Hi my name is Rin, and I live in Ohio. My sister and I are young, but powerful witches. I love to spend my days and nights near the river or in the woods. Most of the time I am reading a good book or writing. My dad was a teacher until he died in a school shooting. My mom is never home because she works days and nights, so my little sister Ann and I are always away from home or alone in our rooms. Our mom doesn't know that my sister and I are witches. I can light things on fire with my mind, and Ann can move things.
*** *** ***
One night I was alone in the woods writing, when I heard a strange noise. When I went to see what it was I saw a young boy tiring to get away from a huge dog with five heads and two tails! It was drooling blood and barking angerly. I tried to help, but I got there to late and the monster dog caught the boy. It took its time tearing the boy limb by limb. It started with the boy's feet. Then his hands. Next it ripped open the boy's chest and started eating the organs. Then it turned to me. Most witch's powers are linked to their emotions, so if they are afraid their powers won't work well, but if they are angry their powers are strong and hard to contain. I was angry, I just had to see a little boy get killed by this ugly monster. I screamed and the monster burst into flames. as it howled in pain I started laughing and crying at the same time.
*** *** ***
When I got home I knew that Ann was home, because I could smell her home cooked rice and fish. When I went into the kitchen my food was sitting on the table and Ann was waiting for me. She was the only one in our house that could cook. She tried to teach me once, but I got mad because I kept messing up and accidentally burnt down our house. When I sat down I had the second surprise for the day. The door opened. Then slammed shut, and our mother came running into the kitchen. "Thank goodness you both are okay" she said, almost crying, "do you know what happened in the woods down the street?" Then she ran and hugged us both, so Ann asked "What could have happened that was so bad that you had to leave work?" Ann never liked our mom after dad died, and mom snapped and started practically living at work. Mom replied, probably still not noticing Ann's hate "the police found the remains of a child torn to pieces, they still haven't found most of the body parts, but did find a huge burnt area." Ann while starting to cook a pie just said angerly "if Rin or I were there we could have protected ourselves." Then she slammed the oven door shut and stormed out of the kitchen. I told mom that she should go back to work and that I would take care of Ann.
*** *** ***
"Ann open the door, mom's gone." "good, it's not like she cares anyway, she just has to act like a worried parent." "Ann you know that's not true, now open this door before I burn it down." She walked out, so I followed her to the kitchen. "Ann I was there you know." "I know that's why there was a large burnt spot, did you get mad?" "Yeah, that thing had five heads and two tails, but still looked like a dog. It killed that boy right in front of me, and it knew that I was there. It knew that I wouldn't run. I tried to help but......" I know, do you know who the boy was?" "No." "I 'm going for a walk, take the pie out of the oven in five minutes." "Take something for protection, there might be more of those things." "I will." Then she left. When the pie was done I went to go shopping. When I got to the store there was a very cute guy so I went to talk to him. I learned that he was signal and that we were very alike. He was shopping with me when I heard a gun shot. Then a lot more at the same time. I remembered my worse nightmare, the one that was real. It seamed that I was reliving the whole day in the middle of a crisis.
'that morning I woke up and screamed, I had a horrible dream of blood and death. My mother rushed into my room, worried. She was so scared that something bad happened. The we fought because I said that I didn't want to go to school, but she wouldn't let me skip a day of learning. I was in my father's class when the door was broken down. Gun shots, lots of them, all at once. Then screams, loud, horrible screams. Then all I could see was my nightmare, blood shooting everywhere and everyone dieing, I think I was in shock everything seamed like it was going in slow motion, and nothing seamed real to me, the running and screaming, I didn't feel any pain even though I saw that I was shot in the leg. Then something suddenly felt real, my father was shot in the face and was dead. I screamed and started crying, I wasn't afraid for my own life, I only felt the pain from my father's death nothing else.'
I was suddenly back to the present time. I was on the floor crying, ling in a pool of blood I saw the dead boy's ghost by my side ant the cute boy was under a table. I was shot, in the belly I don't think it hit any organs because I was still alive. This time I felt the pain. Then I slipped into memories again.
'I was on the floor holding my dead father, crying, screaming. Then I got mad, how dare this person take my father away from his family! I screamed and the shooter's gun burst into a white hot flame and melted. Then I raced into him and started punching him in the face as hard and fast as I could. He was dead. The next thing I knew the police where there, and my mother. They all kept asking me a ton of questions.'
I woke up I could see a lot of lights and hear people talking. I finally started talking "where am I?" Then I heard Ann and mom say at the same time that I was at the hospital. That day, so long ago, was when I first knew about my powers, I thought. "Ann, can you get me some water please." "Yeah, just rest and I 'll be right back, okay."I slipped into the past again.
