• Chapter Two- Carosine

    Trunks got home as walked through the door. He closed it behind him and leaned against it. His heart pounded, he never met someone so beautiful in his life. He never had the problem with someone on his mind, all he ever thought about was the androids, and now he could live a normal life.

    Bulma walked in and stared at her son oodly. “What’s wrong with you?” she asked as she wore greasy gloves upon her hands. She gave him a devilish looked and smiled. “You met a girl didn’t you?”

    Trunks blushed as he looked at his mom. “Uh yeah, I did.” He kind of laughed and walked away form the door. “Looks like you have been working hard.” He looked his mother up and down.

    Bulma nodded and smiled. “Yes I have been, I took and old ship I had in your grandfathers garage and added some parts to it. We can fly to Planet Namek as soon as possible.” She wiped off her wrench with a cloth.

    “Well—“ He began to think of the girl he had met and how he promised to find her tonight. “How about tomorrow morning?” He smiled to his mom as he began to walk away to his room.

    “Whenever you like, you’re the one going not me.” She smiled as Trunks nodded to her and walked into his bedroom. As he entered his room he began to fiddle through his closet to try and find something to wear for when he goes and sees Erica.

    Trunks grabbed his suitcase as he went through his clothes. He knew the trip to Namek would take at least two to three days. And should pack some clothes. As he finished he came across a navy blue tight shirt. He felt this top would be good for showing off his muscles to impress Erica.

    Looking at his watch he noticed the time and how he needed to leave soon to see Erica. So quietly leaving the house he tiptoed down the hallway to not wake his mother up.

    Erica grabbed a few drinks for her table to the left. She began to bring it over to the two men sitting in her section when she heard it, his name. “Can you believe this Trunks kid finally killed the Androids?” He looked at the man across from him.

    “Oh I know, I hear is only twenty.” He opened up the newspaper.

    Eric put their drinks down and looked at one of the men. “Can I see that?” She asked holding out her hand. The man gave her the newspaper. She opened it just to see on the front page “Trunks Briefs kills Androids.” Said the title of the article. She continued to read.
    “Trunks briefs, a twenty year old boy who lives in orange city, took down the deadly duo on Thursday October 26th. It was a relief for us all. Our children were able to go out for Halloween for the first time in twenty years. This talented young man is also the daughter of the famous Bulma Briefs. He currently lives with her at Capsule Corporation.”

    Erica gasped. She knew she had heard of his name before, but couldn’t put her finger on it. She was a bit mad at the same time, for he didn’t tell her when they were in the car. She handed the Newspaper back to the man and thanked him.

    Trunks pulled up in his red convertible, parking in a spot in front of the bar. He got out and began to walk towards the door. He noticed the Bar was called the “Carosine.” And the only way he could have possibly found it was because it was the only bar in orange city.

    The night had become a bit chilly since the fall weather was taking over. So he walked into the bar, dark and full of smoke. He looked around for a moment then there he saw Erica making drinks behind the bar, which was almost dead.
    “Hey.” He said as he sat on a stool waiting for her assistance.

    Turning around Erica saw his face and gasped. “You!” she put down a drink she had made for a customer. “You didn’t tell me you killed the Androids.” She gave him an angry face then walked away from him.

    Trunks eyes widen at her anger. “Wait no, come back!” Trunks stumbled out of his chair and chased after her. She put the drinks on the table for the two men then turned around to face him. “You kept that VERY IMPORTANT secret from me!” she clenched her teeth.

    “I’m sorry, I didn’t think it was an issue.” He sighed and placed his hand on her shoulders. “Forgive me?” he smiled at her. She rolled her eyes in an annoying matter.

    “Fine—“ she sighed and paused. “Go sit at the bar I’ll make you a drink, you can tell me all about the androids.”

    Trunks nodded as he walked back to the swivel chairs at the bar and sat, she walked around it and stood behind the bar, making a sweet girly drink.

    “So my father was an alien, called a Saiyan. So I’m half saiyan.” Said trunks nonchalantly.

    Eric’s eyes widen. She didn’t say anything, and just kept mixing the drink.

    “That’s how I go the super powers to destroy the androids. It took my years. I had to train in the hyperbolic time chamber in the past, since I traveled to the past. And eventually I killed the androids. And Now I would like to wish all the people back.”
    Even though he was under aged along with her self she handed him a drink. Trunks took a sip.

    “Wish people back?” she stared at trunks intently.

    “Yes, all the people killed by the androids. We use the eternal dragon.” He replied to her question.

    “A Dragon?” She said watching him take another sip.

    “Yes. You collect the seven dragon balls and make a wish to the eternal dragon, unfortunately the guardian of earth was killed and I have to go to Planet Namek to wish them back.” He took another gulp of the fruity drink. “Anything interesting in your life?” He looked up at her.

    “Uhh—“ Erica couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She didn’t know how to reply. “Uh no—nothing like that. My life is anything but adventurous.” She said wiping down the counter.

    Trunks began to think, and then he had an idea. “Come with me. To Planet Namek.” He said to her. Her face became pale.

    “I –don’t think that’s a good idea.” She said as she walked away from the bar to another table of customers. Trunks got up and grabbed her wrist as she began to walk away.

    “Please, come with me.” He said as he gently stroked her arm.

    Erica took a deep sigh; she knew if she went with her life would have a bit more excitement. She looked up at him, uncertain on what to say.

    “You can think about it.” He said as he pulled out a pen. “I leave tomorrow morning. Call me at anytime if you change your mind.” He began to write his number on her wrist now.

    Erica blushed as he touched her gently. “Alright.” She nodded and smiled to him.

    Trunks leaned down and pushed his lips against hers. “Call me he whispered.”

    Her eyes closed as he kissed her. She smiled halfway through it. “I will” she whispered back.

    Trunks had let go of her and began to walk out the door.