• I made my way through the tree branches, the leaves dying underneath me with each step I took. I nearly tripped a few times, steadying myself with tree trunks. I’m almost there, I’m almost there I repeated over and over. My hair then became tangled in a branch. I tugged but nothing. Was I stuck here? I panicked, my heart thudding loudly. I yanked again but still nothing happened. What a day to forget my cell phone! There was nothing to use to help my escape, no cell phone, no buddies, and no sharp objects with or around me. I sat down in defeat, closing my eyes. The breeze blew my hair around my face; it was a rather warm feeling. Without realizing it, I fell asleep.

    I awoke against something solid, definitely not my warm and cozy bed that I was hoping for. My eyes peeked open; I was too tired and drained to open them all the way. What I saw was a good compromise. How did I get inside the church?

    “Thank the lord you are awake” a familiar voice spoke. There he was again. “We were interrupted last time-“ I blushed recalling what happened, “and so I want to start again, if I may?” I was frozen. No…way. There the beauty was speaking to me- me of all people- again. He kept his distance, awaiting my response. He stood facing me as though he was dead, not even twitching. His expression was soft yet he did not smile or frown. It took a few minutes for my mind to register an answer. “Go ahead” I managed to choke out a whisper. He flashed a smile, his cheeks perfectly smooth and his teeth sparkling. I held my breath. My palms lay completely flat against the cold concrete floor, my nails slowly scratching across it.

    “My name is Gabriel Carrington, nice to make your acquaintance” he spoke evenly. He bowed, his right arm placed against his stomach as he did. Wasn’t he a polite one? He rose and took a few steps closer to me. I finally released air but my breathing sped. Being on the ground with him literally towering over made me feel like a mouse so, with the help of the wall; I slid up, leaning against the wall. His hand extended and my eyes instinctively shut tight. I knew that wouldn’t help in any way but I still did it. His hand felt rather soft, lightly touching the area that had been captured by the branch. I still cowered back; I wouldn’t be put under his spell! “S-stop” I peeped. His movement slowed, he seemed to be confused. Gathering my strength “Stop!” I growled louder than I meant but his hand pulled away like lighting. Good. “Don’t touch me,” I said a bit softer and peeked up at him through my bangs. His expression was hard to decipher, but it looked hurt and confused nonetheless.

    My hand slithered around, trying to find the doorknob or even the door to get out of this church! I was desperate. “If…if you would be so kind as to let me lead you out of the graveyard? It’s not proper for you to walk around here at night, there are…” he searched for a word but couldn’t get it out. I nodded. “I promise that I will not touch you, I just want to walk beside you until the gate of the graveyard. Please?” He was pleading desperately now.

    My mouth opened to speak but my hand found the door first and I bolted for my life. Without warning, something grabbed my hand. It felt like something crashing into my arm at full force, like iron getting tighter and tighter around my fragile wrist, a horse getting caught by a rope while running at full speed. “Let go!” I shrieked, tugging to get free. It did not budge. I was too shaken to see his expression now, too afraid. My knees were knocking so hard I felt they may crack my bones.

    “LET GO!” I screamed with all my might. All was still, nothing changed. I was going to die. I collapsed and still I shivered uncontrollably. Without warning, a jacket covered my shoulders. Wearily at first I slipped my arms through the armholes. It was humungous for me but I didn’t complain, it was warm. I felt the ground becoming distant. “Whoa,” was all I said. He held me close and securely to his chest, as if he was protecting me from something or someone. I thought about pushing away but I didn’t feel like getting dropped. Instead I closed my eyes and waited. It felt as though he didn’t move at all, the breeze gently tickling my skin but he spoke just moments later. “Here,” and gently placed me upon my feet. He smiled and turned. “I’m sorry” was all he said and glided off.

    I was stunned. I stood there for at least ten minutes. My mind couldn’t understand what happened. What’s going on? Finally I turned and headed for my house. Gabriel huh, out of date name.

    My mom was already sleeping so there was no need for excuses. I tiptoed to bed, making sure not to wake her. I snuggled under the blanket with the jacket still around me.

    My beeping alarm clock forced me awake. I moaned, trying to shut off the annoying noise. Instead, my mom came in, yelling at me that I would be late for school. I jumped out of bed and got dressed, then scurried into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I raced downstairs and grabbed a pop tart with only about five minutes to get to school. I slipped into my classroom just as the bell was ringing. Fortunately the teacher was busy talking to another student and didn’t notice.