'They were asking so many questions and I was starting to get scared. "Who was the man that shot all those people?" "I don't know!" "Why are you the only one from that room that isn't dead?" "What? Everyone is dead? All forty-seven of them?" "Yes." That made me start crying again, even though I didn't have any friends. I was always distant from most people, and those who I did trust always left me, except Ann. Ann was always picked on because her sister was an outcast, so I always protected her'
I came back to the present problems. "Mom there was a boy in the shop, under the table, where is he?" Ann came in and said "He went home with his dad, but he gave me his phone number so you can call him." I fell asleep. This time it was just sleep, no memories, no nightmares, sleep. When I woke up it was quiet, dark, but I knew that mom left for work, but Ann was still here for me. "Ann are you awake?" "Yes do you want me to go get the nurse?" "No, I 'm okay." "Are you sure? The doctor said that your lucky to be alive, if you were shot one inch higher you would be dead."
'I wanted to go home, I was sick of them asking me all these questions. "I want to go home." "Sorry but you have to stay for a little longer." "No, I want to go home Now! I want to see my little sister!" "You cant leave yet." I wanted to go home, I wanted to leave this place. I was starting to get mad that they were keeping me here. The next thing I knew the table caught on fire, then the wall.'
Ann was standing by my bed. "Are you okay Rin, can you hear me?" "I 'm fine I just remembered something. Can you ask the doctor if I can go home?" Then she left. I heard her in the hall. "Do you know where my sister's doctor is?" "Whats her name?" "Rin, she's in room 203." "Okay, I 'll go get her doctor for her." Then that lady left and Ann came into the room. "One of the nurses is looking for him." "Thanks." The doctor walked in. "Are you feeling okay, Rin?" "Yes, I want to go home, can I leave?" "You got shot very close to the lung yesterday and you want to go home?" "Yes." "If you go home you could die." I suddenly fell, going back into my terrible nightmare.
'The fire was spreading through the whole room. "Don't just sit there girl go outside." I key then that the police did care what happened to me. Then all of the fire died away. Nothing looked burnt. The officer sat down and asked another question. "How did you kill the person who killed all those people?" "I punched him in the face as hard as I could until he was dead." "Why did you kill him?" "He killed my father." "You didn't kill him to protect yourself?" "I wasn't worried about myself, I was just mad that he took my father away." Then he said that I could leave so I did, and Ann was waiting for me.'
The doctor looked worried. When I woke up. "What happened, are you okay?" "Yes I 'm fine. I just keep remembering something that happened a long time ago." "When dad died?" "Yeah, you were lucky you weren't there, I 'm glad you weren't everyone died, but me." "It's all mom's fault." "How! How is it mom's fault! She couldn't have known that some guy would come into our school and kill dad and his class!" "If she let you skip that one day, dad would have been home and wouldn't have gotten shot!" "If I was home he could have killed everyone in the school, I killed the killer but if I didn't he would have gone to the next room." I was crying again. The doctor looked shocked, so did Ann. We never fought with each other. Ann started to cry and things started moving around and smashing into walls. The doctor ran out of the room. "Ann, stop!" Then she ran out of the room crying. I got up and tried to follow her but couldn't. If she ran into one of those dog things she would die, because she is to upset to protect herself. I started to walk, slowly out of the room. When I got to the hallway everyone tried to stop me from leaving. I got mad because I had to protect my sister so I lit one of the rooms on fire. When I got in the elevator all the fire went out. I got on a bus and road it to the street closest to the river I knew that Ann would be going there. I went and leaned against a tree that is close to the river. Memories flood back.
'I left the police office in tears with Ann walking next to me. We went to the river, everything always seamed better there. I was still bleeding from before and it hurt. Ann asked how I survived and I told her "the gun burst into flames and melted, and later the police office caught on fire." She said that when our mom told her what happened a flower vase flew across the room and broke on the wall.'
I came back from my memories and heard a loud barking noise. I saw Ann, she was running away from the dog. She was trying to use her power but it was to big for her. I yelled to Ann "Ann over here, bring the dog over here!" She ran towards me and I lit the thing on fire. Ann came and sat next to me. "Rin, I'm sorry I left." "That's okay. I was worried about you."
*** *** ***
Later we were climbing a tree when I got dizzy. I fell out of the tree and the next thing I knew I was back at the hospital, I don't even remember hitting the ground. I heard voices fighting, arguing, yelling. I recognized the voices. There are three one was mom, another was Ann, but I don't know who the third one was. Then I remembered it. It was the police officer from so long ago. Someone was slapped I heard, it was so loud. Then silence, so quiet. Ann screamed at someone "get out, and never come near me or my sister again." Her voice was filled with pure hate. Ann walked to the bed and hugged me. "Don't worry Rin, everything is okay." Then I opened my eyes, Ann was crying. I must have lost a lot of blood because there were four blood bags connected to my arms. It hurt to move so I just stayed there and didn't ask to go home because I knew I couldn't. It was starting to get dark outside when the doctor told Ann that visiting hours were over and that she could come back tomorrow. All night doctors came in and out of my room checking my blood pressure and checking how much blood was left in the bags. I only got about tow hours of sleep because the doctors kept waking me up and telling me what to do. I stopped bleeding sometime during the night.
