• She stomped across the bar. Jack just couldn't show up here and expect her to welcome him back into her life. She didn't have room in her heart for him. In fact, after he smashed it, she didn't have room for anyone in her heart. Now their faces were inches away from each other. She whispered, "Why are you here Jack?" through clenched teeth. He smiled.
    "I'm finally home. Come on Em, I know you've been waiting for me to come back. Let's take a walk," he suggested as if he had never left. Her look of anger turned to one of surprise, then one of amusement.
    "Yes, let's."
    He took her hand and silently lead her outside. To Emily, the first steps where like a walk of shame. Why was she doing this? Did she still have feelings for him? No! How could she even think that?! Once outside, he slowed their walking even more and began his apology.
    "Look Em, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm really, truly sorry. Will you ever be able to find it in your heart to forgive me? Please, Emily!" he pleaded. Emily took the offer into consideration, but before she could answer, he was kissing her. She opened her eyes and pushed him away. Once they were once again apart, she punched him in the face.
    "How could you do that? Just come marching back here after four years, expecting me to just forget my life and forgive you? After you've been talking to me for under what, two minutes now?! Why would you think that was okay?!" she was absolutely furious. She was two steps away from hating him now.
    He was shocked. No one had ever turned him down before. He was Jackson A. Maier! Who did she think she was? "W-w-what? Wait a second, I-I don't understand," he continued to stutter. "I thought you loved me! Everybody loves me... I mean, I love you!" He rubbed his face, not believing the mistake he'd just made.
    "It's over Jack," Emily whispered softly, and internal joy spreading has she realized what just happened. "It's really over!"