• As I swiped the card key down the mechanical doors, which lead into the abyss of persistent darkness, I walk in and uncover what would be hidden in this maze of metal and mortar. I push a couple of corpses away from me, which are dangling, from the ceiling. The state of them still having the remnants of the needles still stuck in them in various body parts ranging from the skull to the torso, the chest of one of them being quartered with internal organs missing from them, a trail of blood leading to where the disembowelled organ was and a length of the small intestine hanging out of the open cut on it. The heart of it, just lying there on a desk no longer beating, showing how heartless and cold the act of this dissection was, whilst the other corpse appears to be grey and black, which shows that at one point it was burnt, its eyes have been gouged out and possibly cut up for some sort of twisted scientific reason the body showing marks of blood splatter on it indicating that heavy objects must have been fired at it at one point while this thing, just dangling was still alive. The expression on the faces of them (that’s if you are even able to make them out due to how deformed they are after the “experimentation”) shows that of searing pain so these cadavers of people must of gone through torture or something close to it, having to endure excruciating pain for so long. Yet now these materials used are just hanging from rusted iron chains like that of butchers meat (and also what I did to my enemies), the hook forced into there back encrusted with blood that has now splattered and hardened on the hook and the floor. The sound of the wrought iron chains clashing together sends an eerie metallic sound throughout my this prison, each steel wall facing me as they seem too draw ever so closer to me each and every second i stay here, haunting me in this abyss, this laboratory.