• "Todd?" I whispered. I felt a warm, wet trickle down my cheek. "Peter!" Charlotte squeaked. "How could you!" I trembled, still in a soft whisper. "He got me angry! I lost my temper!" Peter argued. "So you turned him into a werewolf!" Charlotte screamed. "He has to phase back so we can talk to him." Stefan said quietly, calmly. Todd twitched and howled. "He doesn't know how." Charlotte said. "Peter! Tell him!" I smacked his arm. "Ow. Jeez. Okay." He muttered. Then, Peter leaped in the air and I heard the shimmery sound again. Another werewolf came back around the house. It was Peter. He barked and grumbled to Todd. Then Todd and him went around the house and they came back human. "Beth!" He said hugging me. I didn't say anything. Peter had his head down. "Sorry, Todd." He mumbled. "Whatever." Todd said under his breath. Aperantley he didn't forgive the wolf boy. "Get out of here Peter, Seth." She said making both Peter and Seth leave. They both glared at her, then phased to wolf form. "I'm sorry." Todd whispered. What was going on? First me becoming a vampire and now Todd's a wolf! Crazy! "Let's get inside before Liam comes!" Stefan said pushing us through the wooden doorway. Charlotte led us to a little room. "You can stay here." She said leaving us. Todd shut the door. I put my face in my hands again. Force of habbit. "What's the matter, Beth?" Todd asked, sitting next to me. "You're a...a....a werewolf! I'd never expected this to happen so fast, mean while at all!" I said, loud enough for Peter and Charlotte to hear. "We shoudn't have come here." I mumbled. Then something in my throat hurt. Dryness. It felt sticky and hot. "I'm thirsty." I said, opening the door and walking into the living room where Peter and Charlotte sat having a conversation. "My throat- "Come on." Charlotte muttered, knowing what I was going to say. "This is how we hunt. Pounce on large animals and just suck their blood. Easy as pie." She said laughing. I nodded once. "Let's go!" She said chuckling. I laughed along too. I saw a deer eating berries from a hedge. Charlotte put one finger to her red lips, gesturing for me to stay very quiet. I crept closer, enjoying the moment, knowing the sticky, hot feeling in my throat would go away. I crouched down and leapt onto the deer's flank. I bit its neck and it fell onto the ground. The blood was fullfilling but still didn't make my stomach full. Deer after deer, Lion after lion...I still felt a tiny spot of emptiness in the pit of my gut. "I'm better, let's go back to the cottage." I said wiping my mouth. Charlotte jumped forward and I darted to her side, beating her to the cottage. When I got back, Peter and Todd were on the couch watching football. "Boys." I muttered. Charlotte howled a laugh. "C'mon I have to show you something very interesting." She said pushing me to the back room. There were glass doors there. She opened them and led me to a big gate. She pulled a key out of a pocket of her long dress and unlocked the door. "Come and see how beautiful this garden is. this is the only human memory I have left." She said, her voice cracking on 'The only human memory I have left'. I smiled when she opened the gate. Bushels of Roses and Hibiscus flowers were twined in the garden around a little coi pond. There was two swings in the back of the garden, underneath a willow tree, only spots of sunlight peeked through. Squirrels and deer ran across the garden gracefully. "Isn't it elegant." Charlotte said in a dreamy voice. "Yes." That's all I could say. It wasn't elegant...it was something more than that that nobody could think of a word for how beautiful this garden was. I was in awe. I walked into the tiny garden and sat on a little bench, twined with vines and orchids. Grapes hung from a portion of the garden walls. This reminded me of my mother. My mother died a while ago when I was 12. She loved to have a garden in our backyard. My mother was in love with flowers and could plant them until twilight. I missed her but what was I going to do now. Even if she was alive, I wouldn't be able to see her. Charlotte swung back and forth on the little wooden swing, secured by white, thick rope. heart heart 4laugh