When Ann got to come back I was eating breakfast. "Do you want something to eat?" "No, I 'm not hungry." My room smelled strongly of blood. The strong metallic smell made it hard to smell anything else. "Why does it smell like blood?" "Because you bled everywhere." "I did?" I looked around, there were flowers everywhere in the small room. I couldn't smell the flowers, but they made the room look better. The nurse came in and changed the blanket. "Your mother is here do you want here to come in?" The nurse asked. "No just tell her to go back to work, I 'll call her later." Then she left without saying another word. I pushed the little nurse call button. Another nurse came into the room and asked what I needed. "I 'm hungry, can I get some food?" "I'll go get you a menu." Then she left. She came back in about five minutes with a menu. "Just pick up that phone and dial 328 to get room service then tell whoever answers what you want to order." Then she left. "Ann do you want anything?" "Can I get a cheeseburger?" I dialed. "What would you like to order?" The person who answered asked. "Can I get tow cheeseburgers and two sprites?" "It will be right up."
My mom tried to see me three times later that day, but I didn't want to see her. During the day a lot of people came to visit. Mot of them brought flowers, but some of them brought crosswords. That night I got a better sleep then the night before. I had to stay at the hospital for ten days. Everyday was almost the same.
On the last day I finally let my mom visit because I needed a ride home. The doctors wouldn't let me walk to the car, they made me ride in a wheelchair and my mom had to carry all of my stuff to the car when the doctor pushed me through the long hallways and helped me into the car. When we got home I sat next to Ann on the couch and we watched the movie Shutter. When the movie was over we went into my room and it started pouring rain. The sound of thunder and flashes of lightning were calming as we sat and talked. "Ann, when do we go back to school?" "Next Monday, I already got all the stuff we need. We have six classes together and lunch." "This was a horrible Summer." "Yeah, it was." "So school starts in eight days. I can't wait." I said with sarcasm. "Yeah, I wonder how people will act when they find out that you got shot, again." Then I fell asleep. I had a nightmare and woke up at three A.M. "What happened in that nightmare, I don't remember." I said to myself. I couldn't fall back asleep so I went downstairs, passing pictures of me, Ann, and dad, but none of mom, she never got her picture taken with us. I went to the dark kitchen to get some food when I had the feeling that someone was watching me. "Who are you? Show yourself!" I demanded. The next thing I knew I was waking up in a dark room. "What happened?" my head hurt. "Where am I?" wherever I was it smelled strange, like something died. My eyes finally adjusted, and I saw dead animals and blood pentagrams. There were black, unlit candles everywhere. Words everywhere, so many words, I didn't know what they meant, they were a different language. I had that strange feeling that someone was watching me. "Who are you! Where am I! Why am I here!" I screamed. Then a fire started, so large and hot that it hurt. Then I saw the person who was watching me. He was watching from the other side of a thick window with bars on it.
Then I woke up in my room. "It was a dream?" "What was a dream?" Ann asked. "I didn't know you were here, Ann." "It's almost noon, I wanted to wake you up before it got to late." "Thanks, I had a nightmare." "What was it about?" "I woke up after a nightmare that I couldn't remember and went to get something to eat. Then someone knocked me out and kidnapped me." "That must have been awful." "I thought it was real, I was afraid." "Let go out. We can go shopping then eat a late lunch okay." "Okay, lets go." Past the pictures we walked. We walked down the street, passing many people. Then I stopped. It was him, the man behind the window. he crashed into us. "Hey, watch where you're going!" Ann yelled at him. "Hey, did you hear me?" "Ann stop, he is the man who kidnapped me in my dream."
We walked very quickly to the store and got all of the things that we needed for school to start. We then went to McDonald's for lunch and went home. It was
seven days left then we are stuck in stuffy classrooms all day." I commented. It was eight at night when we finally stuffed all of our stuff in three bags and two book-bags each. "So now that that is done I'll go cook us dinner."
I went for a short walk before dinner just to get some air, and I saw him again. He was only a few feet ahead of me and he was slowing down so that soon we would be right next to each other. Then he stopped "Who are you?" he asked. "Who am I? Your the one following me. Who are you?" I replayed. "Why would I be following you I don't even know who you are. I am looking for someone that's all. I don't really know who she is but I know she lives around here. She is a young teenager and is very strong and thinks that she can do anything just because she is different. I have to protect her from evil that will try to change her and make her kill. She will most likely have no say in the matter and if I don't save her a lot of people will die." "Shh someones coming." I said very quietly even though I knew that the person I heard was over tow blocks away. "Where, I don't see anyone." "You don't need to see them I can feel them watching and hear their footsteps. I have to go home I think my sister might be done with dinner. Good bye." Then I left. "I think it's her" he said to himself when he knew she was to far away to hear him.
