• A Christmas story

    Samson! will you do me a favor I need more milk and chesses from the store for the Christmas dinner would you run over to Wal-Mart and pick it up for me, thank you.
    Sam’s mom yelled up the stairs to him. It was tow days till Christmas and Sam’s mother was doing the family dinner so that meant lots of running around that Sam had to do for her. His mother was in the big bleu kitchen making a salad some sort of drink and a pie all at once yep that was mom always doing more that she can handle. When ever she would turn quickly to reach for salt of put some thing in the oven it would look like she was swimming in the big bleu kitchen. Well are you going moms voice said interrupting me from my thoughts I guesses I was just sitting there looking at all of the wonder full tings god has blessed us with and had gone off in my own little world… NOT, I just do that a lot so get use to it!

    On my way to the store I shall a little girl standing at the end of the street in all tethered close and dirty she was crying quietly in a corner. Tough she did not seem look very healthy seeing as she was thin and looked sick. Quietly I walked up to the girl and sense I had much more than her plus it was 2 days till Christmas and I did not thinck that any boy OR girl should go with no home or food or family I thought the least I could do as give her my allowance witch was not much but it was something. I handed it to her. At first she looked a bit scared of me but when she shall what I what I was giving her she took the money and jumped up to give me a hug. I sat down on a box next to her and she told me what happened to lead her here. She told me, her name was lily and that when she was only four her father left her and her mom because he did not want a baby girl but soon having only a mom changed too. She was12 now and still did not under stand much about it all. Her mom worked a good job way up in a high building called the twin towers it was said to be one of the biggest and made lots of money enufe to send lily to gr 6 and have lots of nice close to where." But one day when i got out of school i shall my auntie instead of her mom at first i was overjoyed to see auntie heron but when i ran up close to give her a hug i got the first hints of what had happened and what would soon lead me hear telling you these story. Her auntie was crying and auntie heron never cry’s for just anything. i got in the car with auntie heron for a long silent ride home.

    When they finally get home i sees her moms family and friends there watching the news crying. grandma sander comes up to me she looks the saddest of them all. I look around to see that the only one missing is my mom. Then at the very moment that I sit down and look at the TV it hits me like a strike of light lightning that she is missing…I look to the TV to see what has happened but all I see is a big cloud of smoke and flames. Grandma comes back up to me and tells me what has happened… she tells me that the building mama is in has been boomed and most people in it are up with god now and can't see us anymore.

    The next few days are very hard for me. I can’t watch TV cause on every channel there is a story about it running ,and it reminds me that my mom still has not been found and that I might never hear her voice telling me good night again…grandma is staying with me for a while till mom is found so we know what happened but in a week I will be going to live with grandma cause I am still only six .and we will be selling my house along with all items in it even most of my toys and close, oh I cant believe these is happening to me. I have been hidden up in my room crying for 3 days strait all my friends have tried to comfort me but nothing works when you try to confort someone from the other sideof a door.sense i keept my door looked and only opend it to let my grandma bring food even if i didint eat much of it.

    The week fly’s by fast and still no sign of mom I am already packed and we are moving my stuff that I could save and bring like my turtle named cat. My house is up for sale , I have almost given up on all hope that I will ever see my mom again And from all my crying I have lost my voice... so I just sit there all day and night sad and gloomy in my grandmas old rocking chair out on the porch. I some times hear grandma say to grandpa that she is worried about me and that I have not moved at all sense I came to her house and sat in that chair. And she is right I have not moved I just sit there and stair at the floor waiting for something, some news that will bring it all back to gather something, something that will bring back my hope and tell me she’s still alive . My bags are still up stairs, untouched and in the same place grandma left them. My food is still sitting there from breakfasted untouched as it has been for the past few days. Seeing as I don’t even know how many days it has been. Or how many meals I have skipped. The only thing I do know is that Granma is getting sick and very weak. Thought I have not looked at her or grandpa, grandpa comes in every night to put a blanket around me and tells me stories but last night he told me that grandma would soon have to move into the hospital if she dose not get better soon and that she might have to take a permanent trip up with mommy…

    after a few days grandma has a heart attack i am siting on the chair right out side and for the first time in a long time i hear somthing from these world these time and these house. i look away from the spot i have staired at for so long and see that grandma has colapsed! i try to get up but it has been to long sense i have streached my legs they are stiff or eatin so i dont have the energy i try to slide my self over to the little table it takes all the energy i had leaft to get there and when i do i hit my self really hard against the stone table so that the phone will fall down on the floor and i can call 911... when the phone doseint fall i have to hit the table again but i realize that my arms are going nume my eyes are going to shut and i am about to pass out quickly hit my head as hard as i can against the table. the phone falls.yes but now i am fadding fast. i dial 911 as fast as i can when i hear the police i tell them my adress my by the time i finish the last digit it all gose black!
    im unconches!

    to be continued...

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