• I sat in my room alone. Darkness taking over. Sitting on my bunk bed I drowned my tears into my pillow. I hated my life with a passion. I couldn't take much more of the misery I was feeling. I wanted it to be over so I would not have to endure much of it any longer.

    I looked at my alarm clock. it sits on a tiny broken night stand that I have next to my bunk bed. It read 9:30pm. Everyone was asleep now, and probably dreaming of sweet dreams.

    *sigh* "everyone gets it lucky here. Am I the only one that's not normal? Is there anyone that can relate to what I'm feeling?" I rolled on my bed laying on my back. I was still crying.

    I got up feeling slight pain on my legs and arms. I brushed my hand across my banged up body, and felt the dents the belt had made carved into my skin. Disgusted with my body, I got up from my bunk bed and walked to the window.

    I looked out to the sky. It was a beautiful night, stars filled up the black endless sky. Man would it be nice to escape all this crap and fly to the very end, just alone never returning back. To escape all pain and to end it all, and for once be normal. The window was drawing me closer and closer to it until I was sitting on the window pane. The cool breeze whistled pass my hair, stinging the wounds on my body, but it felt good. Right now there was nothing stopping me from getting what I wanted. All I had to do was crouched down, get a good position, and leap. At the end of the fall would be my death waiting with opens arms, and the end of my life. The life I wanted so badly to leave behind.

    I made my decision. I looked to Mr. Bear a tear rolled down my cheek. "good bye Mr. Bear" I cried out. I took one final last breath and jumped. I blacked out and let the cold, endless, dark, sky take me away, leaving all my sorrows behind.
    Last thing I remember hearing was NO! but I was gone and no longer in the world anymore. For once I think I might have actually been happy.