• Irie layed unconious after being knocked out by the undead.She was no longer in the relm of her kind but somewhere else
    I felt a soft nudge to my side and I heard a voice It was gental somehow warm.
    "Hey you okay?Um hello?"The voice called it was male it wasn't Kanar it seemed younger then 1,000 years.I groaned softly and began to open my eyes.
    "Who are you?"I wispered gentally.
    "Im Drake.Who are you?Why are you here?"He said but I wasn't listening the first thing I noticed about him were his amazing deep blue eyes.They were soft and gental compared to my pale blue ones.
    "Im Irie.I dont know why Im here I can't remember."I spoke softly I started to think and my head started to hurt terribly."I try to think about it my head hurts."
    "You lost your memory?It's okay I'll take care of you!promise!"He spoke and I felt he was telling me the truth.He picked me up bridal style surprisingly he could hold me he didn't seem that strong but he was.I fell asleep in his arms and drempt dreamlessly.When I awoke I was in a bed soft and made of felt and Silk.I looked over to see Drake sleeping in a red felt armchair near the door.I sat up the room looked Regal and mid evil timed.With red velvat curtains
    and carpets.Gray brick walls covered with Red and gold banners with decorations of Gold and Black roses which I guessed was his familys symbol.
    I looked up at Drake just as he stirred and awoke.
    "Irie your up."He said groggily
    Um yeah.You live here?"I asked
    "Yeah um kind of a mess I know."He said looking around.I tilted my head to the side.
    "I kind of like it."I spoke
    (Cliff hang cuz Im getting bored)