• "Mrroww?"

    All around me my brothers and sisters were purring and opening wide there large blue eyes. Children with small pudgy hands were reaching in to scoop them up or tickle under there chins but not me. Never me. Looking cute and adorable was a kittens way of flattery is what mother used to always say but I never wanted to act that way on purpose. I wanted an owner who was happy with what I was. Yes, I was utterly adorable and yes, I wanted a home but what I didn't want was a child who only liked me for my blue eyes or my soft coat. So while I watched my remaining number of siblings thin I sat in a corner, waiting.

    Cooper, Max, Rosie, Paws, gone. Socks, being carried away. Patch, batting at a childs hand. Most kittens in my place would be jealous and loathing but not me. I felt sorry for my siblings. There cuteness may have worked now but as soon as there fur turned rough and there eyes hazel they would be exactly where they started, in a cardboard box on the street. And not a soul would want them. My mothers owner had brought us here so we could find our own people but now I was the only one left. I could see the paw prints of my long gone family clearly still on the newspaper and my pink paws, still and impatient underneath me.

    As the sun began to set the people walking along the concrete began to disapate then dwindled to none and for the first time I felt lonely.

    Th moon came and went just like my siblings and I was still sitting, sadly, in the box. The small lonesome feeling I had felt last night has metomorphisized into a full on sadness and I began to feel like no person would ever want me. Then suddenly a girl was walking toward me. She knelt down and stuck her hand in front of my face. Then she looked at me. I stared straight back into her eyes, not pretending like my siblings but just being me. But then she turned her head.

    "Theres something wrong with this one mom! It won't lick my hand!!!!!!!"

    I turned around furiously. No one would ever understand. My siblings laughed, children turned away. Would anyone ever want the last kitten?

    I layed down in the corner, my silver back to the busy street. I imagined being stroked. I had never actually been petted but I could dream. Soft fingers running gracefully down my back then lifting themselves to ride again. I could feel the stroke and nothing felt better. Then I realized I really was being stroked. I turned my head around cautiously.

    A little girl was reaching into the box, her head barely over the rim, toward me. Her hand was gliding over my fur and I gave an audible purr. I hadn't noticed the little girl standing behind her big sister before.

    I stood up and walked over to her. She placed her small hands around my waist and lifted. Soon I was in her arms and I knew thats where I would always be.