• Emotions are such dangerous things. They are the wolf in sheep's clothing, breeding monsters out of men.

    Love causes pain. Pain causes anger, frustration, grief. Confusion breeds chaos, which gives birth unto destruction within and without. Envy, sloth, wrath, greed, pride, gluttony, lust--we are the children of these emotions, these sins, forever bound in their chains and shackles, doomed to repeat the history they have set in motion.

    Sin children line the streets far below, playing in darkness, trying to hide their ugly visages beneath beautiful masks. Dreamsl in color, whorling and winding, chains jingling under the deceptive sound of music, the illusory veil they create to confuce each other. Evy kills Greed to sate Jealousy and Spite. Pride and Wrath come together into Rage, rising up to destroy all. And their children dance in the corpses, laughing as they celebrate destruction.

    I saw their faces and it scared them. They could fool each other, but they couldn't fool me. It scared them, and they wanted to get rid of me. And so they called me Mad. They called me Mad and locked me away where I couldn't cause them trouble or harm by reminding them how hideous they actually are.

    They gave me the wrong emotion, though. Mad? No, certainly I am not. In fact, I'm quite Frightened. The sin children are in here, too, and I know they want to get rid of me once and for all--they want to kill me. And they just might do it, too, because they are all Mad at me for seeing too much. For seeing the truth.

    Sometimes I wish I didn't see it; sometimes seeing it drives me Crazy, and I'm Frightened by how they're everywhere. Even solitary isn't safe. But there is someone I've found who is untouched by their vile taint. A Pure Child, a poor Pure Child who has fallen to the horrid sin children's trickery. He doesn't realize what danger his so-called "friends" truly pose to him. He doesn't realize how they covet his purity, how they hate it, how they try to snuff it out and steal it. Yet he is untainted, and I must save him.

    My poor, naive Pure Child. It is far too late for me, but I promise to save you.