• "Do you know whats taking them so long?",Natalia said looking up from her paperwork across the room at Marisa."If I knew I wold certainly tell you",she replied."I wish they would hurry up so we can get this show on the road".They never take this long,she thought examining her top hat that rested atop of her desk."Maybe we should go look for them,you know they can be more trouble than their worth",Marisa said lifting the flap of the tent to see if they had returned.
    "Your right!",Natalia said slamming her fountain pen on the desk,spraying droplets of ink in every direction,thankfully missing her papers.”We should check the local tavern. Thats where the two cads should be wooing the local ladies no doubt”,she said while putting on her coat and hat.”I told them to make it quick and not to bother any humans,but they never listen to me”,Marisa said with a sigh and a shake of her head.”Vampires,I swear”,Natalia said walking out of the tent clearly upset.
    Making their way up the main street they noticed the city tavern close ahead. They could plainly hear laughter and shouting and it was clear there was quite a lot of merry making going on inside.”No doubt their in there”,Marisa said once again shaking her head.”Of course they had to pick the loudest place on the street”,Natalia growled pulling her coat tighter about her to block the winds attack.
    As they made their way to the door they heard giggling and then the sound of squealing women. Giving each other a look as if to say,yep,their in there. Shoving the door open with a look of impatience Natalia stormed into the room. The place was dimly light to hide the activity of its patrons. Scanning the room she caught no sign of the two.
    Walking to the bar counter she wanted to have a word with the owner. “Excuse me,have you seen...” “Now whats a pretty little thing like yourself dressed like that for? Why don't you come with me and we'll get you in the proper attire for sweet things like yourself”,said a man sitting at the bar counter. He was referring to her black leather tight pants and waist length coat. He looked at least a few years older than her and was clearly drunk.
    “It is none of your business of what I wear”,she said turning from him and trying to get the attention of the tavern owner.”Excuse me sir...”The man who had just spoken,was whispering to the man next to him. They started to laugh loudly,but still did not go above the noise of the room. Probably something vulgar,ugh,she thought rolling her eyes as she continued.”Sir....”,why is he ignoring me,he can't be that busy.”Come on honey,don't be so sour”,the same man said smiling as he placed his hand on her thigh. Looking down at his hand on her leg he started to caress it. Calmly returning her gaze back to his smirking face she said,”If you do not remove your hand from my person you will see just how sour I can be”,narrowing her piercing forest green eyes,she opened her coat to reveal a pair of sapphire studded silver daggers.
    “Hey,hey,theres no need for that in here,if you want to start something then go outside”,They both turned their heads to face the man behind the counter.