Well if its not programmed into the library database, then i could take it with me and bring it back when i am done. It was not exactly stealing, not really, it was not like i was gonna keep the book, eventually i'd return it. At least that was my reasoning anyway. Deciding to look it up on the computer i log on and type in Living with the Unknown. The confusing part was that i was drawn to the book. for some unknown reason, or more like phantomless reason i had to read it. Like my life depened on it. I tried to shrug off the feeling as i looked at the computer screen. no matches had been found. maybe if i typed in the author, i'd find it.
Fliping the book open i search, no author. Maybe on the back? no nothing there either. Opening the book i look again and am about to close it when the rist few word catch my eye. They were worn and writtin in gold and it almost looked like it was writtin by hand, not a copier. of course if it was an older book it should come of no surprise. Draging myself back to the book i read the first few lines.
it can be noted that most supernaturals at a young age do not realize what they are and therefor never fully have use of their abilities. It is up to the adults in the community to raise them up properly and to teach them how to understand what they are capable of. More than once can a child left on their own cause massive distruction. However not ALL supertaturals or other than humans. Human children may realize that they too, are different from normal. They are the ones in the most danger of being put away in an asylum of sorts by their own kind - humans. since most supernaturals are raised by others of their kind they have very few worries about what can happen to them since the adults are readily availible.
I stop reading there and shut the book. so thats what mom wanted to tell me. i was not a normal human. it explainded a lot actually. Clenching my hands into fists i pause. its not like i was ready to think i was different. this was probably just a book that wanted people to believe they had super powers. I was just being stupid. I shove the book in my bag grab it and swing it over my shoulder. Then i walk out of the library. I was just being a stupid idiot, of course the book was pure fiction, just ment to catch your attention.
By ninth period i was ready to leave school. It was gym and we were doing hand ball. The worst sport ever. I was stuck being goalie and standing there most of the time. Entering the locker room i walk over to my locker and find a tall, blond girl standing in front of it. She was super model thin with large bambii brown eyes, full ruby red lips, and a perfectly symmetrical face with smooth skin. "Excuse me." I say. She ignores me- what a surprise - and continues to talk to the other girl. The other famale, was short with thick, straight, black hair. She had even darker eyes and a pale complection. Although no one can get paler than me.
"Excuse me." I say louder and much clearer.
"What?" The blond snaps "What do you want?"
"For you to move." I give her a level stare. "Bridget please move."
"Oh, you could have said that earlier." She shifts over a few feet and gives me room to open my locker.
Dailing the combination i open it and take out my gym clothing. I had a plain black shirt and black sweats. It was easier than being yelled at by the teacher for showing to much skin. I shrug and and quickly dress in my clothing. Most of the students at school, for some incredibly dumb reason, tried to show off as much skin as they could. and let me say that it was not pretty either. Sighing i leave the locker room and enter the gym. The boys were off some where else doing god know what while we were stuck here doing hand ball.
Slowly i walk over to my court and my team mates. Bridget was there as well as the short female, Elizebeth. I highly disliked them but what could you do when the teacher picked the teams.
"Clarissa, dear, can you please be goalie?" Chloe asks in a sweet voice. She was short, with and inch of make up, busty, and very sore loser.
Giving her my best smile, "Of course, Chloe, why wouldn't i? I've only been goelie for the last several games." Then i walk over to the goal and stand there. Bridget starts to laugh, and chloe can only stand there. Bridget was the most popular girl in school and chloe adored her. plus i could not help it if Bridget and i worked so well together. all the teachers thought we worked well together and always paired us up. Of course by now we had a way of working together on the projects and always got the highest grades in the classes.
I smile to my self and watch Chloe squirm. "Well thank you, Clarissa, i am glad your such a good sport. I love that about you."
"Well yeah at least i don't try to llick other people's shoes clean just cause i admire em." I give her a large smile and then ignore her. Bridget starts to out right laugh.
"Wow, where did you think up of that one, Clarissa?" she says stifling a laugh. "We really should go on a word war, i wonder who would win?"
"Well i may be smart in some ways but perferably i would rather not have to fight you."