*** *** ***
The days went by quickly as they normally do when you have a lot to do in a small amount of time. It as already the first day of school and our classes were changed so that I would be in all of the same classes as Ann because I still couldn't walk very well so the principle put us in the same classes so Ann could help me around. That strange boy that I kept seeing around was in my first two classes but the cute boy form the store what seamed like forever ago was in most of my classes. Ann and I had lockers next to each other because they were assigned by last name. It was our first day in High-School and I already made some enemy's, I don't know why but I always seem to make people hate me. It was time to go home and Ann and I don't have to ride the bus because we live close to the school so we decided to walk home and a group of kids who are know to be the biggest and baddest bullies stopped us. "Get out of our way." I said. "Your new to the school so you might not know that no one tells us what to do." The tallest one said. He was the leader. You can tell by how he thinks he can do whatever he wants and nothing can stop him. "Move now!" I said. He had the nerve to actually try to hit me. I of course ducked so he missed. I was down ready to fight if I had to. One of the goons pulled out a knife so I kicked upward and hit the leader in the nose. I think it broke but who knows I'm not a doctor. He was down, he had no way to fight without losing a lot of blood from his nose so he tried to stop the bleeding when one of the other two tried to hit Ann. "Hey! Leave them alone." I heard a voice that I knew. It was the boy that seamed to be everywhere I went. The two who were going to fight even though their leader was hurt finally figured out that if they fight they will be in big trouble and ran, leaving their leader behind. "Thanks I don't know if we could have made them leave on our own." I lied. "Yeah, it looked like you could use some help so I came to see if I could help any." "I never learned your name, and now that I think of it I never told you mine. I'm Rin and this is my sister Ann." "My name is Ryan. Nice to meet you Rin and Ann." "We were on our way home if you want to come over and watch some horror movies or something." "That sounds like fun but are you sure that your mom and dad won't mind?" "Our dad is dead and our mom might as well be too because she's never home." We walked the three blocks to our house. I showed Ryan where we kept all of our movies. We had a room that had all four walls and all of the floor filled with bookshelves. on the floor there was four feet between rows of bookshelves. most were filled with books but two were for movies (all horror). "Wow, that's a lot of books." "Yeah we read a lot so if you ever need to find a good book you can come here." We got the movie 1408 and went into the living room where the biggest TV in the house is and watched it. By the time the movie ended it was time for dinner so Ann cooked and Ryan stayed for dinner. We had chicken and baked potatoes. After dinner Ryan said he had to go home. That nightmare the window and get me out of that room. I woke up and had the feeling that I was being watched. I didn't like it so I went into Ann's room and she wasn't there. Then I realized it was five in the morning so she was most likely getting ready for school. It was still dark and it was raining outside so I went in the kitchen to eat breakfast. it was dark in the kitchen so I turned on the light and walked to the fridge and there was a human heart on the top shelf. I woke up, it was just another weird dream. It was almost seven in the morning. I had to hurry to get ready on time.
*** *** ***
During second hour the power went out and the school was very dark because the emergency lights didn't turn on and it was storming outside. The lights were still off an hour later. The only thing we had for light was flashlights and our phones. Then a window and it had a note that said 'Get Out' in what looked like blood. School was let out early because the lights still wouldn't go back on. we had to walk in the rain to get home. I was tired when we got home so I went to sleep. The first quarter of school is almost over . I woke up late at night. I didn't think Ann would let me sleep so long. Past the pictures I went. On the way to the kitchen I was grabbed from behind and a weird smelling rag was put over my nose and mouth. Then nothing. It was dark. Then it was very bright. Someone had turned on all the lights and I had a hard time seeing for a while because I was used to the dark then the light came so suddenly. "Who are you?" I said as loud as I could but that still wasn't very loud. "We have been waiting for you to wake up. How do you feel?" "What? How do you think I feel I have no clue who you are and where I am or what you want!" I was starting to get my voice back and I was very loud that time. "We are trained assassins who have found that you are very strong and very smart. All we want is for you to join us." "No." I said with a tone of hate that I didn't know I had. "Well then I guess that means we'll have to make you join us by force." Then the lights went out again. This time though I can hear a loud noise that sounds like a big drops of water hitting then a loud growling. There is one of those huge dog things in my cage. Great. I now notice a small spot that is lighter because of tho one window has the moonlight shining through. I go there and wait until I can see the thing then I will try to get it to break through the wall. I t comes and is bigger then the other two I fought. I grabbed its tail and started climbing up but it is hard because the thing must be very hungry because it stars to chase it's tail that I am on but I manage to get up and realized that I had no plan and just put myself in even more risk. I notice that it can't see where it is going so I took off one of my shoes and threw it at a wall and the thing ran after it when it made noise after hitting a wall so the thing followed and smashed into the wall but it was no use because the only thing that happened was the things heads broke open when it the wall. it was dead but I still had no way out.
