped forth. “Take this!” He slashed a few time, but Chrystal archangel dodged every one.
    “Sonic Boomerang.” A boomerang whipped at Prince Kazuhiko and he couldn’t get out of its path. He was knocked back a few feet and quickly slid to his feet. He was prepared to fight back at any time.
    “Hunter’s Bow!” he said as he leaped into the air and shot down upon Chrystal archangel. Only one of the arrows hit the target on the shoulder, and he hardly flinched. “Yeah! Got ‘im!”
    “Believe whatever you want to believe.” Chrystal archangel pulled the arrow out of his right shoulder. “You shouldn’t be rude to your seniors.”
    Prince Kazuhiko started seeing all sorts of visions, such as Gray and the Slimeclops. He eventually got to the Rock Crab and GameTesterJan, and he couldn’t control his body anymore. It was frightened and paralyzed on it’s own.
    But Chrystal archangel didn’t expect his first victim to recover. 101KiriUchiha flew past him, leaving burnt ground in her stead. “Gotcha.”
    “You’ve gotten up already?” Chrystal archangel turned to the girl gamer. “I did not expect something like that.” He was still calm.
    “Shuriken!” 101KiriUchiha threw a few throwing stars at her enemy and ran towards him as well. “Mantis!” She muttered something else under her breath as well.
    “Slash.” Chrystal archangel calmly uttered and held a sword pointed at 101KiriUchiha. But she just dodged as gracefully and professionally as if she had done it millions of times. She speedily swung her blade at his side and jumped back.
    “You did well.” Chrystal archangel showed that he felt the blade penetrate his side. “I’m very surprised. But now it’s over. Slash, Rage full.” His blade lit up in a reddish hue. He swung his sword in 101KiriUchiha’s direction tons of times and he wasn’t even standing next to her.
    A moment later, 101KiriUchiha had about a hundred rips across her body and was blown back. She fell to the ground without a word.
    Chrystal archangel started walking away, but he noticed something moved behind him. He thought it was 101KiriUchiha struggling to stay up, but the figure was not her.
    It was Prince Kazuhiko, and he looked like a demon, drooling and panting with humongous claws instead of hands. He ran the distance between him and Chrystal archangel in a second and started thrusting his sharp claws at his adversary, who was not fighting back. By the time Prince Kazuhiko was done, Chrystal archangel was standing in front of him, looking like a demon had met him, though he still smiled.
    But he was still standing. “I am very impressed. You get an ‘A’.” Chrystal archangel kept smiling. “You are an amazing fighter. But I won’t hold back next time. Oh yeah, how’d you get unfazed at the part with DarcBl00d?”
    “Because he wasn’t a bad person.” Prince Kazuhiko held a blue bladed sword at the throat of Chrystal archangel. “Now go.”
    Chrystal archangel left without a word, but he kept his charismatic smile pasted onto his face.

    101KiriUchiha woke up on a hill, and it was night. She looked around and saw Prince Kazuhiko sitting next to her, gazing upon the stars. “Parkman always misses on the fun, doesn’t he?” he asked.
    101KiriUchiha, despite she was surprised with her leader’s mood due to the jerk earlier, snickered happily. “He’s just very unlucky.”