The wistle blows and the teachers come in. "Okay class so we are almost down with this unit, so please play a good game and keep it clean." Mrs. Mix smiles and gives us all looks. "I know who you all get into the game but please no physical contact of any sort. we don't need to be sent to the nurses office."
"Yes, as Mrs. Mix has said no physical contact, please keep this clean and percise as possible." Mrs. Knock smiles at everyone. Both gym teachers were muscular, not body builder muscular but tough, and both had mouse brown hair and gray eyes. Everyone thought that they were twins and with good reason. they both looked similar to each other in so many different ways.
The game begins and my team gets the ball. I watch Clhoe throw the ball to Bridget and then run to the other team's goal. Bridget tosses the ball to Elizebeth and Elizebeth Scores. The other Goalie, Jennifer, a small red head, green eyed girl catches the ball and tosses it to Her team. One girl grabs it and chucks it to her other team member. They begin to make their way to our goal and i keep my eyes on the ball. Just from looking at them you could tell they would not lose easily and would not back down. I give them a deadly look and get read to catch the ball. I was on my toes and ready for any direction of the ball. When it finally was tossed it came from my right side. Instantly i lunge and using my hand knock it to the side and out of the way.
The game continued going on like that and no one scored. Both Jennifer and I continued to block all the goals so by the last few minutes of the game i was exausted. The other side had the ball and their ace player was about to try and score. I readed myself for the ball. When it came it came a foot abouve my head. I jump up and my fingers skim it my inches. It was just enough to get it to change direction. Lucky me, i just ensured a draw. No one made a point furing the whole game. Both sides were exhausted and both Jennifer and I Both had bruises and sore muslces. The wistle is blown and Mrs. Mix looks around. "Okay class is over after you tell me your scores you may change. Risa, what's your teams score?"
I look up and trying to find my voice i reply "Um, Zero. It was a draw. So no one won."
When i arrive home, i toss my bookbag on my kitchen chair and grab a snack. I pour myself a glass of diet peach soda and sit down to work on my homework. I had some English reading and Math homework. Taking out my Scarlet Letter book the small leather book falls out of the backpack. I pick it up and slowly open it and begin to read:
Chapter one: Humans with supernatural power
Humans although mortal have some amount of power although it is rare they may become witches, wizards, Winter Girls, and Any other type of magic user. They also may be turned into a Vampire or a Werewolf which in that case they would keep their previous abilities as well as gain. The least common type are the Winter Girls which as the name describes are females. Their power is heireditary through the mother. There have been fewer than 100 through out the the last few centuries. These females will constantly feel cold and inturn control that cold as well was aspects of winter. Their most common traits are blue hair, blue eyes, a pale compextion, as well as blue lips. They may if they wish freeze anything at a touch and are cold enough that any human or living thing that touches them will receive frostbite. At the same time any liquids they touch will automatically freeze solid. The air around them will freeze and the temperature will fall. The girls are immortal in many ways but they are also known to be hunted by Vampires.
Deciding not to read anymore i shut the book closed. I had not noticed my heart pounding in my chest but now i suddenly felt it racing. It was slowly dawning on me that this was all adding up. I was constantly freezing and everyone always complained about how it suddenly got cold when i walked into a room. Of course i never made any ice but still if i tried i most likly could. It was sort of silly how i was easily taking everything in. It was silly and if i knew anybetter i would stop. Biting my lip i slip the book back into my backpack when i hear the door open and close.
- by ugly_Duckling_17 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 04/08/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Vampire Chronicles continued
- Artist: ugly_Duckling_17
- Description:
- Date: 04/08/2009
- Tags: vampire chronicles continued
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Comments (2 Comments)
- ugly_Duckling_17 - 04/15/2009
- ...yeah it makes sense, and she is a girl. if you read the firstone, it states that she is a girl or at least it implies that
- Report As Spam
- Illfated Rin - 04/14/2009
The story was good, but in the middle when the game started you said that one team scored but when the game ended you said they tied.Oh and work on capitalizing your I's and it was a little confusing weather the main character was a boy or a girl in the very beginning.
Just bringing that up to you so you can make the correction. Other then those i liked it. - Report As Spam