I was alone I didn't know where Ann was.....I didn't even know where I was. I hoped she was doing better then I was. I was in a lot of pain when they found that I killed their 'pet' they hurt me and it must have been days sense I was taken because I smelled bad and my hair was greasy and that only happens after like three days so they must be looking for me but as of now I was alone. Not completely true I had that dead dog thing that I was trying to get away from but they tied me to it really well so I was stuck next to it. It smelled bad and it hurt when I tried to move, this was just not my place to be I mean who did I make mad to get trapped here in pain and alone. I wanted to go home but it was useless the only window was too high to reach without rope and was bared so that I couldn't get out. All will seam hopeless when not even you know where you are and you are alone, cold and hungry. Life lost meaning for me when my idea failed, I wonder how long ago that was. Maybe I could have them give me a clock and calender, or at least something to do to take my mind off of the problems I was having maybe a television would work but I don't think they would let me have one.
"Your sister was worried about you when she found out that you weren't home" one of the people I couldn't see said. "How do you know?" I didn't know how far away they were so I yelled so they would hear me. "She called me looking for you." It felt like I was just smashed into a wall. Someone we knew and trusted was doing this to us, to me, why. The only good thing was that Ann was safe and they weren't hurting her like they were me. "Who are you?" I screamed almost crying. How could this happen, we were careful who we trusted, always so very careful, and no one that we knew of knew about us. "Where are you? Why are you doing this?" I asked quietly "Who are you? Let me out of here!" I screamed as loud as I could I was so desperate so afraid but they didn't need to know that it would only give them more hope of breaking me. "We are the chosen. You should be one of us but you are stubborn and refuse our help." "Help. What help! You are hurting us and we will find you and hurt you back!" "You will do nothing until you join us then you can not hurt us we can not be stopped!"
I slept and it was horrible the nightmares I had they were so bad. '"Wake up little child don't be afraid." I was sleeping in the hospital years ago and I was so worried because Ann was having an emergency surgery and I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. She was all I had. This was after mom snapped and basically left us I would be alone if Ann left too. I was so scared. Who was this strange woman waking me up, did I know her before this day? "Who are you" "Silly little girl do you not remember I was your older sister until I they found me. They are evil do not listen to them. Alright my little sister stay away they will hurt you and want your power, but you can't let them. Never let anyone hurt you okay. Also don't worry about Ann she is just fine." Then she was gone. "Wait who hurt you?" "The chosen. My little girl stay away from them." I didn't understand.'
Do I understand what she said now? Was it just a dream or did that really happen? I remember the hospital but I don't know how could that have happened? When I asked mom about it she just said that I would not understand what the answer would be so I should not ask the question. I wonder why she never told me, if I ever get out of this I will ask again. "Strange dreams little child?" The voice said. "What? Why would you ask that?" "She could read minds just like one of our friends up here and they could even talk to each other if they wanted to. It's a shame that we had to kill her. She wanted out of our little group and that is not allowed, same goes for not joining if you are asked. Do you remember her?" "No, who was she?" "She was your older sister. she joined us when you were three on the condition that we leave you and Ann alone." "You attacked us anyway." "Not until after she was gone, and it was her fault." I tried to stand so that I could find where they were so I could get out, but when I got up and started to walk I fell and then things were dark."
'"I didn't know we had another sister!" I was yelling at our mom "You don't that was just a strange dream forget all about it" It was real I know it was, how could it not be it was so real and I could even smell her. She was there and I know it.'
"Are you done dreaming little child or do we have to wait all day for you?" "I don't know why you are doing this to us." "We told you all we want is for you to join us. If you agree we will let you go home as long as you come back once a week to train and don't tell anyone about us" "What if I don't?" "Well then we would have to keep you here and Ann would be killed in the most horrible way you can think of." "Fine I'll join your little group or whatever you want to call it." "That is the right choice, what day would you like to come back?" "Never" I said so quiet I don't know how they heard me. "You have to pick a day or you will have to stay here." "Fine Tuesday. There can I go now?" "Yes." Then a door I didn't know was there (not that it would have helped there was no handle on my side of the door) opened. "Go home and tell no one where you have been."
I walked slowly through the streets and I could hear no other sound but my footsteps. Wait that isn't the only sound I can hear other footsteps, they are close and almost the exact same pace, I can only tell because they must be bigger then me otherwise I might not have noticed them at all. I stopped and so did the other person. I silently walked backwards so that I could maybe see who it was but when I was about ten feet away they ran. I focused my energy to put a fire in their way so they would have to stop. it worked for a small amount of time but when I tried to run towards them I lost my concentration and the fire slowly died down like a campfire. He or she ran like I never saw anyone run before it was like they thought I would hurt them or something silly like that. I just wanted to know who they were and why they were following me. "I guess I'll never know." Then I saw something I knew it was one of our books, I know because we always put a small mark on the cover to know what books are ours. Most people would not notice the mark or if they did they would think it was just a random mark on a book and think nothing more of it. Who ever was following was in our house and borrowed one of our books, Ann would know who it was. She always make people write down what book they borrowed and when so that she knew who had one of our books and how long they had it.
