What is left of us?
After the world’s venom sinks into your skin, what is left?
Do you realize, can you tell who you are anymore?
Do the words that come out of your mouth mean anything?
Who are we now?
And we live by their laws. We respond almost without human intervention. It’s as if all of our thoughts and emotions have suddenly vanished. It took them time. Slowly they inject all of us; one by one their poison steadily reaches our minds. Many don’t see the consequences for looking up at them, being so goddamn dependent on them; we deceive ourselves and force others to believe that they are here to help us, when they damn well know otherwise. Who are they? They are the ones that made us who we are today. We are the manifestation of a diabolical plan conceived by the world's distilled hatred. We are the government’s puppets. We are pawns, moving by command to the government’s song; we seek out and destroy our neighbors, our own flesh and blood. We all work for the big man, the government. We are modern day slaves, working our fingers to the bone for their mint green currency. They promised us our dreams and aspirations, our intentions for coming to the land of the free were suddenly distorted. And now, we live without compassion for our own neighbors. We would happily do away with their heads if we got paid. Our intentions turned to hatred, and our hatred turned to violence they diminished our compassion for one another, and for what? Now the new generation comes through, their minds untapped by the government. So what do they do? They find a way to infiltrate the minds of the young, with the media. The television screen has its fingers wrapped around our necks like ivy. They tell us how to move how to think what to buy. Were artificially created by the media, we grow to sway in the same wind as the big dogs. And so now the government takes their throne. And now, they sit in their thrones and grimace at the wondrous accomplishment, they have enslaved the residents of "The Land of the Free"
And now, as we work amongst ourselves, we occasionally look up into the sky and see the building where the elites discuss amongst the elites. We wish we could be like them, so we work harder in order to obtain that “V.I.P.” pass, to live in sovereign and luxury. And then one day, the building is silent. We see them in the windows of the skyscrapers and they look out on us and laugh for hours
So now when you try to look up in the sky to wish upon that wishing star, you see not the sky but the giant offices of the government, and that is when you look down to say, there are just [NO.MORE.HEROES.]
March Of Helios
I don't claim to be a great writer, or a good one. I just like to get my thoughts on paper. I don't care if you don't like it.. I really don't.
You Seriously screwed yourself over. :
You spent 5 minutes reading this s**t when you should be heading into Gaia Cinemas watching the COOLEST MOVIE EVER :3
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