• Prologue:

    I never thought it was possible to go mad with pleasure. At least not until that day. The sound of the nails piercing her skin was music to my ears.

    Chapter 6:

    The park, beneath an old oak tree. Birds tweeting in the branches above me, tree shading me from the spring sky's blazing sun. Baseball bat next to me, awaiting its first productive use. I got it a while ago, when my dad was still trying to get me interested in sports. The thing's been sitting in my closet ever since. In the bushes a few feet away there's a nail gun, bought that one a home depot yesterday.

    I've had a boring week. School's been suspended again. Some administrators are thinking of closing down the school until the culprit is caught.

    Fat chance.

    At least it's a nice day out, though it looks as if it might rain soon. The storm clouds in the distance have already sent most people home, nobody wants to get caught in the rain. Only people left are me, and the church youth group about 30 feet away that have spent the last half-hour in a prayer circle singing about how "The lord Jesus Christ is the shining light and the only path to salvation."

    Listening to the crappy psalms for so long has nearly driven me to puke. I really can't stand any of this religion crap. It's always the same crap about how there's an inherent problem with our soul and the church, or temple, or whatever has the cure. You'd think people would run out of ways to rephrase the same s**t over and over again, but it seems as if these idiots never run out of God.

    Finally they stop with their incessant bull. Now its time for the ******** sermon, where the youth pastor gets diarrhea of the mouth about being holy and "saving the heathens from ever-lasting damnation in the fiery pits of hell!"

    Jesus tap dancing Christ, will he shut the ******** up already? Unlike his brainwashed little ********, I lack the virtue of patience.

    After 20 interminable minutes the jack-a** finally closes the gaping hole in that butt-plug he calls a head. Took him long enough.

    They all finish with an amen and stand up. Some start to walk off, in pairs or groups, going home or to some body's house to hangout. I see Carrie talking to the pastor, saying something about how she enjoyed the sermon and can't wait for next week. He begins to respond and the winds shifts, blocking out the rest of the conversation. I do however see him put a hand on her shoulder. She shrugs it off, obviously uncomfortable. I can't tell what he was saying, but from that little motion, I get the gist.

    Typical, the middle-aged b*****d goes on about morality and justice, then tries to screw one of his teenage students.

    Rebuffed in his advances, he starts flailing his hands. He raises his voice and i hear him yell something about her being a tease or some delusional crap. I smirk at that one, Carrie's got to be one of the most asexual kids in the school. It's like jesus killed her sex drive. The pastor storms off, pissed off that he can't commit statutory.

    Carrie runs in the other direction, rights towards my hiding spot, tears welling up in her eyes. I'd expected to have to follow her for a while, but it appears the universe is delivering her right into my hands, as apposed to a trusted religious figure's lap. She rushes through a bush, not eve looking where she's going. She doesn't see me until I start my swing. Too late to react.

    The wood connects with the side of her head and makes a dull thud. The strike knocks her out cold. Good thing I didn't use an aluminum one, it would have made that annoying *ping* sound.

    Thunder starts to roll as I pull the nail gun from its hiding place. Hopefully the rain will keep off long enough for me to finish, it's dangerous to operate slippery power tools.

    I grab Carrie's left wrist, thankfully the b***h is pretty light so I can lift it up to the tree's lowest branch. I aim the nail gun dead center at her palm. I'd like to tell you that i stood for a second building up dramatic tension, to give the audience a chance to wonder "will he really do it? Is he really such a monster?" but I didn't. I nailed the little zealot to the tree as easily and quickly as if I were putting in carpet. It was once the nail sank into her skin and the timber behind it that was dramatic.

    The loud "bam!" as the nail fired off seemed almost deafening. Yet that paled in comparison with the crunch of her bones being pierced. What must have seem a maniacal smile instantly races across my face. My mind brings me back to killing Rico, my first planned kill. I get dizzy, but my brain still stays focused.

    Carrie starts to stir, the pain must have woken her. Her eyes open, she looks around for a second, disoriented. Her eyes come to rest upon me, then her eyes widen as she registers the pain in her hand. She opens her mouth to scream.

    In the blink of an eye, I grab the baseball bat and smash the end into her mouth. A few of her teeth fly out of her mouth, a couple other embed themselves into the bat. The hit is enough to shut her up. I grab her right hand, position it on the tree, and pull the trigger. *Bam!* into the tree. I crouch down, grab her ankle, pull the trigger. Repeat the process for the other. now she can't do anything.

    I look her straight in the face as I stand up straight. She's either still woozy from the bat slam, or the whole getting-nailed-to-a-tree thing. I raise, the nail gun to her forehead.

    "Cheer up," I say. "If you're right, this will bring you closer to God."

    I pull the trigger. Nail smashes through her skull.

    Walking off, nail gun and bat in hand. Rain starts pouring down, thankfully it did hold off until I was finished. As I trek through the downpour, I start to think. Would it be too terrible to start up "Singing in the rain" or would that be considered too similar to "A Clockwork Orange?"

    I'm still mulling it over when, out of the blue, or perhaps gray in this scenario, a a huge flash of light goes off behind me. I turn around to see the tree to which I've just nailed Carrie to erupt into flames.

    I can't believe it, lightning just cleared the seen of any possible evidence that might implicate me.

    I gotta say, if there is a god, he's definitely got a sense of irony