"Why would Ryan be following you, Rin you must have been imagining it." "Ann, it's our book and your paper says that he was the one who borrowed it from our library, but I have to agree that it doesn't make sense. How would he know where I was when not even I knew until I was out and on familiar streets. When he was following me it was somewhere I have never been and I don't see why he would be there." "Where were you at Rin?" I was getting tired and annoyed that they would let my little sister worry like this. "I can't tell you they said that if I didn't join them or told anyone where I was they would kill you and lock me back in that room. Also I think someone might be watching us, and according to them it is someone we trust and would never think would hurt us. And Ann, they made those dog things. I'm going for a walk, I'll be back soon." I just left. I didn't want to give her time to try and stop me. I was feeling trapped in our own house, I needed to walk or run outside in the open where no one could stop me. A good thing about being where there is nothing to block you sight is if someone was following you, you could see them or lose them if they knew not to go in the open, and he didn't. "Hello Ryan, why are you following me?" "I didn't think you would notice me so soon Rin. How did you know it was me?" He was still to far away to see him very well so I'll just tell him the truth. "When I first noticed you following me you dropped a book. My book to be more exact and Ann keeps track of our books very well." "How did you know it was your book?" "Why should I tell you? After all your the one following me so you should be explaining that not me explaining how I know a book is mine." How could we have trusted him? Easy, we needed someone to trust and he just happened to be there and willing to trust us. "Your first instinct was right I am someone you should trust, but you shouldn't trust 'the chosen' I think that's what they call themselves now." "How do you know about that?" "Remember I'm the one following you so if I'm doing anything right I should know who took you, and I didn't tell anyone because I know they would kill me if I did, and I was trying to think of a way to get you out. All I needed was more time." "More time?! You would have let me sit in that place for longer? I couldn't take it there anymore and if I didn't agree they would have killed Ann and kept me there."
That's when I heard what I really did not want to hear. A bark so loud that it couldn't have been from a normal dog. There it was watching us, but not attacking. "Okay that is not good." "Wow what is that? It's huge!" "And if you don't keep far away from it, it will eat you. I also learned they can't see in the dark very well but have good hearing."
'Why will she not tell me I think I need to know if I have another sister. Why does mom keep stuff like this from me? I knew I was pouting like a child but it wasn't my fault she doesn't tell me anything its not fair!'
"Are you okay? What happened?" "I'm fine, i just remembered something." "Well stop remembering and run." "I don't need to run, i can fight that." It came closer and closer. Then when she was ready to kill it a person walked out of the trees at the edge of the clearing. "Don't hurt it." The person yelled. "You wouldn't want to kill your own pet." "What do you mean my 'pet'?" "You joined us, all of us have a pet. It is very helpful." "I don't need it." "Yes you do. They don't kill unless ordered to kill and only who they are ordered to kill so you don't have to worry about it hurting you or your sister on accident." "I don't need it." I said a little bit louder then i needed to. "Don't shout silly child, it doesn't need to be by you unless your on an assignment or training, but whenever you need it you just need to call its name and it will come help you." "You're crazy go away. i agreed to come once a week not be annoyed by you all day." "Fine I'll leave. Good-bye silly child." "You go away to dog." then they both were gone, or so it would look to most people, but they were still listening to what we were saying. i could hear their breathing. "Why don't we go to my house and talk." Then i heard them leave. i leaned in close and whispered into Ryan's ear. "They were still listening, lets go to your house instead." He gave me the okay sign and we started to walk. We had to find a different way to his house so we did not pass my house where they were going to be. When we got to his house i started asking questions. "Why were you following me?" "To protect you." "Well you didn't do a very good job did you." "That's not my fault, they would have killed me. Why do they want you anyway? Are you really who i was sent to protect?" "They want me because I'm a witch and can kill their stupid 'pets'" "Then you are the one. This is not going to be fun." "Who sent you to 'protect' me, and why?" "I can't say, and I don't know, i guess they think you can bring the 'Chosen' down." " 'They' that's really helpful for me. How do i know that you are not a spy for the 'chosen'?" "Because i want to kill them all for murdering my sister and her best friend." i could tell he was telling the truth because of the pain in his eyes that he tried to hide but just couldn't. "Okay. I might have the start of a plan." i don't know if it will work but i might as well tell him what i was thinking, maybe he could help. I doubt it but it's worth a try. "You do?" He sounded shocked even to himself. He didn't think she was smart enough to have a good plan this soon, after all she is in some easy classes. "I thought of it when i was trapped, but now i can maybe make it work. Then i wouldn't be able to do it." "Okay, what is it?" He sounded so eager how do you tell someone that you have a plan that might kill everyone by starting almost a full out war? "Dogs and magick." "What!?!" Wow he was very loud, but i don't blame him it is a crazy idea. "Ann and I are witches and i have one of those weird dog things. All i have to do is let them think they have me trapped and we can do a surprise attack." What about when they want you to kill someone?" "Easy i make a spell to make them disappear for a set amount of time." "Have you ever done that before?" "No, but Ann can make people see what isn't there with a spell she made when she didn't want to go to school. She could use that to make it look like they are dead and we can think of something to hide them from the people who want to hurt them." "You are insane but that might work." "I'll get the plan to Ann when we get one. It is to dangerous for you to tell her." "Yeah, just don't get caught."
