• "what are u waiting for N005? get her!"steven comanded as N005 took a hesitant step farward.tab looked up and rushed him. he hadnt prepared for the force of a blade when he was getting ready for this mission and tab's brought him to his last breath .
    "uhh steven i suggest u let us go. noone but that sevant of hers or joe can control her now. she's turned the blade on her sword"rikka said stairing at him.
    "what "steven yelled as the N-cyborgs had come and tab was slaughtering them as tho it was no more than the beasts she had been made to fight she were cutting down.
    "what?! turned the blade?"steven asked
    "yes. that isnt her reverse bladed sword she's turned the blade...and lost her own control."rikka wispered as N009 stepped out.
    "well if this one"steven said jerking his head twards joe "is her mate then he "points at N009 "can stop her"
    "not likely"rikka said as tab took a swing at him. he stepped back and looked at the slaughtered bodies of his companions. if he could get her to an area where she couldnt swing her sword as easily then he'd have a chance of killing her. steven's comunicator beeped and he read the message on it quickly
    "take her down N009. i want this one too. scarl has just ordered her capture. dont kill her. just knock her out"he yealled as N009 took off twards a hevaly forested area.
    'Doesnt he know that we cant hold her without killing her ?'he thought as he looked back and saw her charging him faster than he could get away
    "joe look away"rikka advised him as tab slashed her blade down and straight through his spine
    N003 stepped out finally and tab was on her immediatly with a stab through the heart.with nothing else to fight she ran twards steven himself. she was about to bring the blade down on him and someone got in the way.a tall man with a dagger in his hand blocked her.she made a strangled noise in her throat and kicked him in the stomach out of the way. she brought the sword down and barely missed him. the man punched tab in the stomach and she drooped over his arm.
    "enough kuri."he said laying her on the ground and starting twards the truck.
    "excelent kagi! really great job now can u"he was cut off as kagi raised his hand much like a dragon claw and killed him..kagi then walked over and cut open the net before running back and picking up tab.
    "sorry. but she's mine"he said openiung his wings and flying off.