• 3 years later...

    I'm still 16, I don't know my name and I've forgotten almost everything. Other than my sweet new job I feel I've been ripped off so far.
    "Oh my god! WHAT IS THAT!!!" People were screaming at the top of their lungs as an enormous pale jaw rose up out of the chalk-colored ground, scooping poor, helpless, defenseless residents of Detroit. I watched, frozen, as tentacles emerged from it's back and began grabbing people and, well, absorbing them whole! I fell to the ground to dodge a large, blue arm. It had to be larger than 5 grown men. Two had sprout from this creatures gigantic sides. The hand I had escaped from didn't lose sight of me. It darted after me a the speed of light. I quickly got up from my behind and ran for my life. I dashed across the road. I never realized it stopped chasing me and went for someone else. I finally stopped my running in time to see only a hole of where the monstrous beast had begun it's rampage. Also in time to see not one person left. I thought to myself "Holy crap. What just happened?" I then woke up and realized it was a dream. was I...sleeping? I hadn't slept since I died. I felt groggy and sleepy that morning, but i had work to do. i slipped on my black cloak with a hood that covered most of my face. I grabbed my
    sythe-blade (Which is my evolved form of my old sythe) and headed out. In my pocket was a notebook with addres tags and times along with each plus a name on each line. I flipped to todays date and checked the time. 9:45 am. I checked the notebook. "9:55 Thomas shark 17 'Murdered'" Is what it said. The only one toady. It's a free day! I quickly teleported myself to 5561 derend drive and approached the house I phased through the front door and into the bedroom. There was a man that looked strangely familiar. Maybe from my past? He held a 72in blade, thin, in his hands, both hands on the handle, as if he was getting ready to fight. It began glowin green and changing shape. I remebered that blade. My chest began to ache, but how? That blade couldn't be...Before I could finish my thought the man turned and lunged at me. I had no fear of him or that sword, but I unsheathed my blade anyways. Blocking from the attack, I noticed It had lightly jabbed into my shoulder, and I began to bleed purple blood. "What?!?!" I yelled aloud noticing my wound. He chuckled and said, "You're finally a worthy opponent. You are stronger than before when we last met, and you're completely healthy! Let's meet at lambring square, And the fun shall began!" With a nother chuckle, he was gone. I remembered him completely. He killed me before. Instead of getting mad, I wanted to thank him for basically giving me immortallity and all this power I had now. I teleported to the meeting place, but I had no idea what was in store for me once I got there.