On Tuesday I went to the place that i was kept after school to start the first part of the plan and learn what they can do and maybe learn something new. They trained me to use a gun and a sword. The only one who could use the sword though was the girl from the clearing. All of them could use a gun, it was the easiest thing to use when you want to kill someone i guess. Then I had to start training my 'pet'. After that i went home to a wonderful dinner cooked by Ann. I don't think it is possible for me to cook, nothing good ever happens when i get annoyed at something or someone.
'My sleep was troubled I kept having random nightmares and woke up almost in pain from the terrible dreams. Some people think that if you die in your dreams you will die in real life. Other people think that is fake but have you ever really died? I don't think you can die in dreams because if you die in dreams you die in your subconscious then your brain would think that you are dead, wouldn't it? I never died in a dream, you always wake up right before you actually die. So how would you know if you would really die. That night was just not a good one and i kept having horrible nightmares.'
Screaming i sat up. Was that another memory, i don't really remember that but it could have been it's hard to tell anymore. I hate how sometimes when you wake up the pain you felt in your dreams is still there. What is worse is when your nightmares come true, like that awful day at school so long ago. The pain of that day still sometimes feels like it happened just yesterday but it didn't it happened so very long ago and it still bothers me every day. How could someone do something so terrible? It was hard to imagine that there is true evil in the world until you see it and what it does to everything around it. Things always seem like they should be until something bad happens then you think of everything that has happened that was bad in your life and it is just terrible. It makes some people go crazy or others might just decide that life is not worth living anymore because one bad thing brings all the memories of past things and it can destroy you. I don't know how long i have been awake just sitting there thinking about depressing things. I shouldn't think of things like that it will do nothing but make me have a bad day.
I was going to be late for school. I have to hurry so that i have enough time to get something to eat before class starts or I will be very hungry by the time it is lunch time. I shouldn't have sat there thinking all morning now I'm running late and i can't be late anymore or I will get a detention and if i get one it is always held on Tuesdays and if i don't go to training my entire plan will fail and will all will die. No. I won't let that happen, no one but those people who think they are chosen are going to die. Not me, not Ann, not Ryan, and no more innocent bystanders, I will not allow more people to be killed. I will stop them.
"Rin what is wrong with you today?" Wow the teacher could get loud when you don't pay attention to what she is saying, she has an annoying voice i don't like it. "Do you need to go to the nurses office Rin?" "I think so, i don't feel so good." "Okay bring your stuff in case the bell rings. Just don't forget to do the homework for Friday."
The nurse had me sleep on one of those little bed things that are really weird feeling but at least i got to sleep, I have not been sleeping well for a long time so i think i was just overdue for a good nights sleep. I had a dream that danger was coming but the voices told me that i should not be afraid that fear would get in my way and make me lose sight of what had to be done to finish this nightmare. After that i slept like a log all day. The nurse didn't even try to wake me up so i missed all of my classes. Now i will have to deal with a days worth of make-up homework. That will not be very fun. The day went by slowly after school i couldn't think of anything that would help me avoid getting caught planing to take the 'chosen' down. How do i know when they are watching and listening to what i was saying. Also i don't know all of the members so i don't know who would be watching me and who wouldn't. i had to think of something to do because if i failed or let them know what i was planing me and everyone around me will die. There are a lot of things that could go wrong so we have to be very careful and somehow find some help. Where did Ann and i get our powers was it genetic or was it just one of those weird things that happened from time to time i don't know, i never heard of anyone like us before and how do we know if we do find help that they won't betray us? I need to find a place where i can think without anything that will distract me. i could go to the woods by the river, but what if they were there? i don't think i could sit there and think if they were there. i don't know if it is safe to think about it at all sense that one person knew what i had a dream about so they might already know what I'm thinking of doing, but if they did wouldn't they have stopped me by now, or do they think that I'm not strong or smart enough to win? I don't know. "Wow it is already midnight i should go to bed." i told myself to sleep and i think i should but it is hard when there is so much to think about and plan. It will take a long time to find the resources i need to win. I slept finally but all night during my sleep my subconscious was thinking of things to do.
'Boom. The room exploded she shouldn't have opened the door why did she not listen? She got us out but she stayed why? They could have all left and been safe another day, to live life to the fullest. She stayed and she died, why did this have to end like it did?'
