• Daine opened eyes she didn’t remember shutting and saw two black-booted feet. She felt terrified as she looked up to see a man looking down back her. Actually, it wasn’t really a man and even if he hadn’t come out of the book, anyone could’ve guessed. He was seven feet tall with red eyes and hair like that of crows’ feathers that fell short around his head and face. Small sharp horns protruded out of his head and his face was pale as if he had never been out in the sun. When he smiled at her, Daine shivered at the rows of razor sharp, shark-like teeth.

    His smile widened, as if her fear brought him pleasure. And it probably does, she thought, holding back the urge to scream and run away. Then suddenly, he spoke, his voice was slightly accented and she could smell blood and death in his breath, “I’m not sure whether to be grateful toward you for setting me free, or to be angry that someone as small, weak, and pitiful as you could even handle the book. Then again, maybe that’s why it chose you…”

    Daine wasn’t sure what he meant at all. The book chose her? It wasn’t alive and therefore couldn’t think or feel or anything, right? Finally, she summoned up her courage and said, “W-what is…is it that y-you w-want? W-who are you?” She stuttered which only made her feel even smaller and more frightened of this…man or monster.

    His red eyes gleamed dangerously, seeming to glow with evil intent. “Well I suppose I owe you something for conjuring me up. I’m called many things, but you may call me Drake.” His eyes held hers, making Daine think of a snake stunning its prey with a stare. He continued, “And what I want is that book in your hands. Give it here and I might just let you live…”

    Daine’s arms instinctively tightened around the cover and binding. She was almost positive that giving this thing the book was on the list of stupidest things to do, but looking at the clawed hand that reached for the book, she had a feeling that he could easily take it from her if he wanted to. She hated how he loomed over her terrifyingly. She stood up slowly, backing up a step and shaking her head. She tried to look brave, but she was trembling. His laugh told her that she had not been as convincing as she had wanted to. “I hope you don’t mean to stop me. You hardly look as if you can keep yourself from fleeing or fainting from just being in my presence.”

    Daine bit her lip to keep it from trembling. She glanced quickly over at the door, wishing that it hadn’t been shut, especially since she didn’t remember closing it. She didn’t think she could open it fast enough to get away before he might attack her. She knew a fight was also way out of the question, eyeing his deadly black claws again. These thoughts were all formed within a second. As soon as she had glanced at the door, however, Drake seemed to have read her thoughts and took a step forward, his expression changing to one of annoyance. “I have had about enough of this. Give me the book!” He commanded, reaching his hand out towards her. She jumped back and he growled, reminding her of a savage bear.

    Turning, she ran for the door, only to scream as a sharp pain caused by claws stuck deeply into her shoulder. She could feel Drake’s rage like a pressure, a malevolent force that compelled her to fall to her knees. Resisting it, she felt had to think fast as he turned her around so she could feel the full wrath of his gaze. His eyes had started to glow a bright, blood red. She avoided his powerful glare, trying desperately to find some way out. Drake seemed to find her attempt amusing. “You had your chance. Now you will die.” His other hand reached for her neck just as Daine spotted the open window just behind him. In one last desperate attempt she slapped his hand away, pushed him back and ran by him. She heard him scream his rage and a sudden heat filled the room. She jumped out of her second story window head-first just as she felt the air around her crack as if in flames.

    She used her old skills from being on the swim team to flip in the air and landed painfully on her feet. Luckily, she didn’t break her legs. She had a feeling that getting anything that might slow her down would get her killed. She still had the book clutched in her arms. So much for getting rid of it; I can hardly do it now. If I do, that monster will probably take it and then who knows what could happen? She thought as she turned, ready to make a run for it. As she realized she hadn’t been alone in the house, she froze, turning absolutely white. She ran back toward the front back door, screaming, “MOM! DAD! GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!”

    Before she even made it to the door the house exploded into flames, consuming everything in a fiery torrent of fire. Daine heard a scream a pain sound over and over again until she realized it was her. She was about to fall to her knees when she saw someone walking out of the burning wreckage, a nightmare coming to life before her very eyes. Now she turned and ran, screaming for everyone to get out of their houses, to leave and get away. Lights in houses came on as people heard her cries. As she ran, some people even opened their windows and called out to her, but she didn’t answer them, too afraid to draw attention to anyone.

    She glanced back only once. In that glance, she could see Drake coming up behind her, his form bright with a black fire. The houses he passed would start on fire, but not the consuming burst of flame that had destroyed her home. She could see the dead certainty in his eyes, the cold cruel nature within him. She knew that she was in for a long, painful death if she was caught.

    She opened the book, managing to run at the same time. She wasn’t that fast of a runner and with her decreased speed she knew she was in trouble. She took out her pencil, scribbling words onto the page as fast as she could, hoping it would work even if her writing was sloppy. She tripped just as the last words were written, falling and landing on the book as the letters started to glow. She rolled onto her back, looking up at the rapidly approaching Drake. She was frozen by fear as she looked into eyes that seemed to tell of her of her death.

    Just as she thought that she was done for, letters flew around her in a sudden tornado, filling up every part of her vision and flying into her. She heard a scream of rage and hate before everything flooded into darkness.