• iHave Feelings

    1 month after the kiss between Freddie and Sam.

    "You know...we said we'd go back to hating eachother", Freddie says as him and Sam lay cuddling on his couch.

    " I know, but...since the kiss, I can't help all the feelings I have for you Freddork", Sam responds as she begins to kiss his neck tenderly.

    "I love when you do that", he says back, "But you know...I'm surprised no one has found out yet...".

    "I am actually starting to wish they would, all the tension...", Sam adds.

    Freddie and Sam lay there not sure what to do. They know they have strong feelings for eachother, but they don't know whether to become stronger, or stay at the same spot. Freddie finds himself leaning up.

    "I hear something...do you hear that Sammy?". "No, what is it?", Sam replies. "I'm not sure...it sounds like footsteps". "Do you think Carly is home?". "I don't think so, she went with Spencer to the movies not too long ago".

    Freddie begins to put his hands up Sam's shirt. Sam chuckles and starts taking off his shirt.

    "Wait...we've only been going out for 3 and a half weeks, are you sure this is a good idea?". "Of course it is Fredward, I have no regrets". "But so soon?". "Yes Freddie...I-I love you". "I love you too".

    Suddenly there is a fiddle with the front doorknob. Freddie and Sam glance over from their state of pleasure as they see the doorknob slowly turning.

    "Freddie! I'm home! It's time for your tick bath!", Mrs. Benson yells in to Freddie.

    "Oh my god, Sam...it's my mom, what are we going to do?". "Come on, lets go into your room!". "But it doesn't have a lock!". "Ok then, grab a chair, we'll barricade the door, come on!", as Freddie and Sam frantically run from the living room.

    They finally reach Freddie's room. They both run in and Sam jumps on his bed, while Freddie puts the chair in front of the door.

    "Try to be quiet Sam, maybe she'll think we're at Carly's". "Ok, but that doesn't give us much time...what are we going to do when she goes and checks, then comes back?". "I'll figure something out sweetie. Right now, I just want this to be our moment". "Ok Freddie".

    Freddie and Sam passionately begin making out.

    "Freddie!! Freddie, where are you? I brought home some of those low-fat Tofu bars we like to eat!!", Mrs. Benson calls from the living room.

    Suddenly Mrs. Benson sees something lying on the couch...
    "Wait...is this Sam's jacket?"


    Please leave comments and reviews, this is my FIRST fanfic.