That was a weird dream, all i saw was a building blow-up and people thinking that it didn't have to happen like that. But now I had an idea. Bombs. I could bring a few bombs to a meeting in a few weeks and 'forget' the bag of bombs there and 'Boom' clean and easy and hopefully no way of getting caught. I would have to talk to Ryan but it might work. The main problem is how to get the bombs.
"Ryan do you want to come over and spend the night?" "Okay. What do you want me to bring?" "Anyone that you think can and will help." "That is a lot of people i already have forty people that will help." "Then lets have a party, bring some food and loud music." "Okay, I'll get on the phone and get the people, and Rin i hope you know what you are doing." "I have a plan." Then the line went dead. Now I have to tell Ann that we are having a party so we should get ready.
Everyone came at five o'clock. Well i can't back down now we have to go through with the night. i walked over to the windows and closed the blinds, locked the doors and windows, started the music, put the lights down low and told everyone to try and stay somewhat quiet when they talked and pretend that they were at a party. "Okay, i had an idea last night. Bombs. We could somehow get a bunch of them and put them in my backpack and i could bring them to one of the training things. Then i would 'forget' my bag there and 'Boom'. There are always at least twelve people at those things and their leader is almost always there. Without her they would be in total chaos because she makes almost all of the decisions for the group." "That could work as long as you don't think about the bomb or trying to destroy their group." One of the guys said, he was dancing in front of the window so it looked like a real party. "Yes i think that is a very good idea Rin, as long as you remember to get out of there before the bomb goes off." Ryan said. "Does anyone else have an idea that won't get my sister blown-up?" Ann said walking down the stairs. "It will take more then that to get rid of the group." One of the girls said she was leaning on the door frame. "Assassins are not very easy to get rid of, even harder when they are in an organized group. If we go through with this it will be hard for years." "They are watching your house just to let you know" The guy at the window said. "Yeah we know, it is kind of annoying we have to be careful what we do or say especially outside of the house because of them, but i wouldn't expect anything less, they want me to join them and gave me no choices so here we are." "Here we are." Agreed Ryan. "Well we could just pick them off after we cause some chaos when they come and attack us. Also i have one of those weird dog things that they say will kill anyone it is told to." "Good." Then we did party because we had a starting plan and things will fall into place once we do that plan. The girl who was dancing the whole time, who i didn't even think was listening, said she could get the bombs easy. She has a lot of people who owe her favors and decided that now would be a good time to cash in those favors. She can get everything that we need as long as we kill the whole group, because they killed her parents and brother and tried to kill her but she got away and wants revenge.
We all danced ate and drank until midnight, then we watched some horror movies. It was seven in the morning before any of us went to sleep. It was a fun party after we made a plan, you have to have fun if you know that you might not live much longer. We decided that we would start putting the plan into action in five weeks. That is when they want me to kill the first person, so i will, just not who they think i am. We will win the war that we are starting between the assassins and us. people started leaving around noon. Some of the people looked tired but most of them looked like they just slept all day and were ready for anything. There is a lot of work we need to do in five weeks to get ready. One of those things is teaching Ann to fight and working on making our powers stronger, and we need to be able to control them perfectly. We can practice in the open field in the woods. "That was a fun party, but Rin do you have to be the one to carry the bombs? Why can't someone else do it?" "Ann, I'm the only one of our group that they will trust enough to bring a bag into the place they are, they don't even look in my bag so it will be fine as long as we make sure that it looks the same as normal." "Okay as long as you know what your doing." "Ann, if anything does happen to me, make sure that Ryan can keep the rest of us going so that we don't fall apart, okay?" "Alright." "Do you want to go start training?" "Yeah lets go."
We went to the clearing in the woods to train. Ann Worked on trying to move stuff when she wanted to. I threw rocks so they would go close to her but not hit her so she could try to move them away from her. She didn't do very good at first but then she got better, when she was able to move twenty in a row we made it harder by making a spot where she should move the rocks to. We made it so that she tried to hit a somewhat close tree with the rocks. She got really good at that really fast, so we let her train by herself so that i could train. I got a bunch of somewhat tall and wide branches and put them in the ground about twelve feet away from each other and worked on aiming at one at a time to try to light it on fire when i wanted to. Then i put one on each side of me when those were all gone. I tried to get them both at the same time, but it took three tries to do it right. Then i set up one in front of me and one on each side of me so i could try that but it was almost dark so i didn't get it because we had to go.
- by Deaths Love23666 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/28/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: idk yet
- Artist: Deaths Love23666
- Description: its long and fiction idk i was bored it is not done yet and idk when ill finish it if you like it so far you can message me and ill send you more of it =)
- Date: 03/28/2009
- Tags: whichesfireassassins
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Comments (2 Comments)
- b00_2 - 05/10/2009
- The first sentence is pitiful.
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- JHaley - 04/02/2009
- This story left me confused with many questions that went unanswered, like how the mother's child could have turned against her so badly after the father's death, and what event could have also been fuel to the flames. I'm sorry, but I can't rate this very well.
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